At this moment, in the camp of Zhenwu Taoist temple, LV Zhongxuan Temple looked at the situation on the challenge arena and said coldly.

"Get ready, then it's our turn to play!"


The people behind him promised one after another.

At this time, LV Feichen came forward and whispered, "Lord, look over there!"

With that, LV Feichen raised his hand and pointed to the grandstand in the distance.

LV Zhongxuan looked up and just saw the brother and sister LV Yangyan and LV Xiaoya. There was a bright light in front of him.

"Well, the pair of deserters are here. When they get to the challenge arena later, the first one will deal with them!"

In fact, after being infected by evil things, LV Zhongxuan had little interest in LV Yangyan's brothers and sisters.

However, LV Feichen and LV Xiuming kept lobbying in his ears. Coupled with his rapidly expanding confidence, he was ready to take the brothers and sisters of LV Yangyan as an example.

"Pay attention when you come on stage. First of all, try to attract the attention of all parties as much as possible, so as to win time for adults' next plans, so it doesn't matter if you lose at that time. Anyway, few of these people present today can survive!" LV Zhongxuan asked.


"By the way, have all the men outside the battlefield been ordered?"

"Before I came here, I gave all my affairs to the stronghold leader of the gale stronghold, Bao Huarong. I promise I'll be safe!" LV Xiuming patted his chest and promised.

LV Zhongxuan nodded, "OK!"

Immediately he thought of something, frowned and said, "but why didn't none of the evil things entering the battlefield contact us this time?"

"I think I've just entered the battlefield and haven't adapted to the pressure here. Anyway, there are adults behind me. Do you care about these mole ants?" LV Xiuming said carelessly.

Although LV Zhongxuan vaguely felt that something was wrong, LV Xiuming was right.

With the support of adults, do you still care about these?

Even if things happen again and again, no one can turn over the slightest storm with the suppression of the existence!

Thinking of this, LV Zhongxuan put his heart down.

At the same time, the second battle on the challenge arena is coming to an end.


With a loud noise, the four defeated families disappeared and were transmitted out of the battlefield.

The victor walked down the challenge arena covered with scars.

They were greeted with warm applause.

But before the third battle began, LV Zhongxuan sneered and said, "go! Go up and play with these guys! "

With that, he rushed to the challenge arena first, followed by LV Feichen and others, and immediately boarded the challenge arena.

When they appeared on the challenge arena, many people were stunned.

"What's going on? Isn't this the Zhenwu Taoist temple from Taoism? Why did they suddenly mount the challenge arena? "

In the Taoist camp, he Tianxuan of the Zhengyi school and chongyangzi of the Quanzhen school also looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

Although Zhenwu Taoist temple is not a powerful sect among the sectarian Taoists, it is inherited from Zhenwu and has a respected status. Even he Tianxuan and chongyangzi dare not underestimate it.

But it's not time for them to appear. What are you doing?

When the people were wondering, they saw a sneer from LV Zhongxuan.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am LV Zhongxuan, the leader of Zhenwu Taoist temple. I believe many people will wonder why we went to the challenge arena ahead of time before it was our turn! Now I will tell you that we are on stage this time to clean up the door! "

With that, LV Zhongxuan raised his hand and pointed to a certain direction of the stand.

"Lv Yangyan, LV Xiaoya, since you two have come, don't you know to say hello to your master and master?"


Many people turned their attention to LV Yangyan's brother and sister.

LV Yangyan's eyes turned red and his teeth clenched, staring at LV Zhongxuan in the challenge arena.

Of course, he knew that his school had fallen into the hands of evil things, including his most beloved master.

So as soon as these people of Zhenwu Taoist temple appeared, he had already stared at them.

But I didn't expect that LV Zhongxuan was already clamoring to clean up the door before he got into trouble with them.

This makes him how to tolerate.

But at the thought of xue'an's great event, he was strong enough to endure and didn't say a word.

But his silence was in exchange for LV Zhongxuan's more and more rampant clamor.

"What? Have the ability to defecte from the school, but don't have the courage to admit it? Do you even turn a blind eye to your tutor? "

As soon as he said this, many people's eyes at LV Yangyan changed.

Some people even snorted coldly and looked contemptuous.

No matter where you go, those who deceive teachers and destroy ancestors and betray your school will be despised.

LV Zhongxuan clenched his fists, and his nails were deeply embedded in the meat, which had seeped blood.

Just then, Xue an's indifferent voice came to his ears.

"You can go on stage, but remember not to expose the real identity of these guys in advance!"

As soon as he said this, LV Zhongxuan burst into glory in his eyes. Almost instantly, he stood up and rushed towards the challenge arena.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" LV Xiaoya exclaimed.

"Sit there and don't move!" LV Yangyan shouted, people have rushed to the challenge arena.

To tell the truth, LV Zhongxuan didn't expect that LV Yangyan really dared to go on stage, so he was stunned and laughed.

"Good! Let's not say anything else first, but it's really brave. With this alone, I'll give you a good time later! "

LV Yangyan didn't speak at all. He just stared at LV Zhongxuan with his eyes.

LV Zhongxuan was unmoved, shrugged slightly, sneered and said, "you don't have to look at me with that kind of eyes. I can't deal with you!"

Then he withdrew.

"Lv Zhengqing, since he is your precious apprentice, I'll leave it to you to clean up!"

Words are full of unspeakable malice and excitement.

It's as if the tragedy of killing each other between teachers and disciples is the most beautiful scene in the world.

LV Zhengqing came forward in silence and looked at LV Yangyan with a dull look.

Seeing him like this, LV Yangyan couldn't help crying out, "master!"

Then he couldn't say anything, because his tears had burst into his eyes and choked his throat.

At this moment, LV Yangyan remembered a lot, especially when he was excluded from Zhenwu Taoist temple because of his sister.

Only LV Zhengqing took good care of himself and taught himself a lot of truth.

LV Yangyan knew that without him, he and his sister would have died a long time ago.

Therefore, no matter when it came, LV Yangyan was full of gratitude to LV Zhengqing and regarded him as a kind father and teacher.

But I didn't expect it, but I haven't seen it for some time, and Funiu Mountain changed dramatically., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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