He could almost conclude that this glutton was definitely the one the couple were looking for,

As for why it appears here.

Jiang Cunliang glanced at the nine day Xuannv and cha Wenliang walking in front.

He doesn't know Jiutian Xuannv.

But Cha Wenliang's unique breath of medicine can't be hidden.

The master of medicine, did you come from the pharmacist alliance?

The idea flashed through his mind, and soon he took a deep breath and drove all the ideas out.

Whether it is or not, the news they are looking for has been found, and the result must be very satisfactory to the gluttonous couple.

The top priority now is how to inform the gluttonous couple of this news without disturbing these people.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Cunliang called the waiter.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" The waiter smiled and said.

"I ask you, what did the pedestrian who just came in order?"

"Who are you talking about?"

"It's the group who just brought a little girl!"

The smile on the waiter's face remained unchanged, but he didn't answer him, "what are you asking for?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. One of these people is my good friend, but I haven't seen him for a long time. I just saw him suddenly. I'm a little unsure whether it's him, so I want to ask you!"

With that, Jiang Cunliang took out a piece of Lingjing from his arms, and then passed it as if nothing had happened.

Of course, the waiter knew that Jiang Cunliang was lying, but he didn't bother to take care of it.

Moreover, what the other party asked was not a secret, so he accepted the Lingjing with a smile and said in a low voice.

"To tell you the truth, your friends can eat more than one. They just ordered dozens of dishes, not counting those tea desserts!"

Jiang Cunliang moved in his heart, but he remained silent on the surface.

"Ha ha, so it is. It seems that I should have recognized the wrong person!"

After playing a few haha and fooling the waiter, Jiang Cunliang immediately got up, hurried out of the restaurant, and then followed an alley next to the restaurant to the back door of the restaurant.

It's very quiet here. Most people don't come here.

Jiang Cunliang looked around and determined that no one was following him. He immediately began to hit the wall with his head.

Dong Dong!

A few times later, blood trickled down his forehead.

But he didn't stop, but continued to hit the wall.

A moment later, when he was already dizzy, he heard a wind behind him, and then someone said coldly.

"What's the matter? Why did you call me to wait by this means?"

Hearing the voice, Jiang Cunliang turned and looked at the gluttonous couple.

He wiped his forehead with his hand, the blood stopped instantly, and then he said in a deep voice.

"I have important news for you!"

"What's the important news?" The man asked.

They had planned to find a place to rest and wait until midnight to find Jiang Cunliang, but they didn't expect to feel a strong palpitation after a while.

The man knew that this should be the warning of the divine consciousness he left in the sea of Jiang Cunliang's knowledge.

So he immediately came with his wife.

But he doesn't think Jiang Cunliang can find any clues. After all, time is not allowed at all.

Only an hour has passed since I left with Jiang Cunliang.

Even if the man's hands and eyes are open to the sky, it is impossible to find clues in such a short time.

But unexpectedly, when he heard the man's words, Jiang Cunliang smiled proudly, then raised his hand and pointed to the restaurant in front of him.

"Of course it's about your son. Do you see the restaurant in front of you? Your son is in there now! "


The gluttonous couple were so frightened that they couldn't believe it was true.

"What you said is true?"

"How dare I joke about such a matter that concerns my own life? Now he is inside, and there is a master of medicine around him. As for others, I can't recognize them! "

Master of medicine?

The gluttonous couple looked at each other and didn't understand why there were medical people around their son.

But now they can't think so much.

"Go, and go with us!" The man murmured.

Jiang Cunliang naturally knew that the Taotie couple would not believe it so easily with his own words. Therefore, without hesitation, he immediately led the two Taotie into the restaurant.


Jiutian Xuannv and her party are sitting in the corner of the hall on the first floor.

In fact, with their financial resources, they can go up to the second floor.

But out of curiosity and respect for the Mohists, they chose to eat on the first floor.

At this moment, the food has been served one after another.

Xiaohulu and Aoshu ate it.

Especially this little gourd, from the moment of the first dish, she didn't look up and ate wildly.

Instead, Taotie sat in a chair, feeling a little irritable and didn't move chopsticks.

"What's the matter? Why do you look so worried? " Cha Wenliang asked.

Cha Wenliang showed great interest in this ancient beast.

Because he wants to uncover the blood secrets of these gifted beasts

So he took a lot of care of this glutton along the way.

Taotie shook his head, "I don't know, but I feel a little irritable!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Cunliang led the gluttonous couple into the restaurant.

Almost at the moment they entered the hall, the little glutton turned his head and looked at it.

His eyes happened to be with the gluttonous couple.

Then both sides shook together.

The female gluttonous tears came down at that time.

"It's my son!"

Then he rushed here recklessly.

This little glutton is a little silly.

When he was abducted, he was still very young and had no deep memory of his parents.

So when he saw the gluttonous couple, his first reaction was not joy, but fear.

This reaction exacerbated the guilt and anger in the female Taotie's heart.

"It's all you bastards. My son has become like this. Take my life!"

Inspired by motherhood, the female Taotie almost went crazy.

He knocked over several tables of guests wherever he passed.

Not only her, but also the male gluttonous was excited, and followed by her.

The sudden change made the whole audience a mess.

Jiutian Xuannv frowned slightly and waved her sleeve.

A mighty force rushed out and collided with the female Taotie.


After a loud noise, the female Taotie was forced to fly far away.

But this also exacerbated the contradiction in an instant.

The gluttonous couple, who had been hiding their power and biding their time and didn't want to have too many conflicts with the strong of the Terran, were anxious at that time.

"You Terrans... Really deceive people too much!"

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