"Huh? Elder martial brother, how do you curse? "

Yan Jingcheng took a deep breath. "I said I'd borrow it myself."

Zhang Zhixing widened his eyes, "but elder martial brother, you..."

He just wanted to talk about the festival between Yan Jingcheng and he Zhanlong, but Yan Jingcheng waved his hand.

"Needless to say, the most important thing now is to find out the clue of this sense of crisis. As for those personal grievances, they are small things."

Then he said to Luo Linyuan, "get ready and I'll go there now."

Then he turned and left.

Until he left, Zhang Zhixing looked at Luo Linyuan with an unbelievable face.

"Third younger martial brother, eldest martial brother, what's going on? At ordinary times, he has been talking about his son's strange power. How come this time he is not normal and has to calculate the secret of heaven? "

Luo Linyuan's face also became very dignified and said softly, "maybe the crisis felt by senior brother this time is too serious!"

"Joke, we three brothers are here. How serious can it be? Can you catch all the sects... "

Zhang Zhixing closed his mouth because he was surprised to find that Luo Linyuan's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

In fact, although Luo Linyuan did not calculate any specific secret in his three divinations, he was as gifted as him. He still felt a cold killing opportunity from the vague and obscure divination.

The killing made him shudder. We can imagine how serious the situation was.

The room was quiet again.

But a moment later, there was a disturbance of Qi machine, and then Yan Jingcheng showed his figure.

"So fast?" Zhang Zhixing blurted out and was disappointed.

After all, such a fast speed is obviously closed.

But unexpectedly, Yan Jingcheng turned his wrist and there were three golden coins in the palm of his hand.

Luo Linyuan was overjoyed and immediately came forward.

"Sure enough, it's Yin and Yang chaotic money. Elder martial brother, how did you lend it?"

Yan Jingcheng smiled, "it's very simple. After I went, I simply said the situation. He Zhanlong gave me this magic weapon very simply!"

"That's it?" Zhang Zhixing couldn't help asking.

"It's so simple. He has only one requirement, that is, tell him after calculating the result!"

Luo Linyuan's face changed, "he also found it?"

Yan Jingcheng nodded, "although this guy is not very good, he still has some strength. You and I can feel something wrong. Naturally, he can!"

Then he looked at Luo Linyuan with bright eyes, "can you calculate now?"

Luo Linyuan took a deep breath, reached for the three coins, weighed them slightly, and then nodded.

"Let me try! Although I'm not sure, I don't think it's a big problem to see a little secret! "

"Well, you do your best!"

Yan Jingcheng stepped back.

At this time, Luo Linyuan's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes became extremely bright.

"Yuan! Heng! Lee! Zhen! "

Every time he drank a word, his momentum would soar once. After reading the four words, Luo Linyuan was shining with gold, and then took a step forward.



With the voice, the three yin-yang chaotic money flew directly out of his hand and suspended in the air.

Above money, the weather is changing and shaking constantly.

Zhang Zhixing was so powerful that he retreated again and again, and his face could not help showing a look of horror.

"Why is it so big this time?"

You know, before that, there was no vision when Luo Linyuan divined.

That's because his strength has reached the state of returning to nature.

But this time there was such a big battle, which really shocked Zhang Zhixing.

Yan Jingcheng's face also became very dignified, because he could feel that with the vibration of the three pieces of money, the originally obscure secret was being clarified.

But this also means that Luo Linyuan will bear more and more pressure.


There was a crack in one of the coins.

As soon as the crack came out, the violent Qi machine immediately vented.

Yan Jingcheng suddenly turned pale when he saw this scene, and immediately shouted, "third martial brother, give up!"

At this time, Kolo Linyuan snorted, resolutely bit the tip of his tongue and vomited a mouthful of blood essence.


As soon as the blood on the tip of the tongue came out, it immediately suppressed the impending Qi mechanism and repaired the crack in the chaotic money of yin and Yang.

But this is just the beginning. With the violent tremor, Luo Linyuan is under more and more pressure.

Yan Jingcheng was too regretful, and his eyes looked frightened.

With the cooperation of yin and Yang chaotic money, Luo Linyuan is still under such great pressure. What's the secret of this time?

But at this time, he couldn't care so much. For the safety of the third younger martial brother, he stepped forward and forced to terminate the deduction.

But just then, Luo Linyuan said in a weak but very firm tone, "don't come here, just come right away!"

As soon as the words fell, he was spewing blood again.

This time, the blood essence turned into blood mist and was directly integrated into the three coins.

The original majestic gas engine suddenly stopped, and then pieces disintegrated.

Broken together, there are these three yin-yang chaotic money.

They were scattered like sand.

But at this time, Yan Jingcheng and Zhang Zhixing couldn't care about these things. They rushed forward and hugged Luo Linyuan who fell back.

At the moment, Luo Linyuan vomited blood. His face was as white as paper. Only his eyes were bright and frightening.

"I see!"

Yan Jingcheng couldn't care less. He shouted, "don't talk and rest first!"

He was about to put his cultivation into Luo Linyuan's body.

Luo Linyuan grabbed Yan Jingcheng's wrist and said in a deep voice, "elder martial brother, I'm seriously injured this time. I can only shut myself down by force, so don't waste your strength!"

"Before closing, I'll tell you what I see!"

Yan Jingcheng stopped and finally nodded.

"On the battlefield full of corpses, a monster devours everything. It is absolute death and terror, but in this scene, there is a white sound and shadow!"

Speaking of this, Luo Linyuan's breath had weakened, but he still stared at Yan Jingcheng and shouted hoarsely.

"Find the figure. It's the only door in this fatal game!"

With these words, Luo Linyuan's eyes quickly darkened, and then entered a state of calmness.

The Confucianists lost one of their generals before the hundred assembly was held.

But Yan Jingcheng and Zhang Zhixing didn't care.

Because they were all shocked by the scene depicted by Luo Linyuan.

After a long time, I only heard Zhang Zhixing smile bitterly.

"What a fucking surprise!"

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