When the news of settling down spreads!

When people were shocked to find that the man who killed country e by sword was Xue an!

There seemed to be a slight tremor throughout.

All the rich families who had attended the meeting were shivering under the covers.

Fortunately, those who did not participate in it secretly.

And on the Internet.

What Xue an did in country e spread all over the world with rocket speed.

There are a lot of people will Xue an before the deeds are picked out.

At this time, people were surprised to find out.

Xue an has done so many big things.

And Xue an's risk level in various countries has soared.

But it was not until this time that people found that there was no clear picture of Xue an on the Internet.

Some only take photos in the distance, and there are photos of the back or side face!

Even if someone once took a picture close by, but now look at it, you will find that the head of the photo seems to be covered by a layer of fog, hazy, can not see the real appearance.

Many intelligence agencies are furious.

Country M.

The head of the intelligence agency threw Xue an's information on the person in charge of collecting intelligence.

"I don't listen to your damned explanation. I'll send someone to take his picture now. I don't care what method you use. Even if you swim from the Pacific Ocean to China now, I want to see a clear picture of him! Do you understand? "

The intelligence personnel are full of grievances.

Did they take pictures?

Why did this happen?

It's not just country M.

In country R.

The prime minister was so surprised and angry that he even slapped the head of intelligence more than a dozen times.

With each stroke, the intelligence leader would bow his head to "haye.".

"Baga, asshole, this Xue an has made such a big thing in our country, but now there is no picture. What do you do to eat?"


"Now go and collect information for me, or you will commit suicide by cutting your stomach!"


There are also countries such as H and Y. such scenes are being staged.

Xue an didn't know about it. Even if he did, he would laugh it off.

The reason for this is that.

Because Xue an's strength is becoming stronger and stronger.

Especially after entering the Sanxian.

He's partly out of the world's rules.

This also led to the fact that no one could take a picture of his real face as long as he didn't want to.

In recent days, he helped an Qing deal with the cooperation affairs with these Juns.

These big guys are like kindergarten kids now.

And all kinds of aid conditions are like no money. They are pounding on Anqing.

Its purpose is nothing more than to get the cultivation methods promised by Xue an as soon as possible.

Xue an didn't break his promise.

For him, a simplified version of the martial arts, suitable for Jun people to practice, can easily make up hundreds of sets.

However, because of his respect for the most lovely people in this land, Xue an carefully reorganized them, and then summarized the skills he collected during his travels to the sky.

In the end, three sets of relatively good Gongfa were put forward, and the first three classes of Gongfa were provided to these people.

These people have more or less contact with practice, so you can see the value of this thing at a glance.

Especially when I went back to an experiment and found that many soldiers with general savvy could practice, these big men were all crazy.

This represents that China's Jun force may have to step to a new level!

Therefore, Xue an also became the God in these people's mind, and with an Qing, the water rose.

Anqing has now become a force that can not be ignored in Jun.

In this way, the strength of settling down will become more and more powerful.

At least let in many of the rich, even behind the abdominal Fei words dare not say again.

And after all this.

Xue an disappeared from public view.

Settle down.

Xue an accompanied two little girls to play the game for a long time, and then returned to the house with a smile.

An Yan is sitting in front of the computer nervously playing the game.

Now she's more and more obsessed with all kinds of horror games.

But the courage has not increased.

Like now.

When Xue an appears quietly behind her.

Anyan happened to control the characters in the game and entered an empty room.

The screen was dark. Suddenly, a woman in red hanging upside down appeared in front of her.

An Yan was scared to scream, and Xue an reached out to touch Anyan's shoulder at the moment.At that time, Anyan seemed to have been electrocuted. He picked up the pan next to the computer to strengthen his courage, and suddenly swung it.


The computer screen is broken.

And the castration did not rest, directly swung to the back, according to Xue an came.

Xue an reached for the pan.

An Yan this just see is own husband, can't help but grow a breath, and then patted chest way: "scared to death me!"

Xue an and funny and helpless said: "this is the last few days to smash the computer screen?"

An Yan some embarrassed a tongue, "people this is not afraid of it!"

Xue an hey hey a smile, "smashed to smash, I am not distressed screen, but I still have a fun idea!"

Then Xue an took out a special VR helmet.

"What is this?" An Yan is a little confused.

"Try it and you'll see. Here, I'll put it on for you!" Xue an is like a strange uncle who deceives a little girl.

An Yan always obeys Xue an's words, so obediently put on the helmet.

Xue an turns on the switch and looks at it with a smile.

Anyan is still a little excited at the beginning.

"Oh, my husband, it's fun! It's the same as the real thing

But after a while, an Yan began to tremble.

"Husband! husband? This Isn't this the horror game I played? Where are you? "

Said an Yan stretched out his hand to try to touch Xue an.

Xue an secretly stepped back.

An Yan is more flustered.

In her line of sight, the polar eyes can see all the darkness, just like playing the game.

When I was in fear, suddenly!

A ghost rushed out.

Because of the bonus of VR helmet, this ghost is extremely real.

An Yan was scared to be excited, yelled, carrying the pan on the swing.

At this moment, Xue an is in front.

This pan of an Yan is patting on Xue an's head.


The pan was dented.

Then an Yan quickly took off the helmet, which found that Xue an was bared teeth touching the head, looking at himself helplessly.

"Husband Am I in trouble again? " An Yan asked timidly.

Xue an bared his teeth, suddenly came forward to pick up an Yan, pretended to be vicious and said: "yes, you have made trouble again, say, how to punish?"

An Yan is held by Xue an, his face is red, and then slowly close his eyes.

"Husband, you can punish as you want."

An Yan's voice is timid and lovely, with that beautiful cheek, the lethality is simply amazing.

Xue an was stunned.

This TM Who can stand it!

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