His appearance made many onlookers secretly scream.

Without him.

This man is really burning too much.

Not to mention his gorgeous clothes made of unknown materials.

Not to mention the accessories he carried from head to foot.

Just the long sword he wore around his waist attracted countless eyes.

Because the long sword has been gorgeous and complex to a certain level, even the sword jaw is inlaid with a gem the size of a pigeon's egg.

Even if it is far away, you can still feel the powerful power from this gem.

It can be seen that it is invaluable.

The man himself was born very handsome and extraordinary, especially those eyes, which were rare two colors.

The pupil of one eye is pure black, but the other eye is a mysterious amber color, just like a Persian cat, full of mysterious beauty.

Just when everyone was stunned, the man looked up and looked at the teahouse, and then a faint smile appeared on his face.

"It should be right here!"

He stepped in.

Where they pass, these beautiful maidservants shake the fans and scatter the flowers. Their style is as big as that of an emperor.

This scene was naturally seen by Yang Jian and Xiao Tian, who were drinking tea on the second floor.

Xiao Tian frowned, "who is this man? What a big look! "

Yang Jian did not speak, but took a deep look at the man, and then said in a deep voice: "go to inform the guests in the teahouse that there is something important today and need to close down in advance. Please leave first!"

Xiaotian immediately understood, turned and went down to prepare.

At the same time, the man also entered the teahouse, but he didn't even look at the others and came straight to the second floor.

Thump, thump, thump.

He stepped up the steps and happened to face Xiaotian downstairs.

Xiao Tian's face was as gloomy as water.

Yang Kai's order just now naturally proves that this man is definitely an enemy rather than a friend.

So instead of giving way, he stood on the steps and wanted to try the man's weight.

The man was not in a hurry, but looked at Xiaotian with a smile.

Just then, I heard the voice of Yang Jian coming from behind.

"Xiao Tian, get out of the way!"

Xiaotian reluctantly stepped out of the way, and then the man climbed the steps with a smile. Only when he passed by Xiaotian, he said softly.

"You should be glad that your master let you escape in time, otherwise you are dead now!"

Xiaotian was stunned, immediately angry, and wanted to attack, but at this time, the man had walked away with a smile.

He came straight to Yangjian's table. Before he could sit down, a beautiful maid came forward and arranged a soft stool.

The man sat down with a smile. A maid began to cook tea skillfully, but the man kept looking at Yang Jian.

Yang Jian did not utter a word. This silence lasted until the tea was boiled and full of strong aroma, which was first broken by the man.

"Where is Xue an?"

Yang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, "Why are you looking for him?"

"It's very simple. I want to talk about cooperation with him!"

"Cooperation?" Yang Jian sneered, "Yang Zhu's successor, who is famous for his indulgence and recklessness, will also talk about cooperation with others?"

The man shook his head. "I admit that I indulge in sex, but I'm reckless. This evaluation is exaggerated. After all..."

The man smiled, and the amber eyes became more and more bright. "With my current strength, I'm far from reaching the level of recklessness of my ancestors!"

you 're right!

The newcomer is the contemporary descendant of Yang Zhu school, Yang Qin.

Speaking of this Yang Zhu school, the situation is extremely complicated, because he is the only clan family whose provenance cannot be verified.

No one knows who first put forward this theory, even the founder Yang Zhu himself can't tell.

But one thing is certain, that is, the Yang Zhu school is a thorough egoist.

That sentence, which benefits the world by pulling a hair, perfectly expounds the essence of Yang Zhu school.

However, people's deeper impression of this school is still those eight words, indulge in nature and act recklessly.

Yang Jian looked at Yang Qin coldly, "I don't think there will be any cooperation between you and Xue an!"

Yang Qin smiled, "how can you know if you don't try? At least I think this cooperation is a perfect win-win. After all, you don't want him to really die under the sword of the Shen family!"

The sun suddenly turned pale.

When the Shen family just entered the city, he naturally saw the great momentum. This is what he was worried about.

After all, the magnificent sword idea reminded him that his hands and feet were cold.

Coupled with this momentum, the power of the Shen family is unstoppable.

So Yang Jian is really worried about Xue an.

But he still doesn't trust the Yang bird in front of him.

Especially don't understand how he came here!

Yang Qin seemed to see his concerns and couldn't help laughing, "don't worry, the reason why I know you are here is that I happen to have a little friendship with Lei, the master of Jidu star domain, and his daughter is in the city. I know this teahouse through her mouth!"

"As for other concerns... As long as you tell me Xue an's whereabouts, I'll talk to him myself."

Yang Jian frowned and was meditating. At this time, an indifferent voice came from outside the window.

"No, I don't think there's anything to cooperate with!"

With the voice, a breeze blew in from the window, and then Xue an appeared at the table.

The whole process was natural. No matter Yang Jian or Yang bird were present, they didn't notice it at all.

This brightened Yang Qin's eyes, and then looked at Xue an with great interest.

"Are you sure there's nothing to cooperate with? You know... "

Before Yang Qin finished, Xue an waved his hand, "I know what you want to say, but it's just a Shen Mu fish. I'm not afraid!"

Yang bird's eyes flickered, and then said with a smile: "I thought I was crazy enough, but I didn't expect you to be more arrogant than me. It seems that no one in the world dares to describe the second childe Shen with just two words!"

"That's because he didn't meet me before!" Xue an said faintly, "it's you. Why do you target Shen Muyu so much?"

Yang Qin shook his head, "you're wrong. I'm not aiming at Shen Muyu, but all the people! After all... "

"It's not easy to be born once. You have to do something magnificent!"

Speaking of this, Yang Qin's eyes showed enthusiasm, "how, are you interested in working with me to overturn all the schools of thought? Stand on your own as king? "

After listening to these words, Xue an just understood the extent of the wanton behavior of the Yang Zhu school.

Of course he wouldn't go crazy with such people, so he shook his head and said, "sorry, I'm not interested!"

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