Hearing this, Zhu Hao couldn't help laughing.

"Why? Do you want to play romance with the roses I bought? "

With that, Zhu Hao kicked the roses off the ground with a kick, and his face was full of joy.

But Xue an didn't pay attention to him at all, just looked at an Yan quietly.

An Yan's heart rate quickened several beats, originally has been some gloomy mood, also began to be excited.

He Do you remember?

An Yan obediently closed his eyes.

At the beginning, nothing happened. Everything was quiet.

A lot of faces look suspicious.

Zhu Hao snorted coldly and was about to make a mockery.

From the distant sky, there was a huge roar.

Everyone was stunned.

Then, from the distant sky, five helicopters were flying rapidly.

In the twinkling of an eye, it flies to the top of Xiangshan.

The wind and waves of the rotor made the trees sway.

Many people were blown back a few steps and looked at in horror.

Then the cabin door of the helicopter was opened, countless petals and balloons fluttered and fell, and several

gilded banners slowly unfolded.

The words on these banners are a whole sentence.

"Today, eight years ago, we met for the first time!"

"At that time, I was young and you were young, and I didn't know what to worry about all day."

"But what you don't know is that from the first time I saw you, I wanted to kiss your cheek!"

"Later, you promised to be my girlfriend. I was so excited that I didn't sleep all night and ran on the playground until dawn."

"Those days of love, simple and beautiful!"

"Eight years have passed! Eight years may be short for many people, but it's long for me

"In those long nights, the only hope I can hold on to is you!"

"Anyan, the future road, you and I together! Never to part again

When an Yan opened her eyes and saw these banners, she was stunned for a moment, and then tears burst out of her eyes. She was so weeping!

All the tourists around were also moved.

Shen Nan and Niu Yifei have already looked silly.

Shen Nan whispered to himself, "is there really such a pure and beautiful love in this world?"

Zhu Hao, however, did not dare to say anything.

Five helicopters were recruited at random. This strength is absolutely not ordinary people.

At the same time, Zhao Xuehui, Qiao Le, and Cheng Hao and others put out their heads and yelled at Xue an below.

"Second brother!"


"Tianyuan company!"

"Fire Phoenix special forces!"

"I wish you both happiness forever."

The cry spread far and wide in the valley.

Many visitors can't help clapping!

An Yan's face is gradually red.

Xue an but looked up at the sky and laughed, and took an Yan in his arms and waved it.

"Wanye mountain!"

With Xue an's order!

A spectacle was presented to all.

The maple leaves on the whole Fragrant Mountain turned red in an instant.

Just also lush Xiangshan, blink of an eye to change its red burning sky.

This one hand makes all the tourists look silly.

Xue an is holding an Yan in one hand and holding two little girls in the other hand. He rises from the sky and disappears in the sky.

All the people are staring at Xue Anyuan's back.

As for Zhu Hao, he was so scared that he couldn't even speak.

He heard all the shouting just now.

Tianyuan company!

Fire phoenix special forces!

He can't provoke any of them.

So he didn't even dare to stay, so he left in dismay.

Only Shen Nan and Niu Yifei still look into the distance, and their eyes are full of envy and yearning.

"My God, handsome, rich and capable, the key is to be affectionate and dedicated. Why can't I meet such a wonderful man?" Niu Yifei sighs.

Shen Nan didn't say a word, and there was a flicker of tears in his eyes.

Just those banners, really moved her!

And not until the evening, everything that happened on Xiangshan was spread throughout Zhongdu.

At this time, many people know that the famous xue'an was the one who ordered the maple leaves to breathe and turn red when he raised his hand!

When the news reached the Chen family.

After knowing the news, Chen Rushi locked himself in the house and didn't go out all day.

Wei Rulan was slightly stunned, then shook his head and chuckled, "what a pair of people envy!"But in the outside world to this matter discussion one after another, Xue anzheng and an Yan live a comfortable life.

"Husband, have you been preparing this for a long time An Yan lies in Xue an's arms and asks.

"Ha ha, of course! Do you really think I forgot? " Xue an said with a smile.

An Yan face a red, "I thought you really didn't care about this matter!"

Then an Yan slowly plunges into Xue an's arm and whispers, "husband, I'm very satisfied now. I'm really satisfied. And I think you're facing so many powerful enemies, but you're still thinking about me. I want to cry!"

With that, an Yan's tears fell down again.

Xue an gently wiped off an Yan's tears with her hand, and said faintly, "don't cry! Follow me later, I will never let you cry again

"Mm-hmm!" An Yan nods.

Xue an gave her everything she needed to be a woman.

This moment!

Anyan felt that even death was enough!

Xue an and an Yan stayed in the mountains for another night and returned to their homes the next day.

As soon as I got in.

Anqing smiles to welcome to come out, then looks at own elder sister, in the mouth tut has the sound.

"Elder sister, it's really enviable

An Yan's face began to be red again, and then face a board, "die Ni son! What nonsense

An Qing laughingly retreats to one side, "good! It's my bullshit. Anyway, it's spread all over the country. I don't know how many rich women I envy! "

Anqing is also telling the truth.

At the beginning, those who made a mockery of an Yan's elopement are all envious at the moment.

Who could have thought that the ordinary teenager had grown up to be a real strong man?

On the same day, the family had a lively dinner.

Until late at night, an Yan is ready to sleep, but the mobile phone rings.

It's a foreign number.

An Yan a Leng, who is so late to call? And it's a foreign number?

She answered the phone.

A cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Anyan, it's me!"

As soon as hear this voice, an Yan slightly a Zheng, then just smile.

"Mengxue, how is it you?"

"Anyan, I'd like to inform you and Xue an that after I won the a-ska film, I will give awards in a few days. I hope you can come!"

An Yan eyes a bright, "congratulations on your dream snow! We will certainly be there by then! "

Hang up the phone, Anyan heart also some happy, but she did not notice, fan Mengxue voice in a trace of unusual.

On the other side of the ocean.

Fan Mengxue put down the phone, and his eyes were not like human light.

"Xue an, if you dare to come this time, it's your Death

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