
As far as the eye could see, there was red to dazzling blood everywhere.

There are corpses everywhere in the vast void, including soldiers' children and invading evil things.

Many soldiers, even though they are dead, still maintain the fighting posture before they die, and the faces of these evil things are solidified with deep puzzlement and fear.

These evil things couldn't understand why these soldiers worked so hard until they died, and even reached the point of almost madness.

But even so, this cruel fight is still not over, but intensified.

There are cries of killing everywhere, and life is dying every second.

But no matter how the army of evil things blocking the sky and the sun charged, it could not shake the military camp.

When a soldier dies, there will be a second one immediately, and it is more crazy than before. In this case, the military camp is like a reef in the stormy waves, standing still despite the impact of the evil army.

The man in black who lived in the center of the evil thing army looked at this scene coldly. No matter how the evil thing under his hand was injured or killed, his face didn't have any expression.

It's as if the dead is not life, but worthless cannon fodder.

And that's exactly what he thought.

For the existence of his level, these charged evil things are indeed cannon fodder. Let alone die, he won't blink even if all of them are killed in battle.

Especially now, after fighting with the strategists, the man in black has brought this cold calculation to the extreme.

In his opinion, he only sacrificed some useless cannon fodder in exchange for the precious lives of the trained soldiers of the other party.

The deal is profitable anyway.

Because of this, there was no impatience in his heart.

Because he knew that he could afford this consumption, but the strategist could not.

If it continues like this, even if the morale of the strategists does not collapse, it will fall into the embarrassing situation of no one available.

Sure enough.

The battle continued for another time, and the originally solid military camp began to tremble slightly.

It's not that the soldiers who fought hard have a problem with their morale. On the contrary, almost all of them have red eyes and burst out almost 200% of their combat power.

The reason for this is entirely because there are too many soldiers killed in the war and there is a serious shortage of reserve forces, which eventually leads to the emptiness of the front and the hidden instability of the overall situation.

Seeing this scene, the corners of the mouth of the man in black couldn't help raising gradually, revealing a proud smile.

"Work harder, they will soon be unable to hold on!" The man in Black said faintly.


LV Zhongxuan and other evil things immediately increased their efforts to supervise the war. Suddenly, the offensive of evil things increased greatly, and the already precarious military front trembled violently.

For a time, even the military elders in charge of command joined the battle.

But although their strength is strong, their number is limited after all, which is a drop in the bucket for such a big battlefield.

But just then, a loud shout came from behind the military front.

"Don't worry, soldier. Your ancestors are coming!"

With this cry, several bright voices flew straight to the, and then showed their body shape.

There are all these people, men and women, old and young, but everyone's figure is illusory. It's actually the body of the soul.

After seeing these people, all the elders of the military family trembled together, and then shouted in surprise: "ancestors, why are you here if you don't stay in the ancestral hall?"

you 're right!

It was the ancestral spirits enshrined in the military sages' temple that came.

The man who just shouted smiled, "now the military family is in great trouble. As ancestors, how can we hide in the ancestral hall and ignore it?"

Then he looked at the army of evil things opposite with a murderous look on his face, "not to mention the menace of these evil things. The children are in a good time. Wouldn't it be a pity if they all died under the hands of these despicable things?"

The speaker is Zhong Lishan, the ancestor of the Zhong Li family.

Gu Xianyi, the ancestral spirit of Gu family next to him, couldn't help nodding when she heard the speech. "Zhong Li is right. The lives of the soldiers are very precious. How can they be wasted here!"

With the words, these ancestors went through the crowd, came to the front, and faced the army of evil things opposite.

The man in black naturally recognized these people and said in a cold voice.

"How dare a bunch of old ghosts who have rotten bones destroy me? All rush up to me and tear up all these souls on the opposite side! "

At the command, evil things surged like a tide.

Facing this shocking blow, Zhong Lishan looked dignified and suddenly whispered to Gu Xianyi beside him.

"Xianyi, if we can't hold on for a while, you remember to withdraw to the sage Temple quickly. There is array protection there. It should be fine!"

Gu Xianyi sneered at the speech, then glanced at the sideburns in her ears, "it's like I'm a greedy and afraid of death!"

"But..." Zhong Lishan is in a hurry.

Gu Xianyi waved her hand, "needless to say, I'll be where you are. Anyway, I've died once, and I don't care to die again, let alone..."

Gu Xianyi suddenly said in a very low voice, "as long as I can be with you, even if I'm scared!"

This sentence was very light and spoke very fast, but Zhong Lishan listened carefully.

He was shocked in an instant. He looked at Gu Xianyi blankly and just wanted to ask something more.

At this time, Gu Xianyi looked forward with a red complexion, and then said in a deep voice, "well, get ready quickly. These bastards are coming!"

Zhong Lishan only felt that a mass of ecstasy exploded in his chest. At the moment, he had only one idea in his mind.

That is, even if you are completely scared, it is worth it.

Holding this idea, he nodded heavily, "Hmm!"

The conversation between them was heard by Yue Huazang and long Tianzong not far away.

All of them, who had been together in the ancestral hall for many years, now had a happy smile on their faces.

For the happy enemies Zhong Lishan and Gu Xianyi, how can they not see the friendship between them because they were all human spirits.

It's just that Gu Xianyi is eccentric, so no one dares to expose it to her face.

Until today, in the face of the great enemy, they finally opened their hearts and expressed their feelings.

This result naturally makes these people feel gratified.


The army of evil things rushed forward and collided with the battle array composed of these ancestral spirits.

Waves rise and the space is broken.

Then an invisible shock wave suddenly spread.

Zhong Lishan and others snorted stiffly and stepped back.

As for the evil objects on the opposite side, at least dozens of them turned into powder in an instant under the action of the shock wave.

But such casualties are of no importance to the army of evil things like the ocean., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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