This means of making high profits obviously comes from businesses.

You should know that among the hundreds of ancient schools, there are not only powerful sects such as strategists, Confucians and Taoists, but also many sects with weak strength but extremely good at one aspect.

This merchant is one of them.

In fact, the strength of this business is not particularly weak, at least much stronger than that novelist and famous scholar.

They are especially good at finding business opportunities and making high profits through various means.

This has led to a sharp increase in their wealth.

But Tianwaitian is a world of the law of the jungle. If there is great wealth but no ability to protect it, it is tantamount to a disaster.

After being forced to gamble for several times, the merchant finally woke up, and then resolutely took refuge in the yin-yang family.

Since then, yin and Yang family is responsible for providing protection to businesses, while businesses show their strengths and earn money for Yin and Yang family.

The two complement each other, leading to their growing strength in recent years.

This model also quickly became popular and was used for reference by other families.

For example, novelists have taken refuge in Confucianism and become a branch under it.

The famous masters who were good at sophistry sold themselves to Legalists and became a sharp weapon in their hands.

This general trend is irresistible, and no one has expressed any objection to it, except that it has attracted some people's lament that there will be no one in ten since then, the stronger the strong, and the weaker the constant weak.

The reason is also very simple. In the face of absolute strength, any literal opposition seems so weak.

At the moment, the man who had just talked was walking on the sky street in a panic.

His face was no longer calm when he just talked, but full of panic.

And looking back from time to time, it seems that there is something very terrible behind.

But although he was fast, he was not as fast as the two figures that followed.

They hurried to the man's back, and without waiting for him to respond, they kidnapped him to an unmanned corner beside Tianjie street.

"Spare your life, sir. I was just idle and talking nonsense. If anything annoys you, you should think I'm farting. Don't tell me the same!" The man then counseled and begged for mercy.

But the two people were not moved at all. They just looked at him coldly and said in a deep voice.

"Do you know who we are?"

"No... I don't know!"


A loud slap in the face.

"I don't know what you're doing so fast?" Shouted the man in a strange gray robe, whose face was covered with a cloak.

Although the slapped mouth and nose bled, the man dared not even complain, but nodded vigorously.

"Yes, you're right. It's too small to be sensible. As long as you can spare my life, you can fight!"

"Hehe! Do you know how to be measured! "

The grey robed freak sneered and suddenly raised his tone, "let me ask you, where did you hear what you just said in front of people?"

"It's small... Small. I overheard it!"

"Sounds like it?" The man snorted coldly.

The man next to him, who also covered his face with a cloak, suddenly said, "my husband, don't be polite to such a person, just eat his brain, and then search for useful information?"

The voice was soft and beautiful, but it sounded like hell in the man's ear.

"Spare... Spare my life. I really didn't lie. You know, I was a miscellaneous family before!"

Hearing that he mentioned the word "miscellaneous family", the two people looked at each other, and a trace of surprise appeared in their eyes.

Miscellaneous family is a general term, because the clan of this aristocratic family is very special, and it has no clear purpose or school like other aristocratic families.

In fact, it is only beneficial to themselves, and they will use it without hesitation.

This also led to their fickleness and selfishness.

In the long run, it gradually declined under the exclusion of other aristocratic families.

But this aristocratic family has a special skill, that is, it is extremely good at collecting and processing intelligence.

It may also be because of their nature. They can easily filter out useful information from a sea of complex information.

This also led to their gradual decline, but their disciples were absorbed by various sects.

After all, intelligence is very important for any clan family.

"Since you are a miscellaneous person, I will believe you once, but you should answer truthfully what I ask next. If you hide half a word, be careful of your head!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I'm sure I can't hide it! "

"Since you are familiar with the past of hundreds of families, do you know the Linglong city established by Yin and Yang family in Outland?" The man in the gray robe said in a deep voice.

The miscellaneous disciple nodded, "I know this, but the Linglong city is actually just the name of a yin-yang family. The specific executors still rely on their businesses!"

In those years, after taking refuge in Yin and Yang family, merchants immediately began various big actions, and Linglong city is one of them.

This is no secret in the whole sky. Many people know it.

"Well, do you know that the Yin and Yang family once captured a minor gluttonous animal?"


These two words shocked the miscellaneous disciple and finally understood why he had just felt a strange and powerful breath.

"You... You..."

"Yes, we are the Taotie family. The little Taotie caught is my blood descendant!"

With the voice, the grey man's eyes flashed.

Then the miscellaneous disciple felt that there were two huge monsters in front of him, which was one of the legendary fierce beasts in ancient times. He ate everything!

Just when the student was in great panic, the illusion suddenly dispersed, and then the man in gray gave a sneer.

"Now that you know our identity, you naturally know the end of cheating us. Now tell me, do you know that the Yin and Yang family took a glutton?"

The miscellaneous disciple was shocked, and then said with difficulty: "I have heard that this underage gluttonous was sealed under the exquisite city after it was caught. Use its blood to cultivate greed in the people's heart, so that they can earn more benefits!"

"Yes, but the Linglong city has been abandoned now. We have searched there. There is nothing except the breath left by the child. Do you know its whereabouts?" The grey robed man hurried., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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