Seeing this man, Shen Nan frowned slightly. "Shen Jun, you've only been in M for two years, and there's no one else here. You'd better speak in Chinese."

"In my opinion, English is the most wonderful language in the world! I have decided not to speak Chinese any more! "

It's disgusting!

And Shen Jun at the moment also noticed the side of Xue an, first a Leng, and then gloomy down.

"Nannan, who is this?"

"This is a friend I met yesterday, and I happened to meet again on the plane today! They come to Hollywood, too, so I invite them to stay at home! " Shen Nan said.

Shen Jun smelled the speech and looked at Xue an and sneered, "friend? You happen to meet? Nannan, there are many people with ulterior motives in the world. You are still young. Be careful that you are cheated! "

It was said in Chinese and it was in a very bad tone.

Shen Nan's face immediately became extremely ugly and angrily cried out, "Shen Jun, you are just a distant cousin of mine. What qualifications do you have to take charge of me?"

Shen Nan's words let Shen Jun's face become cloudy and clear. Finally, he could only smile and say, "I'm not afraid that you will be cheated!"

"No, and my friend, it's not your turn to say three or four!"

Shen Nan snorted coldly, then turned his head and nodded apologetically at Xue an and an Yan.

"I'm sorry, this man is a distant cousin of mine. I can't speak very well. I'm really sorry!"

Xue an just laughed it off.

For him, Shen Jun has no interest in taking a look at him.

It's like you're walking on the road and a dog barks at you twice! The normal person's practice certainly is to leave, rather than the indomitable call back!

When leaving, Shen Nan glared at Shen Jun again, and then drove the xue'an family away.

Left Shen Jun face iron green standing in place, eyes flashing fierce light.

The shens live in the rich part of Hollywood, and they are a very elegant villa.

When Shen Nan led Xue an and others into the house, he just met several m people.

Then the m people left in a hurry.

Waiting to walk into the living room.

Shen Nan's father Shen Kang is sitting on the sofa with a worried face.

When he saw his baby daughter coming in, he had a smile of relief on his face.

"Nannan is coming!"

"Look, Dad, this is my new friend! Brother Xue an and sister Anyan Shen Nan said happily.

Hearing the speech, Shen Kang nodded to Xue an slightly, "glad to meet you."

Then he turned to Shen Nan and said, "Nan Nan, how's your life recently?"

Shen Nan said with a smile: "very good! Dad, what did those people from m come to do? "

Xue an noticed that the middle-aged man who had already begun to baldness had a depressive look in his eyes. He seemed to have something on his mind.

Hearing Shen Nan's question, Shen Kang shook his head, "nothing! Where's your cousin? "

Shen Nan snorted, "this Shen Jun is so irritating that he suspects that my friend is a bad guy and I left him at the airport."

Shen Kang smiles, "still like a child!"

Just then, Shen Jun came in from outside.

His face was as usual, and he couldn't see anything different.

"Nannan, take your friends to the reception hall next to you and sit down! I have something to talk about with your cousin! " Shen Kang said.


Shen Nan hates his cousin very much, so he can't wait to leave!

"Let's go and have dessert! Our dessert master is from France Shen Nan said with a smile.

When they arrived at the reception hall, Anyan and Shennan began to talk about girls, and they had a very opportunistic conversation.

Xue an slowly drinking tea, consciously or unconsciously heard the conversation between Shen Kang and Shen Kang in the living room.

"How about it?" Shen Kang asked solemnly.

"If they can't take over the dispute, they don't dare to ask them if they can't take over the dispute!" Shen Jun said.

Shen Kang sighed, and after a long time, he said, "a company of M came to me just now, but the price it offered was robbery. I can't allow the company that I have worked so hard for so many years to be destroyed like this!"

At this time, Shen Jun lowered his voice and said, "uncle, there is a company in r country that is very interested now. You see..."

"Country R?"


Shen Kang was silent for a long time, then he said dejectedly, "try it! Although I am not willing to sell it to the devils of country R, I can't be trapped to death


Hearing this, Xue an probably understood.It seems that the Shen family is facing a big problem. Even the company has to sell out. But the people who take the offer know that it is very difficult, so they deliberately keep the price very low.

However, he could hear that Shen Jun's tone was full of secret joy, and he should not have been kind.

As Xue an expected.

Shen Jun was overjoyed to hear that his uncle had promised to meet the people of R, but he tried to be calm.

"Well, I'll contact them now to see if I can see you as soon as possible!"

Shen Jun came to Shenkang from China two years ago. At that time, he was very poor in China, and his relationship with Shen Kang was actually very distant.

But Shen Kang was a very old-fashioned man, so he was kind enough to take him in!

Unexpectedly, Shen Jun is a man of ambition.

In particular, Shen Kang has no children and only Shen Nan has a daughter.

So Shen Jun always wants to take Shen Nan down so that everything in the Shen family is his.

Can helpless, Shen Nan to oneself this ignorant cousin, not cold at all.

After a long time, Shen Jun can't help but get angry. He completely forgets who took him in when he was desperate.

Some time ago, Shen Kang offended a big man in M country. Now the company is in a desperate situation.

Shen Jun felt that the opportunity had come, so he deliberately contacted a company in r country, and negotiated with the other party in advance, preparing to cheat Shenkang with internal cooperation and external cooperation.

Now, seeing that the goal was about to be achieved, he was naturally happy.

Shen Nan! Ha ha, when your family goes bankrupt, how can you still be arrogant in front of me!

Shen Jun is proud of himself.

Shen Nan naturally knows nothing about these things. She is happily discussing computer games with Anyan.

Shen Nan actually likes to play horror games.

On this point, the two women are quite sympathetic.

Looking at the two people chatting so opportunistic, Xue an smiles and looks down at Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, who have become big cats.

"Delicious?" Xue an asked with a smile.

Xue wants to nod again and again, "eat well!"

Xue Nian has no time to answer questions, her mouth has been stuffed with dessert, like a small hamster.

Looking at this scene, Xue an was dumbfounded.

Well, it'll be a reward for the desserts you've been entertaining!

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