The Confucian disciples are not only the peerless scholars like Yan Jingcheng, but also the poor scholars who have no strength to bind chickens.

However, although these people have no other skills, the pen holder in their hands is quite powerful.

One of the ancestors of the fox tribe didn't know what offended a poor scholar.

As a result, the book was angry and simply wrote a story.

In the story, the fox clan often appears as a female fox spirit who charms all sentient beings, and the objects they charm are all scholars.

I didn't expect that such a seemingly boring story created a precedent.

These poor scholars usually have no sense of existence because their grandmother doesn't hurt, their uncle doesn't love, and their literature doesn't become martial arts.

Therefore, as soon as the story came out, it immediately perfectly catered to the psychology of these scholars.

After all, even a fox is a woman!

However, such a beautiful woman is charmed by herself who has no sense of existence at all, even if she is fantasized.

So these scholars began to process and re create in a swarm, and the more they wrote, the more outrageous they became.

The fox woman in the story has no dignity at all. Like licking a dog, she pursues these scholars in every way, and the scholars refuse them after taking advantage of everything.

As a result, after these messy stories were spread to the Fox family, they were almost angry with these fox women.

You know, any Fox family that can evolve human form has ancient blood and is very noble.

Even among the demon clan, the fox clan belongs to the existence of the tip of the pyramid, and the general demon clan can only look up to it.

As a result, they are now slandered by a group of poor scholars. These fox women naturally quit and immediately clashed with these scholars.

Once a woman was angry, even Confucianism had to retreat, so all these poor scholars were severely punished at that time.

But even so, the stories about fox women and scholars have been handed down for a long time and have been handed down to the present.

Although the Chinese Confucianism on earth did not inherit the essence of Tianwaitian Confucianism, it learned a lot.

Therefore, this has become a public case between the fox and Confucianism. Even after so many years, it is still a thorn in the heart of the fox.

Fox night was uncomfortable in his heart, but he saw the man sigh, "this fox Reverend, what happened in those years was my Confucian fault, but now is not the time to say that. The top priority now is to eliminate these evil things quickly and then evacuate this dangerous place!"

The man's attitude was very frank. Fox night also put aside his prejudices temporarily, and then nodded.

"You scholar is not as pedantic as others. What's your name?"

"My name is Luo Linyuan! He is the third leader of white deer mountain villa! "

you 're right!

At the moment, it is Luo Linyuan who is good at divining heaven and was seriously injured because of spying on heaven's secrets before the hundred house meeting.

At that time, Luo Linyuan began to close the door to heal his wounds because of his heavy injury. Naturally, it was impossible for him to enter the hundred battlefields.

However, Luo Linyuan was good at divination. He knew that this hundred house meeting would definitely be chaotic. Even outside the battlefield, it would not be so calm, so he forced his way out of the pass to the square.

Sure enough.

Not long after he arrived, these disciples of Yin Yang family showed their original form.

At this time, fox night also said in a deep voice: "what you just said is right. The top priority now is to eliminate all these evil things, but not to evacuate, but to rescue people trapped in the battlefield!"

As soon as fox night's words fell, Luo Linyuan was surprised and nodded heavily.

"That's right!"

At the moment, Luo Linyuan's two senior brothers are trapped in the battlefield. How can he not be in a hurry?

Just now he was afraid that telling the truth would scare the Fox family, but he didn't expect that he thought the same as himself.

Although Luo Linyuan was still seriously injured, the name and prestige of the three Confucian villa leaders were still there. Coupled with the just performance of fox night, he soon integrated a force to suppress these evil things in an all-round way.

Seeing the smooth progress of the war, many people couldn't help looking relaxed, but there was no happy look on Luo Linyuan's face.

Because he knew that the war was no small matter. The evil things appearing in the square might not even be an appetizer.

It is even possible that the main emissary behind the scenes did not take these people in the square seriously at all, and the real power was used elsewhere.

For example, in the hundreds of battlefields, such as... The headquarters of each sect.

When the second thought came out of his mind, Luo Linyuan couldn't help but be frightened and his face changed greatly.

Because he suddenly realized that things were likely to be what he thought, or even worse.

His guess was also true, because when the chaos appeared on the square, the whole sky was ready to rain.

Farm headquarters.

The once beautiful countryside has now turned into scorched earth.

Many people die with their eyes open, and their faces are still frozen with fear and anger before they die.

The man in black stood high in the sky, overlooking the ruins at his feet, with a sarcastic sneer on his face.

"It's really a toast without penalty. Even the emperor's orders dare not be obeyed. It's his own fault to end up."

While he was talking, the figure of ten evil things rushed out of the ruins and worshipped in front of the man in black.

The leader was the evil thing that occupied the body of LV Zhongxuan, the leader of Zhenwu Taoist temple.

"Has everything been cleaned?"

"If you return, I've plowed the farmhouse completely according to your instructions, and I'm sure no one will survive!"

"Good, then follow me to the next place!"


A black cigarette passed by. After it dissipated, the man in black had disappeared.

Only the farm headquarters, which has become a ruin, stands silently in the cold wind, as if silently announcing the evil of these evil things.

After starting from the farmhouse, the man in black led the army of evil things to connect several families, and did not hide his whereabouts all the way. He was even blatant and reckless. He often killed the family by slaughtering. The means can be described as extremely cruel.

The news spread quickly, and then it shook the whole sky.

In this case, the man in black finally led the vast army of evil things to the strategist galaxy.

At the moment, the strategists have already heard the news. Although Yue Shifang and many elite strategists are not here, under the excellent military literacy, the strategists have quickly made all kinds of preparations.

Therefore, after the people in black arrived here, what appeared in front of them was a heavily guarded scene.

All the soldiers left behind are ready to fight under the leadership of several elders. Even in the face of this army of evil things that block out the sky and the sun, they don't have any fear.

Seeing this scene, the man in black couldn't help sneering.

"When I die, I have to struggle. All the elite of the strategists are gone. Do you want to stop me just by ordering soldiers? What a joke! ", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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