With this roar, the body shape of the gluttonous couple expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into a strange form of half man and half beast.

But Taotie's iconic face betrayed them.

There was a commotion.

"God, it's gluttonous!"

"Why did this ancient fierce beast suddenly come here?"

Accompanied by bursts of exclamation, the people in the hall increased unabated, and even many people looked greedy.

After all, there are only two Taotie, no matter how strong they are. If so many people here can catch these two Taotie, it will be a huge benefit.

This is also the reason why the Taotie couple had been afraid to show their whereabouts before.

After all, the bustling world is all about interests.

No matter how cowardly a person is, he may take risks for his interests.

And if you are watched by the strong, it's really over.

But now, you can't do it if you don't want to show up.

You know, they were fierce beasts in ancient times, and they were extremely grumpy.

In addition, this time, in order to find his son, he has been running around in the sky for a year, and his heart has already been full of resentment.

At this moment, I finally met my son, but found that he had been "kidnapped".

At this time, the anger in their hearts finally broke out completely.

Dong Dong!

With the sound of heavy footsteps, the gluttonous couple rushed to Jiutian Xuannv one by one.

In their eyes, the woman was obviously the culprit of kidnapping her son, so she was a cruel killing move.

Cha Wenliang suddenly turned pale, but Jiutian Xuannv just smiled coldly.

Then raise your hand is a palm.

The palm force spits out and is printed on the woman Taotie who rushed to the front.

She didn't even have time to hum. She was directly blown out by the powerful palm power.

Seeing this, the male Taotie's eyes instantly turned red, then opened his mouth and bit the Xuannv of Jiutian with the power of swallowing the sky.

Nine days Xuannv slightly frowned, and her killing intention surged in her heart.

I and my party were sitting here, but I didn't expect to suddenly rush in two Taotie, and they came up to fight without asking.

No matter how good tempered a person is, he has to be angry at this time.

What's more, Jiutian Xuannv's temper is not good at all.

So she snorted, "die!"

With that, a violent force rushed out of her, turned into a sharp and unparalleled blade in the air, and cut the gluttonous head straight.


Blood splashed.

The male Taotie roared with pain, but his body did not retreat but entered, and rushed to Jiutian Xuannv again.

Jiutian Xuannv was so angry that she wanted to hurt the killer.

But just then, suddenly he heard a cry of surprise.

"Lady emperor, calm down. This is my father!"

The speaker is the little glutton.

Hearing his cry, Jiutian Xuannv forcibly took back her fatal palm, and then threw out her palm to shake the male gluttonous out.

"What's going on?" Nine days Xuan NV's face was as cold as frost and asked.

Xiaotaotie stepped forward, held the injured Taotie couple, and then said in a choking voice.

"Lady emperor, they are my parents. They are here to find me!"

Then the little glutton shouted a series of complex syllables to his parents.

After listening, the gluttonous couple couldn't help but look embarrassed. Then they quickly recovered their human shape, walked forward quickly and bowed to the ground.

"I'm really sorry. We were so reckless that we fought with you without asking what was going on!"

At this point, the misunderstanding was finally solved.

After hearing that the two Taotie came to the Terran territory at great risk in order to find their separated son, Jiutian Xuannv could not help easing her complexion and waved her hand.

"Forget it, since you are looking for your son, I won't care with you!"

"Thank you, thank you!"

Soon, the gluttonous couple took their seats and asked about their son's situation over the years.

Xiaotaotie sighed and talked about it again.

When they heard that a Terran teenager saved their son, the Taotie couple looked grateful, and then looked at Jiutian Xuannv and cha Wenliang very seriously.

"Since you are here to help Duke Xue, we are duty bound. We are willing to go to Yunxiao city with you and do our best."

Faced with this proposal, Jiutian Xuannv and cha Wenliang agreed.

Although the gluttonous couple seem very delicious in front of Jiutian Xuannv, it is because Jiutian Xuannv's strength is too strong.

In fact, the two of them, who were fierce beasts in ancient times, were far from being comparable to the ordinary strong.

When everyone was happy, the atmosphere on the wine table could not help but become more enthusiastic.

The crowd in the hall could not help but dispel their greed.


The strength shown by Xuannv in the past nine days was watched by everyone.

That must be at least a genuine saint.

In the face of such existence, no matter how greedy people have to learn humility.

Soon, the banquet was finished, and then Jiutian Xuannv and her party got up and prepared to leave.

Just then, Jiang Cunliang suddenly rushed over, then flopped and knelt in front of the crowd.

"Gentlemen, please let me go!"

Seeing this, Jiutian Xuannv and cha Wenliang don't know why.

The gluttonous couple suddenly realized it.

The man Taotie said with a smile, "are you afraid of the God I left you? Don't worry, that obsession has automatically disappeared after finding my son! "

Jiang Cunliang was stunned.

He had no idea that things would be so easy.

I thought I had to pay a heavy price to survive, but I didn't expect to let myself go so lightly?

Just when he was stunned, Jiutian Xuannv and her party went outside the restaurant.

When passing by the group of Mohist children, the giant Mokong, who had bowed his head to drink tea, smiled.

"Lady emperor, good means!"

Nine days Xuan NV is tiny one Leng, immediately then smile.

"You're welcome!"

"See you in Yunxiao city!" Ink empty light channel.

"OK, see you in Yunxiao city!" Jiutian Xuannv's face was calm and very indifferent. Then she led the group away.

When he got out of the restaurant, Ao Shu couldn't help asking, "Xuannv, what did the giant mean just now?"

Jiutian Xuannv took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"On the surface, he is telling me that they Mohists will also participate in this hundred House Conference. As for whether there is any other meaning, I don't know!"

In the restaurant, Mokong looked at the direction of Jiutian Xuannv's departure and smiled faintly.

"This hundred house meeting is really interesting!"

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