And that's not enough.

LV Zhongxuan smiled cruelly and said, "you really have backbone, but it's time to say goodbye!"

As he spoke, his feet made a sudden effort to crush LV Yangyan's chest and abdomen.

But it was at this critical moment that an invisible wave suddenly involved his feet, so that he could not step down at all.

What's going on?

LV Zhongxuan was stunned, then he turned back and looked at the source of the fluctuation.

At the same time, there was a strong breath on the stand, which shook everyone.

"God, what's that?" Someone lost his voice and exclaimed.

People turned their heads and looked.

Somewhere in the stands, LV Xiaoya, who had bowed her head and was silent, had raised her head at this time, and her long hair was flying, and her eyes were red, which was very terrible.

But it is in this terror that there is a great divine power.

"Move my brother... Brother! Die! "

LV Xiaoya whispered softly, and every time she said a word, her momentum would increase sharply.

When she finished, LV Xiaoya suddenly gave out a harsh scream.

The ears of some people who were close were broken in an instant.

Even if they are far away, they look painful.

As for those super strong, they were all surprised.

Because at this time, LV Xiaoya, who was originally sitting on the grandstand, suddenly disappeared. When she appeared again, she had come to the challenge arena.


She was suspended above everyone's head. Her long hair at the back of her head was windless and grew rapidly, covering the whole challenge arena in an instant.

Under the pressure, LV Zhongxuan and others groaned, and then found that their strength was fading rapidly.

In sharp contrast to them are LV Zhengqing and LV Yangyan.

They, who had been seriously injured, rose slowly under the lift of an invisible force.

Then there were countless hairs wrapped around it and deeply penetrated into the body.

In an instant, their injuries began to recover rapidly, and even their momentum was growing rapidly.

LV Zhongxuan was stunned by such a change.

Especially when he saw LV Xiaoya suspended on the challenge arena, with long hair like a demon and red eyes like blood, a question came to his mind.

Who the hell is the evil thing!

Why is this woman more like a evil thing than herself?

Though make complaints about him, his reaction was not pleasant.

He winked at the left and right, then immediately flew up and rushed towards LV Xiaoya.

Followed by all the people of Zhenwu Taoist temple.

This siege can be said to have gathered the strength of everyone in Zhenwu Taoist temple.

He vowed to kill the sudden LV Xiaoya under his horse.

But they just rushed halfway, as if someone had pressed the pause button, and then stagnated in the air.

"How could this happen? Who the hell are you? " LV Zhongxuan struggled hard, but he couldn't get rid of the shackles of this invisible force. He couldn't help yelling in horror.

"What you are aiming at me is what I have given you!" LV Xiaoya spoke slowly in a dignified voice.


LV Zhongxuan was stunned.

Then he saw a huge statue slowly emerging behind LV Xiaoya.

A statue with hair and barefoot and feet stepping on turtles and snakes.

It is the statue of Zhenwu.

Seeing the appearance of this statue, the audience was stunned and boiling.

"How is that possible? Is this the long lost Zhenwu master? " Someone exclaimed.

As for the Taoist camp, he Tianxuan of the righteous school and chongyangzi of the Quanzhen school all stood up and looked at the scene on the challenge arena in disbelief.

When they confirmed that the breath was right, they couldn't help looking at each other, and then sighed together.

"Unexpectedly! I didn't expect that Lord Zhenwu, who had disappeared for a long time, was hidden in the blood of a girl. If it hadn't erupted today, it's estimated that no one could find it! " He Tianxuan sighed.

Chongyangzi also sighed, "who said no, you know, after Lord Zhenwu disappeared, our Taoism almost searched the whole sky and still found nothing. At that time, people even thought he had completely fallen, but they didn't expect him to appear again today."

At the same time, there was another man in the stands who was as surprised as them.

Nine days Xuannv took a deep look at Xue an and couldn't help asking, "have you seen it already?"

Xue an took back his eyes, smiled and shook his head. "It's not very early. At first, he was just a little suspicious. I didn't see some clues until I preached the sage later!"

"That's why you just stopped me from going on stage again and again in order to force LV Xiaoya's Zhenwu blood through this matter?"

"Yes!" Xue an nodded.

Nine days Xuannv was silent.

Because she once again felt a deep sense of frustration in Xue an.

You know, as a woman, she spends more time with LV Xiaoya than Xue an.

But she didn't notice.

Is this the gap between yourself and genius?

At this time, Xue an narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the challenge arena.

As he said to Jiutian Xuannv, he really saw the clue of LV Xiaoya very early.

But he didn't want to wake it up at first.

Until I saw LV Yangyan pay any price to save his sister.

Xue an just moved his mind and was ready to help the brothers and sisters.

In fact, the fundamental reason why LV Xiaoya fainted and fell ill many times in the past is that the Zhenwu power hidden in her body is ready to move.

So the best way to solve this problem once and for all is to wake it up completely.

But it's easy to say, but very difficult to do.

First of all, after such a long time, the power of Zhenwu has been on the verge of losing control, which is far beyond the control of ordinary people.

Secondly, after so many years of dissipation, LV Xiaoya's spiritual strength is already very weak, and she can't bear the cost of actively activating Zhenwu's power.

The only way is to wake it up by violent emotional stimulation.

That's why Xue an stopped Jiutian Xuannv from coming to the stage in order to wake LV Xiaoya up in this way.

To tell you the truth, although xue'an has just appeared to be light, he is still a little uneasy in his heart.

Because he doesn't know if it will succeed.

Even at the end, he was ready to go on stage in person.

But fortunately, he was right.

Just when the whole audience was in turmoil, led by LV Zhongxuan, all the people of Zhenwu Taoist temple began to scream.

Then the real force in their bodies was forcibly stripped out and merged into the bodies of LV Zhengqing and LV Yangyan., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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