Today is the weekend, the path into the mountains, visitors.

When Xue an and an Yan appeared on the mountain road with their two daughters, they immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"What lovely two little girls Many people marvel at Xue Xiang and Xue Nian.

Of course, Xue an and an Yan also attracted a lot of attention.

After all, men are handsome, and women are charming.

The high beauty of this family is a scenic spot in itself.

"Oh, you are so handsome over there Niu Yifei pushed Shen Nan aside with his elbow.

Shen Nan turned his head and saw Xue an passing by. He was stunned.

"How about it? Handsome Niu Yifei said triumphantly.

Shen Nan's face was red and a low hum.

The conversation between them made Zhu Hao look ugly.

He is a student of a nearby college.

Shen Nan was invited to come to Xiangshan for a visit this time, in order to find a way to soak the school flower.

But not only did Shen Nan come, but also Niu Yifei, who lived in the same dormitory with her.

Zhu Hao had been very angry, but now he is full of anger after hearing Niu Yifei's words.

"Well, what about being handsome? I don't look like a rich man in his clothes, and he's bringing his children to climb the mountain. It's boring! " Zhu Hao said.

Niu Yifei laughed and said, "Yo, so you are a rich man?"

Zhu Hao said with a proud smile, "I don't dare to say that I'm particularly rich, but it's just so careless. There's always one or two hundred million!"

When he said this, Zhu Hao had been secretly watching Shen Nan.

But I didn't expect that Shen Nan didn't hear it. He was absent-minded.

Zhu Hao's teeth are very dark.

He came from a city on the east coast, and his family conditions were really excellent, so in the past few years of school, he also spent a lot of money on his sister-in-law.

But this Shen Nan always does not enter the oil and salt.

He inquired about a lot of people and said that Shen Nan was a bit of a female Wenqing, and he was very romantic!

After learning this information, Zhu Hao moved his mind, and then carefully planned the trip to Xiangshan.

Thinking of this, Zhu Hao's mouth appeared a smug smile.

Soon, people climbed to the top of Xiangshan.

Shen Nan and Niu Yifei are sitting on the chair in the pavilion, tired all over their faces.

Especially Niu Yifei, murmured: "it's boring. I'm so tired to take it to the mountain climbing."

Shen Nan didn't speak, just looked around and seemed to be looking for something.

"Well, over there!" Niu Yifei pushes tushennan.

Shen Nan was embarrassed, "I didn't look for him again!"

"Hey hey, although I have a wife and children, but a handsome man is a handsome man. Let's have a look at it. It's not against the law!" Niu Yifei laughs.

But at this time, Zhu Hao was so excited that he said to Shennan, "Nannan, close your eyes!"

"What are you doing?" Shen Nan frowned slightly.

"Close your eyes and you'll know!"

Shen Nan closed her eyes helplessly.

Zhu Haochong several people in the crowd winked.

See more than a dozen men came out, from the backpack to take out a large number of roses, and then put a huge heart on the ground.

At this time, Shen Nan was already a little impatient, "OK? Zhu Hao, what are you going to do

Niu Yifei was watching with a smile and did not speak.

These men carry a complete range of things, not only roses, but also all kinds of decorative cold flame.

The pavilion will soon be beautifully arranged.

Then Zhu Hao took out a small box, knelt on one knee and said excitedly, "Nannan, open your eyes!"

Shen Nan slowly opened his eyes. Seeing this, he was stunned.

Zhu Hao opened the box. Inside was a huge diamond ring.

"Nannan, I like you for a long time. I hope you can agree to associate with me. I will treat you well!"

The more than a dozen well-trained men stood aside, shouting in unison, "marry him, marry him!"

This scene also attracted the attention of all the tourists on the top of the mountain.

At this time, Shen Nan's face gradually became ugly, "Zhu Hao, I said before I came that we can only be ordinary friends! I don't feel for you! "

Zhu Hao's face flashed a trace of anger, and then whispered: "Nannan, don't listen to those rumors in the school. I did have a girlfriend, but that's all in the past. Now I only like you!"

Shen Nan sneered, "I've seen this diamond ring from more than three girls. Why? Do you have to go back and reuse the ring after breaking up? "

The words came out and the crowd booed.

Niu Yifei couldn't help saying: "Zhu Hao, Nan Nan's meaning is not obvious, get up quickly! So many people are watchingZhu Hao finally couldn't help it. The smile on his face disappeared. He said in a cold voice, "Nannan, if you don't agree today, I won't get up! As for the people they were watching! "

Zhu Hao looks around coldly, "I see who dares to say more?"

The voice just fell, a sound of milk came.

"Dad, what is this uncle doing? Why don't you get up on your knees? "

It was Xue Xiang who spoke.

And this voice also attracted people's eyes.

Xue an faint smile, "he? He's being mean

"Dad, what is mean by being mean?" Xue Nian also asked.

Xue an said faintly: "that is to say, people didn't want to, but he forced them to agree by kneeling down?"? It's not mean. What's it called? "

Xue an's words also expressed the wishes of many tourists.

Only Zhu Hao's face became gloomy and his eyes became grim.

"Who are you? Do you have to talk a lot about this Zhu Hao said coldly.

Xue an smiles. "Originally, I couldn't make it, but now it's my turn! Because I'm sorry, I have to borrow this place! "

"I tell you, you'd better not get in the way here, or I'll make you suffer!" Zhu Hao said maliciously.

Zhu Hao turns around and looks at Shen Nan.

"Shen Nan, I tell you, there is no woman that I like Zhu Hao. If you don't agree today, you don't want to go!"

This caused an uproar.

Shen Nan was pale, but he could not help being afraid of Zhu Hao's fierce expression.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "I'm very curious, how can you let me eat too much?"

Shen Nan and Niu Yifei looked at each other, then got up and came to Xue an.

"Help me!" Shen Nan asked for help.

Xue an nodded. "Stand behind me."

Shen Nan cleverly stood behind Xue an.

Zhu Hao's face was extremely ugly and sneered, "what are you? I'll tell you... "

Xue an waved his hand. "My patience is limited, so I advise you not to try again."

Zhu Hao was disdainful and wanted to talk.

Xue an gently drank, "get out of here

Zhu Hao is just like being bombarded by a huge hammer and stumbles out of the pavilion.

There was a look of horror on his face.

Then Xue an just turned to an Yan with a smile, "Yan'er, you also close your eyes!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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