"What should we do now?" Chen zuihui didn't doubt him and hurriedly asked.

Fox night smiled and turned to look at the trembling thugs.

"Since he took great pains to control these thugs separately, it proves that these people are still useful, so the top priority is to tame these guys first!"


Chen zuihui didn't understand, but the next second she understood.

Nine white lights suddenly appeared behind fox night, enveloping the mob in an instant.

After seeing the nine furry fox tails, Chen zuihui's mouth opened slightly and her expression became a little dull.

"Fox... Fox spirit?"

Fox night's proud face suddenly showed several black lines, "it's Fox fairy, do fox fairy understand!"

"Isn't that the same meaning?" Chen zuihui looked puzzled.

Fox night: "..."

Then he sighed, "it's terrible to have no culture. Forget it. As a Nine Tailed sky fox, I'm too lazy to argue with you!"

With that, fox night removed the nine fox tails and looked at the thugs in the field. The fierce color on their faces was gone, replaced by infinite docility and obedience.

Fox night said faintly, "now I'm your master. Do you understand?"

"Yes! Master! " The mob bowed down one after another and agreed in unison.

Chen zuihui's eyes are full of shock, but she knows how stubborn these thugs are.

Xue an used to suppress these thugs with a violent and gorgeous face, which made them dare not make a mistake.

But as soon as Xue an disappeared, these thugs began to stir up.

But I didn't expect that under the fox spirit, these thugs were transformed successfully without even humming.

It seems that he felt Chen zuihui's shock. Fox night said quite complacently: "don't forget that I'm a Nine Tailed sky fox. I can't catch these guys easily? Just throw any dreamland in the past and let them change their past and be a new man! "

Just as fox night boasted, the square suddenly began to stir.

Then I heard the screams one after another.

"What's that?"

"God, it's evil! How did these people of yin and Yang family suddenly become like this? "

Along with these exclamations came the sound of blood splashing and moaning.

Fox night Huoran turned his head and looked.

Sure enough.

I saw the children of yin and Yang family standing around the square to maintain order. Suddenly, their image changed greatly, directly from people to ferocious and terrible evil things, and hurt the people around them.

For a time, the whole square was in chaos.

Fox night's face suddenly became dignified and said in a deep voice: "I think I know why Xue an wanted to leave a separation on this square. He obviously expected that these children of yin and Yang family would show their original shape, so he planned to use these thugs to suppress the confrontation!"

Speaking of this, I saw the fox night waving, and these thugs rushed towards these evil things without hesitation.

Although the strength of these people was poor, they all became fierce and fearless under the transformation of fox night. Therefore, their arrival immediately stopped the attack of these evil things and won a breathing opportunity for the rest of the people.

At the same time, fox night stood up and shouted, "gentlemen, now the yin-yang family has completely fallen. These evil things obviously want to kill them all. If you want to live, the first thing is to unite and not panic!"

His words gradually quieted the panic crowd because of the sudden change.

Although the people in the square are not qualified to enter the hundred battlefields, it also proves that they are not ordinary people.

Therefore, when they calmed down, many people immediately saw the situation, and then began to organize people to fight against evil things.

The strength of these evil things in the square is not too strong, but the strength of these thugs is not very good. In addition, they do not care about their own reasons. Therefore, after only a while, they almost lost their casualties.

Until the reaction of the crowd began to resist, the thugs of these gale strongholds had been completely annihilated.

And this sacrifice also moved many people.

"It's from gale stronghold!"

"I didn't expect that these thugs who used to rob homes and homes should be such men!"

"What thugs, they are heroes!"

These comments spread into Fox night's ears, which made him feel a little emotion.

In fact, he didn't understand why Xue an valued this gale stronghold so much before. Although there were a large number of these thugs, they were allowed to commit crimes and rob their homes. If they really wanted to do something, it would be over.

Not to mention fighting evil things.

Until now, fox night didn't understand that Xue an planned to let these thugs make chess pieces from the beginning.

After all, the actions of these people can't be redeemed. Instead of killing them directly, it's better to let them die more valuable.

So if things go well at that time, even if fox night doesn't appear, Xue an's separation should forcibly control these thugs.

But I didn't expect that things had changed, and even Xue an's separation disappeared, so it almost bankrupt the plan.

Thinking of this, fox night couldn't help raising his head to look at the towering statue of the Eastern Emperor.

Now the sun is setting, and most of the body of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is hidden in the brilliant afterglow.

In particular, its huge face, because of its three-dimensional facial features, causes its eyes to fall into darkness, like two deep abysses with invisible bottom, which makes people cold at the bottom of my heart.

Fox night's face became more and more dignified, because he could feel that the cold air on the statue was growing.

Vaguely, it has even dominated this space.

As for the hundred battlefields held in the palm of its hand, it is like a candle in the storm, which may be extinguished at any time.

Fox night heart a tight.

Xue an, don't fucking worry!

For I am the only one in the heavens who still remember you.

If you die again, it's all over!

Not only can't you come back, but even my sister has to disappear completely.

Just as the fox was thinking in the night, he listened to someone talking next to him.

"Brother, thank your men for giving up their lives and buying us precious time!"

Fox night turned his head and saw a very pale man.

When the man saw the fox night, he couldn't help but be a little stunned, and then said in amazement: "Fox clan?"

Fox night frowned slightly, thinking that he felt a very unpleasant breath from the man, and couldn't help but say after a little thought.

"Confucian disciples?"

Then they both looked a little embarrassed.

All this is because there is an unspeakable past between Confucianism and fox nationality.

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