The scorching sun scorched the earth, in such a day, no one would like to go out.

And in the home, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, these two little girls, are lying on Xue an's back and watching TV.

An Yan is leaning on Xue an's shoulder, fiddling with the mobile phone.

The room was cool and cool without heat.

In an Yan's words, leaning on Xue an's side is more comfortable than next to the air conditioner.

"Husband..." Anyan suddenly moves her eyes away from her mobile phone.

"Well?" Xue an turns to look at an Yan.

"Do you know what day the day after tomorrow is?" An Yan God said mysteriously.

Xue an frowned and thought for a moment, "world water environment protection day?"

An Yan's eyes flashed a look of disappointment, "still have?"

"Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of gondesartan?"

An Yan's face became a little gloomy, but still low should a.

"Well, I didn't expect you knew that!"

Xue an smiles, "your husband, I know astronomy and geography from the bottom. I know 50000 years before and 50000 years later. How can this problem be difficult to live in me?"

"Oh Anyan was a little depressed.

After a long time.



"Shall we go out of town tomorrow?"

"To where?"

"Just follow me. I've already arranged it. In the evening, we'll camp out in the wild. Do you care?"

Xue an's words caused strong repercussions of two little girls.

"Good, good! It's so boring to watch TV at home all day Xue wanted to be the first to agree.

Xue Nian frowned and thought for a while, then said timidly, "that Can you bring the refrigerator with you? I'm afraid I can't eat ice cream! "

Xue an laughs, "no problem!"

See father and daughter that elated appearance, an Yan's eyes flash a glimmer of gloom, and then nodded, "good!"

The next day.

A brand new RV was parked in the courtyard.

This is specially sent by the Chen family, and originally provided a driver, but Xue an refused.

The family got on the bus in high spirits.

An Yan some uneasy, "husband, can you drive?"

Xue an a smile, "joke, the world, there is no your husband will not be things!"

Ten minutes later.

Anyan some helpless looking at just wriggled out a few meters away from the RV, "husband, if according to this speed, tomorrow this time, we can get out of the house!"

Xue an was said to be a little embarrassed, "ha ha, this thing is new to me. I want to tease you."

After saying that, Xue an Xin a horizontal, eyes slightly narrowed, a strong mind from the forehead rushed out.

Under xue'an's powerful mind, the RV is directly deconstructed into the most basic parts state, and then xue'an starts the vehicle directly with his mind.

"Girls, please fasten your seat belts and get ready to take off."

With Xue an's voice, the RV rushed out of the house like an arrow from the bow.

Today's Zhongdu is always in traffic jam.

Traffic is slow on the road.

But in this case, Xue an's RV is like a shark out of the deep sea, dodging left and right in the traffic flow, driving at a very fast speed.

Many drivers were staring at the scene.

It never occurred to them that such a huge thing could gallop at this speed.

All kinds of seemingly impossible gaps are drilled by this car one by one, and the avoidance of various seconds to the peak makes this driving full of aesthetic feeling.

"I'm going. Who's driving? Schumacher? " Someone exclaimed.

In the car, Xue an is leaning on the driver's seat, leisurely drinking tea.

With his majestic mind, the vehicles and road conditions within a radius of dozens of miles are clear at a glance, so driving is more handy.

An Yan can only laugh and cry.

Is that cheating?

But even if it's cheating, it's the biggest cheating ever!


At a scenic spot outside Zhongdu, every autumn, when maple leaves are covered with layers of forest, the scenery is just not like human life.

But it's not season yet, so tourists are sparse.

Xue an drove his RV all the way to the lake.

After getting off the bus, the cool wind from the valley is refreshing.

"What a beautiful lake Xue wants to and Xue Nian are very happy to see such a jade like lake.

Xue an smiles, "go, let's go to the lake!"

The arrangement of the Chen family can be described as extremely thoughtful, not only arranged the RV, but also parked a boat by the lake.

After the family got on the boat.Xue an didn't start the engine of the boat, but drove the boat to wander in the lake.

At this moment, near dusk, the sun also lost its violence, appears gentle.

There are also many high-grade food materials on board, and the facilities are complete, even the oven.

So Xue an then roasts the thing, while taking a family to roam on the lake.

Two little girls were eating barbecue and chattering about their little girl.

"Yesterday you ate two more ice cream than me, today you can only eat three!" Xue wants to count with his fingers.

"No, I don't!" When it comes to eating, especially her favorite ice cream, Xue Niang's eyes start to shine.

"What's wrong? Can you count? " Xue wants to cross small waist, very impolitely denounce way.

"Why not! Well, look, a vanilla ice cream, a cream ice cream... " Xue Nian began to count with his fleshy little finger, but his mouth was already flowing out.

"All right! You can count, but you ate two more yesterday than I did. What should I do? "

"Well Shall I give you two bites today Xue Nian blinked his big eyes and said wrongly.

Watching two little girls fighting with each other for ice cream.

Xue an and an Yan both laughed.

They sat in the bow of the boat, facing the mountain wind, slowly drinking beer.

A feeling called happiness filled the boat.

"How nice!" An Yan sighed softly.

Xue an smiles and doesn't speak.

Soon the sun set and the full moon rose.

Because the moon is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Even the stars are more dazzling.

And this calm lake, like a flawless mirror, reflects the stars and moon in the sky.

I don't know whether it's in the sky or on the water.

Even the two little girls unconsciously lowered their voices, as if they were afraid of disturbing the beautiful scenery.

An Yan's eyes twinkle, as if already infatuated.

His mouth is whispering in a soft voice, "I don't know the sky is in the water after being drunk. The boat is full of pure dreams and pressing the star river! What a beautiful view

Xue an was smiling and not speaking, but still slowly drinking wine.

When it was late at night, Anyan took her two daughters back to the RV to sleep. Xue an sat by the lake, took out her mobile phone, and sent a message in groups.

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