"Junior brother Chongyang, let's ignore the previous gratitude and resentment. Now it's a critical moment. Under the same sect, we must unite to..."

Chongyangzi waved his hand, "well, don't go on. I can't say anything about abandoning factional views and unity and cooperation. You won't believe it if you say it!"

"But you're right. After all, you and I come from the same source. It's no problem to help each other."

He Tianxuan breathed out because he knew that chongyangzi's ability to say so meant that he had agreed.

"Junior brother Chongyang, I'm very satisfied if I can say so."

"So what's the first thing we're going to do next?" Chongyangzi asked.

"I think the top priority is to find the white figure mentioned by Luo Linyuan. After all, he said, it will be the only vitality in the doomed game." He Tianxuan said.

Chongyangzi sneered at the speech, "the only vitality in the kill Bureau. Do you really believe these words, senior brother Tianxuan?"

He Tianxuan was stunned, "this..."

Chongyangzi turned his back to look at the small pool, "not to mention the accuracy of this divination, now the strong people in Yunxiao city are gathered. Where are you going to find the so-called only vitality? Just a white dress? "

He Tianxuan was speechless.

"And I always only believe in one word. It's better to rely on yourself than ask for others. No matter what the hundred conferences will eventually evolve into, only by being strong can we remain invincible forever."

"So instead of pinning your hope on the illusory so-called divine divination, you might as well think about more countermeasures."

These words were sonorous and powerful. He Tianxuan was speechless. He didn't nod until a long time later.

"What junior brother Chongyang said is very true. Tianxuan, I have been taught!"

After saying that, he left in a hurry.

On this trip, he wanted to suppress each other through his own strength and the orthodoxy of the orthodox school. It was best to let Quanzhen religion cooperate with him completely.

But I didn't expect that stealing chicken would not erode the rice, but let myself make a big red face.

He Tianxuan would have been ashamed if he hadn't reached a cooperation agreement at least.

When he left, chongyangzi stood where he was, and a sneer gradually appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"Must die to kill the Bureau... Ha ha, in the face of absolute strength, I don't believe that any fate is doomed. Even if there is, I will rewrite it myself!"

With the voice, the small pool in front of me was suddenly frozen by an invisible force.

But several goldfish inside are still swimming happily.

This feeling is like the time of Xiaochi is forcibly stopped, but other things are not affected at all.

A leaf fell slowly, just above the water.

All of a sudden, the invisible force crashed and the pool returned to normal.

But the goldfish inside were weakening at a terrible speed, and in the blink of an eye they turned into several small fish bones.

In that short moment, their fish were pressed the shortcut key and finished at a very fast speed.

When the breeze blew, everything returned to normal. Even the dragonfly on the grass didn't know what had just happened.

The chongyangzi under the tree has disappeared.

At the same time, many people in Yunxiao city felt the great crisis at the same time.

This makes them wonder, but they don't know where this sense of crisis comes from.

At a loss, these strong men had to control their disciples one after another and strictly order everyone not to move.

For a time, the whole Yunxiao city was shrouded in a tense atmosphere.

Only the twelve yuan tripods are constantly soaking up the vitality of heaven and earth day and night, expanding and strengthening bit by bit.

While everyone was preparing silently and waiting for the official opening of the hundred conferences, Xue an became busy.

Like now.

In the courtyard where the gale stronghold lives, Xue an, who is incarnated as the stronghold leader Bao Huarong, is observing the letterhead in his hand.

This letter was very ordinary and didn't look strange, but Xue an read it for five minutes.

The strange silence shook the woman's heart.

This woman has been grateful for God's blessing recently, because she thought she would die in the hands of the stronghold leader of gale stronghold sooner or later.

After all, the violent and gorgeous temperament at that time was the same as his name. He was extremely irritable and would often fight against each other.

With his strength, he will die if he doesn't pay attention.

So this woman has been living in fear.

But I didn't expect that everything had changed a lot some time ago.

First of all, the stronghold leader's temperament has suddenly changed. Although he will speak coldly to himself, he will at least stop beating himself.

Not only that, he seems to have become respectful of himself.

Sometimes I even say thank you to myself.

All this flattered the woman who was used to being bullied, and even thought that violent Huarong had a plot to do so several times.

But after a long observation, the woman found that the stronghold leader seemed to have really changed.

In addition to sometimes being a little dull and silent, he has really become a lot more polite.

All these changes should start with a gorgeous face and shaved hair.

Does this hairstyle affect your personality?

The woman was puzzled, but her heart was full of joy.

After all, all these changes are developing in a good direction.

But today, the stronghold leader seems to be surprisingly silent, especially when he has sent a piece of stationery from others for a long time.

The woman couldn't help it, so she took the opportunity of serving tea and glanced at the letter.

I saw a line of words written in strange handwriting on the letter paper.

When the action is started, all things are led by LV Zhongxuan of Zhenwu Taoist temple.

The woman can't understand what this means.

But Xue an knows very well.

Especially when he felt the threatening evil spirit revealed in the font on this letter, he couldn't help smiling coldly.

Finally, I can't help it!

But the smell seems a little familiar!

Where on earth have you met?


Xue an thought of the young master long Zhanlong who had been dealt with when he was a soldier.

There was such a similar smell on him at that time.

Xue an tapped the table with her fingertips and felt that the puzzle in her heart was put together again.

This feeling made him feel that his busy time was not in vain.

And now it's time to harvest.

Thinking of this, Xue an stood up and walked out.

"Old... Stronghold leader, where are you going?" The woman asked boldly.

Since she was reprimanded by Xue an a few days ago, she dared not call master Xue an again.

The reason why she dared to ask Xue an this time was because she felt it with a keen sense of women's intuition.

The stronghold leader probably won't come back after going out this time!

Xue an turned back and smiled at her, "nothing, just go outside!"

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