"Dear empress, what is the reason why you have spent so much time to deal with Xue an?"

With the sound, a man in a decent suit and meticulous in combing his hair came out of the darkness.

The man's face seems always with a decent smile, the voice is so gentle, just like a gentleman.

But if someone else is present at the moment, it's bound to scream.

Because this man is Griffin, who is called the bone picker!

One of the dark big three of sin city.

He's called the eviscerator because he's cool with his lover's bone and thinks it's the best trophy in the world.

And his most brilliant achievement is to completely remove a person's bones, and until the end, the person is still alive.

It's a name that can make countless people have nightmares at night.

Fan Mengxue's eyes flashed a touch of strange Red Mansions, light way: "what do I do, still need to tell you?"

"Of course not, but my dear lady, I hope that after I help you kill xue'an, you can also keep your promise and help me to kill the city of sin! Win the spring of youth

"Not old spring..." Fan Mengxue's face showed a trace of color.

"Does this legendary thing really exist?"

Griffin smiles. "Of course it does, and it will be in the city of sin soon."

At this point, Griffin's eyes flashed with resentment.

"Otherwise, I won't be driven out of the city of sin by old bell and the bitches of scorpion

Fan Mengxue nodded, "I know! I will keep my promise. I hope you can quit as you said

Griffin didn't move.

Fan Mengxue frowned slightly, then stretched out his legs from under the cheongsam with some disgust.

Seeing this long and straight leg, Griffin crawled to the ground excitedly, but as if he did not dare to blaspheme, he only dared to kiss fan Mengxue's high-heeled shoes and the floor that his feet had stepped on.

And the expression is intoxicated to say: "empress lady, you have the unparalleled legs in the world, Griffin would like to be your licking dog!"

"Go away!" Fan Mengxue said coldly.

After Griffin left.

Han Yao came in, once a high spirited gold medal agent, now full of softness, the light in his eyes also has no human feelings.

"My Lord, why are you so accommodating to this Griffin?"

Fan Mengxue looks out of the window.

This is the most prosperous movie capital in M country. Although it is late at night, the outside is still full of lights.

"I've changed my mind. This body is so perfect, even better than the body I've taken away before. I'm going to practice with her! But this man's soul power is very strong, I can't eliminate it all the time! "

"Because of the limitation of the rules, my noumenon can't come out of Kunlun, so I can only use the force of the secular world to deal with Xue an together!"

"And what Griffin said about the spring of youth. If you get it, it will be of great benefit to my cultivation of noumenon."

Said here, fan Mengxue's eyes twinkle with greedy light.

Han Yao bowed her head respectfully.

Xue an, you killed my night devil Valley disciple and killed Wangyue Pavilion. I didn't expect It's just an outside door of the secular world!

The real strong are all in Kunlun.

If it is not for the limitation of the law, my noumenon cannot come, or I will grind you into powder.

But it's good Actually let me take away such a perfect body.

Ha ha!

Then, I will kill you myself!

Being killed by a person who likes himself, that kind of feeling is exciting to think about!

Fan Mengxue looks out of the window at the prosperous scene, the corner of his mouth appears a trace of satisfaction.


Xue an and an Yan have just sat on the plane to m country.

Anyan is very excited.

This is her first visit to M.

Xue an is not sure about this.

When an Yan first told him about fan Mengxue's invitation, Xue an felt that something was wrong.

Why didn't you have any news before?

But as long as the wife likes it, it doesn't matter where you go.

What's more, Xue an really wants to congratulate this former table mate.

Xue an is in the first class, the environment is very elegant.

Two little girls wearing headphones, one holding a tablet, have been fascinated.

People continued to board.

All of a sudden, there was a voice of surprise.


Xue an turned her head and saw that the girl she met in Xiangshan yesterday was looking at herself with surprise.

"It's really you! Take a family to travel with you? " Shen Nan is quite excited to say.Xue an smiles and nods.

"Yesterday you left in such a hurry that I didn't have time to introduce myself. My name is Shen Nan!" Shen Nan is quite generous to extend his hand, but his heart is pounding.

Xue an's last flight to the sky gave the girl too much shock.

I thought I would never meet again, but I didn't expect to meet again on the plane. Naturally, I was very excited.

Xue an slightly Zheng Zheng, and then looked at the side of an Yan.

Anyan certainly won't be jealous because of this. In her eyes, this little girl is still a child.

"My name is Anyan, and this is my husband Xue an An Yan introduces with a smile.

Shen Nan nods, and her seat is right next to Anyan.

After sitting down, the two women began to talk.

Hearing their conversation, Xue an understood.

This Shen Nan turned out to be a rich second generation who was hidden.

Her father worked as a Chinese filmmaker in Hollywood, M. this time, she went home because of something at home.

Hearing this, Xue an can't help but sympathize with the guy who proposed yesterday.

She thinks she can cheat with a diamond ring, but I don't know that the girl's family is better.

At least when you go home casually, you have to take the first class cabin and be able to stand as a Chinese in a place like Hollywood.

After hearing that Xue an and others also went to Hollywood, Shen Nan was more happy and invited everyone to go home.

Anyan had a good impression on the little girl, so she finally nodded her head.

"Sister Ann, what are you doing in Hollywood?" Shen Nan asked curiously.

An Yan a smile, intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the side of Xue an, "a friend to participate in a few days of ausca, we just go to join in the fun!"

Shen Nan suddenly.

In recent years, ausca has become more and more influential.

Many Chinese people will go to see the excitement when it is time.

As for Anyan's friends who can participate in ausca, it may be the girl who spends money to rub the red carpet!

Shen Nan thought in his mind, but he didn't take it seriously.

When the plane slowly landed at the M airport, the people walked out of the airport hall.

A man who spoke English in an exaggerated tone welcomed him with excitement on his face,

"Nannan! Are you here? "

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