"General Wang!"

"Isn't that General Chen? And General Yang! Oh, my God, why are so many generals here? "

There was a violent commotion in the crowd, and a trace of excitement appeared on many faces.

With so many high-level military officials coming forward, Xue an is really going to suffer this time!

So many generals arrived, and the house was filled with stars.

Wang Qing came forward with a smile on his face, "General Wang, how did you come in person?"

The man he called General Wang had a dignified face and did not pay any attention to him. Instead, he passed by him.

The room gradually quieted down.

Many people were excited when they saw these generals come to Xue an.

Xue an didn't care.


He filled and drank his glass.

The eyes seem to have three points of drunkenness, the remaining seven points for crazy.


All the generals stood up, then bowed their heads together and said respectfully, "you Is that Mr. Xue? "

Sound shakes the roof tiles.

It also broke the laughter of many people.

"This What's going on? " Many people can't believe their eyes.

So many generals, and any one of them is a big man on the command side. How can he be so respectful to Xue an?

Is there a mistake?

In particular, some people recognize that among these generals, there is general Yang Chongyang, the supporter of the Liu family!

At this time, although his face was pale, he still stood there with his head bowed respectfully.

It's not just these big families that are shocked.

Even an Qing, Chen Xiu and Chen Rushi were all shocked.

Chen Rushi, in particular, thought that today's affairs would be difficult to solve.

Unless Xue an kills the four sides again.

But I didn't expect things to suddenly turn like this.

At the moment, Xue an put down his glass and took a look at the generals. A faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"You are very well informed."

At this time, General Wang stepped forward and said with a bitter smile, "Mr. Xue, there are many misunderstandings in these matters. I think we should sit down and have a talk."

"Of course we have to talk about it, but I want to ask why the fire phoenix army disappeared, but the fault was recorded on an Qing's head?" Xue an said lightly.

This question made the faces of these generals stiff.

Then Xue an said with a playful tone: "do you think that after the death of general Lin, an Qing has become an independent army, and you can knead it at will? Well? "

The last one, huh? Let these generals who are used to the big field are shocked.

"Yes, yes! We did not do it properly. We must change it! " There were beads of sweat on General Wang's face.

This scene makes a lot of people almost groan and murmur: "God, am I crazy?"

A lot of people have seen that things are wrong.

Some people secretly took out their mobile phones and started to contact the outside world. They wanted to find out what happened, so that these generals could arrive together and be respectful.


News came.

When these people turn on their mobile phones and have a look, they are all dumbfounded.

Because the Internet is full of news.

Mysterious man sword cut e military department building!

And there are pictures on it!

And the man in the picture is not Xue an?

This How could that be possible?

There was a chill in everyone's heart.

One man subdues a country?

Is this possible?

Others learned more detailed information through other channels. For example, Xue an killed several top military officials of country e and forced them to pay exorbitant compensation.

When the news is presented to the public.

Everyone is stupid.

Some of the timid are shivering all over.

No wonder Xue an has been in a bad mood. No wonder he dares to destroy the Liu family.

Compared with the sword to cut off the army of other countries, and force an empire to bow down to make amends.

It's just like a trivial matter to wipe out a Liu family.

At this time, these generals also saw the clue. Xue an was obviously very dissatisfied with an Qing's experience, so they all gathered around to comfort an Qing and decided on the spot to let an Qingguan return to his original post.

Anqing some muddled looking at these usually do not touch the big people, and then gradually understand.

The reason why they are like this is because Xue an!

Thinking of this, an Qing's admiration for her brother-in-law grew stronger and stronger.

Xue an didn't really want to take these generals. Just hit them.But the rest of them.

Xue an poured another glass of wine, drank it slowly, and then stood up and looked around.

"Just now, who asked me to give an explanation?"

No one dares to answer.

Everyone buried their heads as low as possible for fear of being noticed by Xue an.

Wang's step is more pale.

Xue an said lightly: "coveting what you should not have is for greed! So... "

When Wang Qing heard the chill, he simply felt a horizontal heart and said in a trembling voice, "Xue an, what do you want to do? I tell you, in front of so many people, I didn't do anything wrong. If you

As he spoke, Wang Qing ran out.

Before the words fell, a wisp of sword passed over his neck.

The speed was so fast that even after Wang Qing's head rose to the sky, his body still rushed forward for several steps before he collapsed.

The audience was shocked.

Even these generals did not expect that Xue an really dared to kill people in front of so many people!

The General Yang Chong Yang was pale and his eyelids were beating.

When Xue an's eyes passed over him, he could not help but step back and then lowered his head deeply.

As for the others, they took a few steps under Xue an's eyes.

Make the general bow down and let the world go backward!

This Is invincible!

When she looks at Xue Mang's back, she will take her life as easily as she can.

There is no reason in the heart of another word.

Wake up and hold the sword!

As for Chen Xiuhe, his hand twisted his beard and beard and sighed in his heart.

He thought that he had experienced a lot of big scenes in his life, and had seen many amazing people.

But no one, like Xue an, gave him such a powerful shock.

This son is really like a dragon in the sky, which is unpredictable!

But when Wei Rulan, who was still playing chess and waiting for news, finally knew what had happened, she twisted the pieces in her hand and was stunned for a long time.

Then he sighed and said, "I'm wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Wei Ruyan asked.

"I thought I could see through him, but I didn't expect that my pattern was still too small."

"I thought it would take him a lot of trouble to get through this dilemma, but I didn't expect that he didn't even have to use his hand. He scared people off just by his strength."

Wei Rulan said, in front of his eyes appeared the young swordsman on Mingfeng mountain that day.

She always thought that she was helpless, but in front of this man, Wei Rulan understood.

Everything is vain, only strength is eternal!

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