At the same time, not far from Yunxiao City, a man was saying similar words.

The giant Mo raised his head and looked at the mighty sword river in the sky. He could not help laughing.

"After all these years, the Shen family hasn't changed at all!"

Then he looked down at Jiang Cunliang not far away.

"What do you think of it?"

Jiang Cunliang hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "obviously, the Shen family is raising their potential in advance, and its purpose is to dominate the next hundred conferences."

"Take the lead..." Mo Kong whispered for a moment and immediately smiled.

"I can't see. Your knowledge is good."

"When I was at home, I was specially responsible for handling intelligence!" Jiang Cunliang was silent for a moment and said slowly.

"Then why do you want to join our Mohist school after you leave the miscellaneous family?" Mo Kong asked softly.

"Because I want to try a different way of life!" Jiang Cunliang looked at Mo Kong with bright eyes.

"At the beginning, when I was a miscellaneous family, although I was rich in clothes, jade, food, flowers and wine, I faced evil people and endless intrigues every day."

"I just escaped secretly because I was really tired of this kind of life!"

"Then why are we Mohists?" Mo Kong asked again.

"If I say I admire your equal and friendly atmosphere, will you believe it?"

Mo Kong smiled, "what do you think?"

Jiang Cunliang sighed, "I really wanted to say that at first. After all, it would sound good, but now I've changed my mind!"

Jiang Cunliang looked at Mo Kong and said frankly, "my real idea is to protect me through you. After all, although the miscellaneous family has declined, it is still very simple to clean up traitors like me!"

Mo Kong quietly looked at Jiang Cunliang and didn't speak for a long time.

Jiang Cunliang's face changed and finally lowered his head, "if you don't want to, it's not surprising that I can leave now!"

Then he turned and left.

But at this time, I just heard Mo Kong say, "welcome to the Mohist school!"

Jiang Cunliang suddenly turned around and looked at Mo Kong with an unbelievable face. He didn't seem to understand why he suddenly agreed again.

Mo Kong smiled, raised his hand and pointed to the Mohist children in the distant woods, "what do you think they joined the Mohist School for?"

"Isn't it because of being attracted by the purpose of Mohism?"

"There are such people, but most of them join the Mohist School for various other reasons. After all, people are a very realistic creature."

A Mohist giant with the world in mind says that man is a very realistic creature at the moment. This picture is really magical.

"Are you surprised? In fact, Mohism has never denied human nature, even more sober than the Yang Zhu school, which is famous for indulging in the supreme nature, but the only difference is that we never feel discouraged! "

"Whether human nature is good or evil, that's not what we care about. What we care about is how to transform the world better, and the premise of all this is to let ourselves take action first!"

"We never ask others with our own moral standards. For example, we can eat steamed bread willingly on Tianjie today, but we will never ask others to do the same. After all, not everyone is a saint!"

"So whatever your motivation to join the Mohist school, at least you told me the truth. This is a good start, isn't it?"

After Mo Kong said these words, Jiang Cunliang's heart was shocked.

If he was only touched by the actions of the Mohist School in the street today, he has been deeply convinced by the purpose of the Mohist school.

This sect is obviously not as pedantic and impractical as rumored, and on the contrary, they have an absolutely clear understanding of many things.

It is this understanding that makes them never ask for others.

A word suddenly came to Jiang Cunliang's mind.

That's a saying handed down from ancient times. The situation of Tianwaitian at that time was different from that at present.

Some of the various schools of thought have not yet appeared, but Mohism has already revealed its rudiments.

As soon as the concept of non attack and universal love came out, it immediately swept the whole sky.

So that at that time, some people said that the world theory was not Yang Jimo.

Because at that time, when Yang Zhu theory was wildly popular, the two diametrically opposite sects set off a huge wave in Tianwaitian at that time.

Even when Mohism has declined in later generations and Yang Zhu theory is almost cut off, the two factions are still absolute enemies.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cunliang suddenly thought of something and said in a deep voice: "tycoon, when I came out of the sect door, I once came into contact with a news that Yang Zhu's theory has been handed down, and it is very likely to participate in these 100 conferences!"

Mo Kong nodded, "not very likely, but already!"

Jiang Cunliang was stunned, but he immediately thought that it was normal for Mo Kong to have his own news channel as a giant, so he swallowed back his words.

Next, Jiang Cunliang smoothly entered the Mohist School and changed into a symbolic black robe.

There is no exclusion, no hostility, but only help and friendship for new people.

All this makes Jiang Cunliang feel a little unreal.

After all, he is used to cheating and has never been treated like this.

But he didn't know that his state of mind had changed quietly.

That is when Shen Jianxiu entered Yunxiao city in a domineering way and the Mohist school just accepted Jiang Cunliang, a former miscellaneous disciple.

In front of the teahouse opened by Yangjian in the city, a team of people suddenly came and attracted the eyes of almost the whole street.

Because it is a luxury motorcade, each chariot is made of the most top materials, and the chariot is driven by all kinds of rare birds and animals.

Not to mention anything else, just this extremely popular team is a great wealth.

Even in the cloud city where the doors gather at this moment, such an array is rare.

Just as the pedestrians in the street were confused and didn't know where it was sacred, the motorcade slowly stopped in front of the teahouse.

Then dozens of pretty maidservants got off the chariot. Some cleaned the streets, some laid red carpets, and others spread fragrant flowers.

Everyone was stunned by the situation.

At the same time, the two maidservants went to the chariot in the middle and gently lifted the curtain.

Then, a man came out slowly from the inside., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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