Jiutian Xuannv took a deep look at the restaurant, and then couldn't help sighing.

"Yes! These guys must have smelled something, so they came here a long way! "

Ao Shu blinked and said, "master, lady emperor, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand at all? Is there anything special about the people in black who just went in? "

Cha Wenliang shook his head and smiled bitterly. "It can't be said that they are special, but these people are very independent. Even in such a big sky, they are unique!"

Ao Shu immediately raised his alert heart, "will they come here to ruin brother an?"

"No, not only no, but also a great help to Xue an!" Cha Wenliang said.

Ao Shu's face was full of question marks.

Jiutian Xuannv explained, "all the men in black you see come from Mohism, which is a very special existence among all the schools of thought, because their ideas are different from everyone, which is the grand concept of non attack, universal love and great harmony in the world!"

Speaking of this, there was a trace of respect in the tone of Jiutian Xuannv.

"They not only cherish lofty ideals, but also practice them. They are also known as the sages of Mohism because they are struggling with the tide of the declining world!"

Cha Wenliang also nodded and sighed.

"The lady emperor is right. 3000 years ago, a powerful aristocratic family planned to annex a small clan!"

"At that time, no one dared to take care of this matter in Tianwaitian. Only the Mohists came forward and took 300 Mohist children into the sect on a snowy night. They finally forced back these people who wanted to invade. After the event, they brushed their clothes and left without even drinking water from beginning to end. It can be said that there was no cause and effect. Their chivalry is enough to be admired!"

After hearing this introduction, Ao Shu's eyes could not help shining.

"Wow, the Mohist school is so powerful! Let's go in and have a look! "

Nine days Xuannv looked at Cha Wenliang and saw that he was smiling and nodding slightly, so she also said.

"Well, it's just a long journey. Everyone is a little tired. It's good to have something to eat and rest in this restaurant first!"

As soon as he heard something to eat, the little gourd who followed behind the crowd without saying a word all the time gave off a bright glow in his eyes, nodded repeatedly and agreed.

The party then went to the restaurant.

Only one person stood where he was and looked hesitant.

This person is not old and looks very green, but his momentum is not weak at all, especially his eyes. When you stare, it is easy to get deeply involved.

At the moment, he frowned slightly and looked at the restaurant.

"Strange, how can you suddenly feel an inexplicable palpitation? This feeling is the same as when I was captured! Is there any danger in it? "

These thoughts hovered in his mind and made his actions hesitate.

At this time, Ao Shu, who had already walked to the front of the restaurant, turned around and saw him standing in place. He couldn't help shouting.

"Xiaotao, what are you doing standing there? Come and have dinner! "

you 're right!

This man is the Taotie saved by Xue an in Linglong city.

After this gluttonous was subdued by Xue an, he has always lived in the Fubao small building in Xue an's knowledge of the sea.

Until this time, Xue an went to the Yin and Yang family in advance to investigate the evil things. Before leaving, in order to enhance the strength of the people and let the gluttonous give full play to its ability, Xue an called him out and asked him to act with Cha Wenliang and others.

When Jiutian Xuannv and cha Wenliang cleaned up everything and came to the yin-yang family, he naturally came with them.

Along the way, Taotie got along well with AO Shu, as if he had become Ao Shu's younger brother,

So at the moment, when Ao Shu called him over, Taotie trembled all over, even though he clenched his teeth and followed up quickly.


The lobby of this restaurant is very lively.

Many people did not even eat, but watched the excitement.

I saw that under the arrangement of fan Wuli, several tables were placed near the window, with tea and snacks on them, which were very considerate and considerate.

These Mohist children didn't speak all the way, but sat down in silence.

Fan Wuli smiled at Mo Kong, "Sir, do you want to order some food? I promise they are very clean and simple meals. You... "

Mo Kong waved his hand, "needless to say, we appreciate your kindness, but it's already very good!"

With that, Mo Kong picked up the teacup in front of him.

"Don't live up to the kindness of others. Drink!"

Hearing what he said, these children just picked up their tea cups and drank in silence.

I don't know what's going on. Maybe I was infected by the atmosphere of these Mohist children, and the hall gradually quieted down.

Even those who used to scoff at Mohism now have to admit that these people are really worthy of the word sage.

Jiang Cunliang's eyes gradually showed an unprecedented brilliance.

It's a feeling called respect.

In the past, Jiang Cunliang only felt afraid even when he was far more powerful than himself.

As for sincere respect, this is the first time.

In fact, it was not just him, but even fan Wuli, the merchant's son, became solemn.

"In that case, I won't bother you. Please let me know if you need anything!"

With that, fan Wuli turned and stepped back.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv and cha Wenliang walked into the hall.

This is not surprising, especially on the premise that Mohism has attracted the majority of attention, many people don't even notice their arrival.

Jiang Cunliang was the same at first, but the man who came in immediately made him feel like he was struck by lightning and was stunned at the spot.

What comes in behind is the gluttonous food incarnated as a man.

In fact, with Xue an's help, this Taotie avatar is so skilled that ordinary people can't feel the strange smell of him at all.

But Jiang Cunliang is different. He just got out of the hands of two Taotie. He has a deep memory of the unique breath of the Taotie family.

So when he saw the man's first glance, he immediately decided that it was definitely a glutton.

The discovery made his whole body start to tremble slightly.

Not because of panic, but because of surprise.

Originally, he was still worried about where to look for the news of the little glutton.

But I didn't expect to let myself meet you just after a meal.

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