When the people dispersed, the night was already deep.

The moon is creeping on the top of the tree.

Chen Xiuhe walked out of his home and looked back at the lighted banquet hall.

He knew that it was the military. They were discussing with Xue an.

As for those powerful families, who are ready to tear the flesh and blood from the an family, they are all leaving in dismay.

And Chen Xiuhe knows that there will be many sleepless people in Zhongdu tonight.

"What's the matter, grandfather?" Chen Rushi asked when he saw that his grandfather was not leaving.

Chen Xiu and a smile, "it's OK, it's just that suddenly some exclamations are just! Let's go

When the Chen family left.

Xue an was sitting on the sofa in the banquet hall, tapping the armrest of the sofa with his slender fingers and looking at the group of people opposite with a playful eye.

"Mr. Xue, can you give us what you got from country e?" Said General Wang.

"Why give it to you?" Xue an said lightly.

"Mr. Xue, I know you are still a little angry now, but this matter is very important. After all, it is a matter of great importance to our country." General Wang said in a deep voice.

"Of course I will, but I can't give it to you!"

Said, Xue an looked at an Qing, threw her a U disk.

"All the information is in it. You can do it yourself."

Anqing took the U disk, some silly eyes.

The other generals were stunned.

"Mr. Xue, this..."

"What? Do you still need your consent for what I get? Besides, an Qing is also a member of the army. Does it have to be handed over to you? " Xue an said lightly.

The crowd stopped talking.

A lot of people look down in frustration.

They were so eager to get the information Xue an got from country E.

After all, country e was once a powerful country in the world, and these weapons data are extremely valuable.

Unexpectedly, Xue an gave the information to an Qing.

There is no reason for him to do so.

An Qing has a military background and is also his sister-in-law.

Both emotion and reason make sense.

But these people have been busy working for a long time, but they haven't found anything!

They were in a bad mood.

Xue an said lightly: "but Anqing is alone in the army now. She must be looking for a partner."

As soon as xue'an's voice fell, General Wang jumped up first, and the sound of the mountain beat on his chest.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xue. I'm Wang Tao's word. If an Qing is willing to cooperate with me, then she can ask for the conditions!"

Wang Tao was the first to declare his position, and other generals were not willing to be outdone.

"Mr. Wang kentao, I'm willing to pay any more than one percent."

"I'll add 20%."

"Well, I said, you are deliberately against me, right?" Wang Tao is a little impatient.

"What? If you argue, we won't be able to talk? "

"In terms of qualifications and positions, which of you can match me?" Wang Tao said coldly.

"It's not more than military duty. You say that's useless! Miss an, I have a good scenery there, and there are many interesting things. You will like it when you come here! "

"Go away! It's hot and humid over there. What's good about it? "

In front of Xue an, this group of high-ranking bigwigs began to expose each other's shortcomings.

Even the embarrassment of each other when they just joined the army was exposed.

Anqing gaped at this scene, suddenly felt that these once high-ranking figures, the original private is also flesh and blood people!

At a time when they were fighting.

Xue an waved his hand, "OK, don't argue!"

The crowd stops and looks at Xue an in unison.

Xue an said: "after all, they belong to Huaxia, and I don't want to be partial to one another. In this way, you can all cooperate with Anqing, but the premise is that whoever gives you rich conditions will give you more information. So, what do you think? "

Of course, these big men, who have been struggling for many years, are almost fine. Of course, they know that this is a big hole that Xue an dug for them.

Can be helpless, now oneself ask for help from others, even pit also have to bite teeth to jump down!

"Good! Do as Mr. Xue said

Xue an nodded and then looked at an Qing, who was still in the muddle state. "Anqing, you will cooperate with these big men in the future. If you have any questions, you can ask me! However, I think you will be enthusiastic to help you solve it! "

"Yes, yes, don't worry. We'll take care of Anqing."

Xue an looked at these soldiers, whose eyes were glowing with blazing light, and his heart was filled with emotion.

No matter what the fighting is, the loyalty of these soldiers is still obvious.The reason why he pushed anqing out this time was that he wanted to have an independent and reliable reliance after settling down.

It can be imagined that in a short time, Anqing will become a newly rich force in the army.

For this, Xue an decided to add a little more weight.

"Also, do you want to know how the Phoenix grew up?"

Xue an's light voice, listening to the ears of these generals, is even more shocking than the golden bell.

"Of course I want to know!" Wang Tao can't wait to say.

Now the fire phoenix seems to be a legend in China and even in the world.

In a short period of more than a month, they grew from a newly formed army to a strong brigade, and won the first place in the domestic special forces competition.

And then all the way through, into the world special forces competition.

Although there are some twists and turns in the middle, but the final return of the whole team can still show their strong strength!

Wang Tao and others have long coveted such a force.

And how to train such a strong force in such a short period of time, this question, only as fire phoenix instructor Xue an can answer.

"They are all the elites that I have carefully cultivated. I have adapted a set of cultivation methods according to their conditions and qualities."

Xue an's words changed the faces of the generals who were used to the big field.

How precious it is to practice martial arts!

Xue an used it to train soldiers?

When these people lost their souls, Xue an said lightly: "I can provide you with a simple version of the cultivation method. Although the effect can't compare with the customized method, it can also greatly enhance the strength of the army!"

Everyone's eyes are bright.

Wang Tao, in particular, could not wait to swallow Xue an in his eyes.

"But the precondition still depends on anqing!"

The generals looked at each other and saw unprecedented fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

Only Yang Chong shrunk to the back, full of regret in his heart.

Because he knew that Liu family's behavior and his own words had been said.

Xue an will never share his skills with himself.

This also means that his subordinates will be far behind Wang Tao and others in the future!

If there is regret medicine in the world, he would like to have ten catties now!

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