In a Taoist temple temporarily rebuilt in Yunxiao City, the Dragon cutting immortal he Tianxuan looked dignified and silent.

He had just received a reply from Yan Jingcheng, which described the whole process of divination in detail. When he saw what Luo Linyuan said, he Tianxuan was still frightened even if you were the first person of the Zhengyi School of Taoism.

This heartfelt panic made him have no defect to take care of the three lost money.

There was only one thought in his mind at the moment.

What should I do?

In fact, as Yan Jingcheng said, he had already noticed something wrong when the three yin-yang family shadow gods appeared.

Confucianism pays attention to sincerity, while Taoism pays attention to the unity of heaven and man. Although the paths chosen are different, they all come to the same goal by different paths, and they can perceive the danger in advance.

So he Tianxuan would not hesitate to lend money to Yan Jingcheng.

The purpose is to use Luo Linyuan's means to deduce the secret of heaven and solve the mystery of this sense of crisis in his heart.

But I didn't expect that the result would be so serious. Luo Linyuan, who has the book of divination, was seriously crushed by heaven, and the result of the performance was also chilling.

After a long time, he couldn't help sighing, and then flicked the dust.


A disciple walked into the room and bowed, "immortal teacher!"

"Pass on my orders. During this time, all the disciples under my door are not allowed to go out. Anything can be said when I come back!"


The disciple Lin Sheng promised and was about to ask when the master would come back, but when he looked up again, he Tianxuan had disappeared.

At this time, he Tianxuan had already flown out of the Taoist temple and came to the outside world.

The scale of Yunxiao city is very large, but how can it stop he Tianxuan? He suddenly crossed the distance of half the city and came to another temporarily rebuilt Taoist temple.

When he fell down, several Taoist guards in front of the door recognized him at a glance, and there was a commotion.

Because no one knows what the leader of the decent school wants when he comes here suddenly.

He Tianxuan took a deep breath and said in a loud voice, "he Tianxuan of the Zhengyi sect, come to see chongyangzi, the leader of Quanzhen sect!"

The Taoist guards looked at each other and didn't know how to deal with it.

Just then, just a chuckle came from the Taoist temple.

"Elder martial brother he has come to visit, which is really rare! Please come in. "

With the voice, the door of the Taoist temple opened.

The Taoist guards withdrew.

He Tianxuan stepped into the Taoist temple and faced a wall of light wall. After bypassing the wall, his eyes suddenly opened.

In this small courtyard, there are many rockeries and running water, and all of them are exquisitely arranged and beautiful, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

But he Tianxuan's attention was not on these. When he entered the hospital, his eyes were immediately attracted by a figure standing by the pool.

Although he was just standing there, he was integrated with the whole courtyard. If he Tianxuan hadn't been highly cultivated, he couldn't have found him at all.

This feeling is very mysterious. This man is clearly standing by the pool, but ordinary people can't see him at all, and even God's consciousness can't find him.

It's like standing there is not a person, but a tree and a stone.

He Tianxuan's face became dignified.

This guy's strength... Seems to be improving again!

Not to mention anything else, just this state of being with the same world can not be underestimated.

And this also strengthened the idea in he Tianxuan's heart. He quietly walked behind him.

The pond in front of me is gurgling, and several goldfish are swimming.

The head didn't turn back and looked at the fish in the pool quietly.

He didn't speak, and he Tianxuan naturally wouldn't say a word.

They were so silent.

It was not until a long time later that the man smiled and said, "elder martial brother he came here just to watch these goldfish!"

He Tianxuan nodded, "of course not. I have an important thing to discuss with you when I come here!"

"Oh? Something important? But I don't know what it is? "

With that, the man finally turned around and showed his face.

This is a man who looks ordinary. He belongs to the ordinary appearance that can't even stir up a spray when he is thrown into the sea of people.

The only thing that stands out is his long and narrow eyes. Although they are usually hidden, they don't show any clues.

But the divine light occasionally revealed between glances is enough to shock people.

Especially when you are watched by these eyes, you can feel a strong sense of crisis.

He Tianxuan took a deep breath.

This man is the new leader of Quanzhen sect, which is called chongyangzi.

Although he is young, he is an extremely difficult person.

The strength is even more unfathomable.

He Tianxuan came here specially to discuss with such a rising star of Taoism about the hundred family meeting.

"Junior brother Chongyang has profound Taoism. I must have felt a faint sense of crisis at the moment!"

He Tianxuan revealed the secret and said straight to the point.

The Double Ninth Festival was full of magic, but the tone was calm, "Oh? So elder martial brother Tianxuan felt it too? "

"I not only felt it, but also found an important thing."

With that, he Tianxuan talked about the cooperation with Confucianism to deduce the secret of heaven in a solemn tone.

When he finished, chongyangzi's eyes moved and he was silent.

He Tianxuan said eagerly, "although naluo Linyuan is not old, he is gifted and knows it by birth. In particular, he is good at the Yi divination Book handed down by Confucianism. It can be said to be an extremely powerful existence."

"But such a person, with the help of Yin-Yang chaos money, the treasure of our Zhengshan school, is still crushed to serious injury by the secret he sees. It can be seen that this matter is no small matter."

"So what? Can it be said that just because he felt the danger, he directly withdrew from this hundred house meeting? " Chongyangzi said faintly.

He Tianxuan shook his head, "that's impossible. If my Taoist school retreats without war, the hundred world reputation that has been saved will be destroyed."

"Elder martial brother Tianxuan also knows the consequences. Why did you come to tell me about it?"

"It's very simple. I want to abandon factional views and cooperate with you for the time being. Only in this way can we stand firm on the next hundred conferences."

Chongyangzi smiled and said, "abandon the view of factions? Elder martial brother Tianxuan, are you serious? "

He Tianxuan blushed.

You know, since the orthodoxy of Taoism split into two factions, Zhengyi and Quanzhen, they have been criticizing each other.

Among them, the orthodox faction, which claims to be orthodox, is the most. It is often denounced as a heresy.

So at the moment, these words of unity and cooperation from he Tianxuan's mouth really seem very awkward., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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