"This... I don't know!" The miscellaneous disciple said very hard.

"My husband, why are you polite to such a person? Just swallow it!" The woman beside said in a cold tone.

Hearing this, the miscellaneous disciple trembled all over, and cold sweat came down at that time.

He had no doubt about the truth of what the woman said.

After all, it's gluttonous!

One of the fierce beasts in ancient times. It's normal to eat a person.

"That's right. Since he doesn't know his son's whereabouts, eat it!" The man also said.

"No, no, no, I don't have a clue about it yet, but as long as you give me some time, I can find out!"

"Really?" The man murmured.

"Of course it's true. Have you forgotten that I came from a miscellaneous family who is best at inquiring about intelligence!"

"Although I have quit now, many contacts left before are still there. As long as you give me one day, no, half a day at most, I will be able to find the whereabouts of the young master for you two!"

"Well, in that case, we'll trust you once!" Then the man waved his hand.

A ray of brilliance fell directly into the eyebrows of the miscellaneous disciple.

"This is a breath I planted in your knowledge of the sea. If you dare to deceive us, your head will burst like a rotten watermelon, okay?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Little understand! "

The miscellaneous disciple repeatedly promised, but he was secretly complaining in his heart.

I wanted to prevaricate them with words first, but I didn't expect that these two fierce beasts were not fools and did everything without leakage.

So he had to get rid of his delusion and began to seriously think about how to inquire about the news.

"At midnight today, we are still meeting in this place. At that time, I will send you the information about the young master!" After meditating for a moment, the miscellaneous disciple said in a deep voice.

"Good! Jiang Cunliang, I hope you can faithfully fulfill the agreement. If not, you will weigh the consequences yourself! "

After that, the gluttonous couple turned away, leaving Jiang Cunliang standing in place, with a pale face.

He really didn't expect that the gluttonous man broke his real name in one word.

If he had the illusion that he wanted to find a false message to fool each other before, now he dare not have the slightest fluke.

But the question is how to get information?

Although he just claimed that he had many contacts who could provide information, it was just an excuse for the gluttonous couple.

Don't say that he has quit his miscellaneous family now. Even if he doesn't quit, he is just an ordinary child. In this extremely realistic heaven, with his existence, he can't talk about contacts.

After thinking hard for a while, there was really no good way. Jiang Cunliang had to go back to Tianjie to try his luck in the tavern and tea shop.

What if someone should know the news!

At the same time, the gluttonous couple have come to a place in Tianjie.

When it was determined that no one was following and no one around paid attention to herself, the woman couldn't help breathing and whispered.

"Xianggong, do you think this Jiang Cunliang can really find out the whereabouts of his son for us?"

The man sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know, but there's always a glimmer of hope for many people. Besides, he's also a man of different families. He's better at getting information than us."

The woman's eyes were unknowingly filled with tears, "I don't know how my son is now. Is he still being imprisoned!"

When she cried, the man's heart became heavy.

They are indeed members of the Taotie family.

But although as a fierce beast originated in ancient times, this gluttonous family has declined seriously.

The whole ethnic group is only a few dozen, and all live in the inaccessible empty desert.

Speaking of Jiang Cunliang's fear of gluttony, they are not afraid of people.

If they were not looking for their lost son, the gluttonous couple would never take a huge risk to disguise as an adult and set foot in this territory.

You should know that they were fierce beasts, very different from the temperament of the human race. In addition, they lived in nothingness for a long time and knew nothing about the outside world.

Therefore, when you come to the territory ruled by the Terran, your eyes are really black.

Throughout the year, they were running around meaninglessly, but there was no clue at all.

It was not until they heard the news about the hundred family meeting that they had a whim and decided to try their luck in this yin-yang family.

But they also know that there will be many top Terran strongmen on these 100 conferences, which are far from being provoked by themselves. Even if they leak their whereabouts, they may not be able to protect themselves.

Therefore, they are extremely careful along the way for fear of revealing their identity again.

At ordinary times, I dare not make too much contact with people.

In this way, of course, they are less likely to hear anything.

Until this time, by chance, the two of them heard Jiang Cunliang's eloquence outside Luofu gate.

The two of them decided at that time that the man must have been well-informed and might have known the whereabouts of their children.

That's why he didn't hesitate to take risks to control Jiang Cunliang.

The gluttonous couple went to wait for the news without mentioning it.

Jiang Cunliang thought for a long time and finally made up his mind to come to a restaurant somewhere in Tianjie.

There are many natural restaurants in this prosperous commercial place.

However, the restaurant in front of Jiang Cunliang is different, because it is directly operated by yin-yang family.

The scale is the largest in the whole Tianjie street, and has many unimaginable precious ingredients.

In addition, with the background of Yin-Yang family, no one dares to make trouble here, so there are a lot of guests. If you want to inquire about news, this is definitely the best choice.

At this busy time, the restaurant is full of friends and almost empty.

Looking at these well-dressed shop assistants in front of the door, Jiang Cunliang couldn't help sighing.

This merchant is worthy of being the most adept at drilling camp and seizing opportunities in Tianwaitian. Since joining Yin and Yang family, his career has been booming, and his influence has also risen.

Not to mention anything else, the profits brought by this sky street alone are astronomical.

Therefore, all the children of these businesses have risen to heaven and have a position that they could not imagine before.

For example, now these shop assistants should be the peripheral children of businesses.

Look at yourself. Although you are a disciple of Xiaozong family, you are much worse than others.

Even now, he is threatened by two gluttonous beasts, one in the sky and the other underground.

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