Evil things invade the sect and infect all disciples.

His master was not spared.

After hearing the news from Xue an, LV Yangyan was almost struck by lightning and almost fainted.

He finally understood what had happened to the inexplicable sense of crisis he had suddenly felt.

But it's too late to repent.

Now he can only look at LV Zhengqing like a string puppet, and his heart is like a knife.

But at this time, I didn't know whether it was an illusion or what was going on. LV Yangyan suddenly found a flash of brilliance in LV Zhengqing's eyes.

This stunned LV Yangyan.

But before he could observe carefully, he heard a grim smile behind him.

"What? Are you willing to do it when the teachers and disciples meet? Then I'll give you a hand! "

With this voice, a cold breath suddenly appeared and stabbed LV Yangyan's back heart.

LV Yangyan moved a foot away in a short time, which was a blow that could be avoided.

When I looked back, I saw LV Xiuming looking at him with a sneer on his face.

"Tut Tut, I didn't expect that my strength has improved in a few days! But as a traitor, you still have to die today! "

With the voice, LV Xiuming suddenly disappeared and launched an indiscriminate attack on LV Yangyan.

After being infected by evil things, LV Xiuming's strength has made great progress.

Especially in terms of speed, it has reached a shocking level.

Bang bang!

There were bursts of fist and foot blows from the challenge arena, but I only heard the sound and didn't see the person. I couldn't see LV Xiuming at all.

LV Yangyan was left behind and right behind, fighting with LV Xiuming.

LV Zhengqing still stood silent.

Seeing this, LV Zhongxuan, the leader of the temple, couldn't help shouting coldly: "Lv Zhengqing, what are you still doing? Don't you hurry? "

LV Zhengqing trembled slightly, and then his momentum began to fluctuate, as if a machine was starting.

In the blink of an eye, evil and cold brilliance appeared in his eyes, and then he took a step forward and joined the battle group.

LV Yangyan, who had been struggling to support, was full of danger.

"Brother!" LV Xiaoya on the stand couldn't help exclaiming.

Nine days Xuannv frowned slightly, and then asked in a low voice, "Xue an, why don't I go up and help him! This is a whole sect. How can LV Yangyan be their opponent alone! "

Unexpectedly, Xue an shook her head and said with a smile, "no, just look at it first!"

What else did Jiutian Xuannv want to say? It can be seen that Xue an was confident, and finally swallowed the words back.

But her heart was still full of doubts.

What does this Xue an want?

Does he really think that LV Yangyan alone can deal with the Zhenwu Taoist temple?

Are you kidding?

Not only her, but also a person on the stand at this time had similar doubts, and his heart was more nervous.

That is Zhu Zhesheng.

The person in charge of Zhujia mining area has the best relationship with LV Yangyan. They are the two of them walking together in this hundred meeting.

So when he saw the tense situation in the field, he couldn't help clenching his fist.

Yang Yan, don't worry!

It seemed that in response to his idea, he heard a dull noise from the challenge arena, and then LV Yangyan staggered back out. At the same time, a huge wound appeared on his chest and abdomen.

Blood gushed from it, and even white ribs could be seen faintly.

LV Xiaoya's face was as pale as paper and almost fainted.

LV Xiuming in the field laughed proudly.

"Lv Yangyan, it's your destiny that you can hold on until now. Then you can go at ease!"

With that, LV Xiuming tiptoed and was ready to rush up again.

The battle in the pharmacist alliance made LV Xiuming hate LV Yangyan's brother and sister.

Even after being infected by evil things, this hatred has not been eliminated, but intensified.

So now he really wants to eat LV Yangyan raw.

And he did. As long as he jumped in front of LV Yangyan, he was ready to bite down and kill the boy alive.

The thought of that scene made him tremble with excitement.

In his opinion, this will be a sure thing. After all, LV Yangyan is seriously injured and has no power to fight back.

But at the moment when he was about to fly up, LV Zhengqing, who was standing by with a dull face, suddenly had a great deal of brilliance in his eyes.

At the same time, he saw his hands raised and directly patted LV Xiuming with the momentum of thunder.

Caught off guard, LV Xiuming had no reaction at all, and was directly patted on his back by the pair of palms.


A loud noise came, and then LV Xiuming fell to the ground, spitting blood.

It was so amazing that everyone in the stands was shocked by it.

"What's going on? Why did this man suddenly attack his companion? "

"Let's watch first. It's estimated that something we don't know has happened!"

LV Yangyan naturally couldn't hear these comments. At the moment, he was a little silly standing on the stage. He stared at LV Zhengqing and LV Xiuming, who was already unconscious on the ground. He didn't know what to say.

Just then, I heard a burst of applause.

"Wonderful, really wonderful, LV Zhengqing, it's hard for you to hide so deeply, and you can bear it so much. You didn't start until now!"

It was LV Zhongxuan who spoke. He looked indifferent, as if what had happened had long been in his expectation.

LV Zhengqing's face changed in an instant, and then took a deep breath.

"You have already noticed it?"

LV Zhongxuan chuckled, "what do you think? Do you really think you can hide it from me with that trick? "

At this time, LV Yangyan finally understood and shouted in surprise: "master, are you... Are you okay?"

LV Zhengqing smiled and nodded at him, "I'm fine. Just stand behind me and stay away from these evil demons!

you 're right!

From the beginning, LV Zhengqing was not infected by evil spirits and still maintained a clear self-consciousness.

But he knew very well that if he was found to be different by these evil things, he would die without a burial place. Therefore, he hid his subject consciousness, leaving only a trace of residual consciousness to control the body.

Until now, when he saw that his apprentice was about to die, his sleeping subject consciousness woke up, and then forcibly took over his body and saved LV Yangyan.

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