"Evil spirits and monsters... Ha ha." LV Zhongxuan sneered.

At the same time, the men behind him quietly dispersed and formed a circle, trapping LV Zhengqing and LV Yangyan.

"Do you think others will believe such nonsense?" LV Zhongxuan asked condescensively.

Sure enough.

At the moment, many people are watching coldly and sneer at LV Zhengqing and LV Yangyan.

After all, betraying the school is despised everywhere.

Seeing this, LV Zhengqing took a deep breath and shouted.

"Listen to me, LV Zhongxuan standing opposite me is no longer the former Zhenwu Taoist priest, but a puppet controlled by some evil force, and not only him, but now the whole Zhenwu Taoist temple has fallen!"

Speaking of this, LV Zhengqing looked sad and angry, "even I was controlled by this force and nearly fell into the abyss! So... "

"At this moment, we are not betraying our school, but killing demons and demons to prove the God name of Zhenwu adult!"

After these impassioned words, the audience was quiet.

A moment later, LV Zhongxuan suddenly laughed with arrogance.

"Lv Zhengqing, I have to say that the excuse you've made is really clever. What's more, all of them are controlled by evil forces. Thanks to you, it's a pity that no matter what you say, everyone doesn't believe you!"

At last, LV Zhongxuan's eyes were full of ridicule and mockery.

It's like watching two dying insects.

LV Zhengqing was stunned. Even if he was unwilling, he roared in the direction of the grandstand: "what I said is true, gentlemen, you can..."

Before the words fell, LV Zhengqing was suddenly blown out, and then LV Feichen appeared not far behind him, slowly retracted his fist and said with a cold smile.

"It's really noisy. There's so much nonsense. Just die!"

LV Zhengqing did not fall to the ground, but was held in his arms by LV Yangyan who rushed up and waited for him to fall to the ground.

LV Yangyan looked cold and let go of LV Zhengqing, and then said in a deep voice, "master, it's useless to say anything now. This is a dead end!"

LV Zhengqing's face was a little pale, but he also nodded, "you're right!"

Then they looked at each other and stood back to back.

Opposite, as soon as LV Zhongxuan winked, people from Zhenwu Taoist temple came forward one after another.

The situation is imminent.

LV Xiaoya on the stand was worried. She grabbed the armrest of the seat with both hands and looked at her brother on the water mirror without blinking.

At Xue an's side, Jiutian Xuannv couldn't help asking, "don't you start now?"

Xue an said faintly, "the time has not come, wait!"

Jiutian Xuannv refrained from asking what time he was waiting for.

At the same time, on the challenge arena, the battle has broken out!

Dong Dong!

With a dull loud noise, the golden light on the challenge arena flickered violently.

That was the result of the competition between the two sides with pure Zhenwu force.

It's strange to say that even if they have been infected by evil Qi, LV Zhongxuan and others can still use the power of real martial arts, even stronger than before.

Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, LV Zhongxuan and others showed an overwhelming advantage, forcing LV Zhengqing and his disciples to retreat one after another. They almost had only the power of parry and had no power to fight back.

Seeing this scene, many people in the stands shook their heads secretly, thinking that the result of LV Zhengqing and his wife had been doomed.

Sure enough.

The battle lasted only a few seconds, and two figures in the regiment flew backwards, one left and one right.

And hit the boundary of the challenge arena, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The battle stopped.

The arena was quiet again, and only the violent breathing of LV Zhengqing and LV Yangyan echoed.

A moment later, there was a scream in the stands, "brother!"

But the sound could not wake up the two people who had been seriously injured.

At the same time, there was a clear sound of footsteps from the challenge arena. LV Zhongxuan walked briskly to LV Yangyan, and then looked down at him.

At the moment, the corners of LV Yangyan's mouth were bleeding out, and his body was trembling unconsciously. Only one eye remained awake.

When they looked at each other, a cruel smile appeared at the corners of LV Zhongxuan's mouth, then squatted down and said jokingly.

"You still seem unconvinced, don't you?"

LV Yangyan didn't speak. He just stared at LV Zhongxuan and spit out a mouthful of saliva.

The bloody spittle stained LV Zhongxuan's cheek. LV Zhongxuan's smile gradually cooled, and then stretched out his hand to erase it slowly.

"Well, it seems that you do have a little backbone, but I hope you can keep this attitude in the future!"

With that, he suddenly stood up and stepped down.


Accompanied by a crisp sound of bone fracture, LV Yangyan's arm was trampled off in an instant, and then bent at a strange angle.

LV Yangyan's face didn't even have the color of pain. On the contrary, there was a sneer in his eyes.

It was this cynical color that completely angered LV Zhongxuan.

He yelled, "what are you doing looking at me like that? Huh? Are you looking down on me? "

While questioning, he raised his feet and kept stepping down.

Each stroke would break a part of LV Yangyan's body.

The constant sound of broken bones made many people in the stands pale.

Some timid people dare not even look.

Jiutian Xuannv finally couldn't help it. "Do you have to wait? If he goes on like this, he will really die! "

Xue an's face also became a little dignified and said softly, "wait!"

"What the hell are you waiting for?"

Xue an's eyes looked at LV Xiaoya not far away. "I'm waiting for something to wake up!"

The awakening of something?

Jiutian Xuannv didn't know why. Then she looked in xue'an's eyes, but she only saw LV Xiaoya with her head down and silent.

Then she gave a slight sigh.

LV Yangyan's brother and sister have a good relationship, and LV Xiaoya respects her brother.

It is reasonable to say that when she sees her brother being tortured so much, she will definitely be miserable.

That's what I did just now.

But what's going on now?

Did you faint?

Jiutian Xuannv was in doubt.

The situation in the challenge arena has changed again.

When LV Yangyan's hands and feet were all broken, but he still didn't give in at all.

LV Zhongxuan finally lost his patience. He raised his feet cruelly and stepped heavily on LV Yangyan's chest.

Bang bang!

Accompanied by a burst of bone burst like firecrackers, LV Yangyan's chest immediately collapsed. It was the sound of his ribs breaking together.

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