Almost in the blink of an eye, almost twice as many evil things filled the gap, and then rushed frantically towards Zhong Lishan and others again.

In the face of such an offensive, even Zhong Lishan and others who are used to seeing big battles can't help turning blue.

"These sons of bitches don't know what fear is. Just like beasts, they can only kill!" Zhong Lishan clenched his teeth and said, then gave a hard slap and smashed several evil things.

But this palm also consumed a lot of his physical strength, so when he finished shooting, his body became a little darker.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xianyi silently stood in front of him and bore more than half of the pressure for him.

The battle began in full swing.

The real battlefield is like this. It doesn't give you the slightest chance to breathe.

Even Zhong Lishan and others have experienced the battlefield for a long time and still feel great pressure.

But even so, they still gritted their teeth and refused to shrink back.

Because behind them are the soldiers who are in a state of emergency adjustment.

With the time they have won, these soldiers who are on the verge of the limit finally have a little chance to breathe.

Even if this breathing machine may only wipe the blood on the face, drink a water bag around the waist, or wrap up the exposed wound, it still seems so precious.

So even for these soldiers, they should stick to it for as long as possible.

After all, only in this way can we reduce unnecessary casualties as much as possible.


Another charge.

Gu Xianyi groaned, was shocked and withdrew for dozens of steps, and then her body began to shake violently.

This is a sign of injury.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Lishan couldn't help crying out, "Xianyi, are you okay!"

"Don't worry, I can't die for the time being!" Gu Xianyi responded weakly.

Zhong Lishan's heart was a little fixed, but immediately there was infinite anger.

"The woman who dares to hurt me, evil thing, Grandpa, I fought with you today!"

With that, Zhong Lishan suddenly raised his palms and took a hard shot.


These two palms directly shattered hundreds of evil objects, and their fierce courage made the actions of other evil objects stagnant.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yue Huazang, long Tianzong and Sima Yu pushed the front forward a little.

But that's all, because then they face a more crazy counterattack from evil things.

Zhong Lishan's face was pale and his body was slightly transparent.

But he still kept his front, frantically bombarding the evil things in front of him.

At this time, Gu Xianyi also hurried to join the battle group again regardless of her body.

Facing this scene, the man in black smiled grimly.

"It's really a bunch of old ghosts who don't know what to do. Since you love to show, I'll let you all show below!"

With that, he raised his hand and planned to do it himself. As a result, Zhong Lishan and others.

At the moment, he doesn't have so much patience to wait.

After all, the eastern emperor made it clear that he and other evil things should clean up the major gates of heaven and earth in the shortest time.

So he doesn't have much time to spend with strategists.

Otherwise, once you are robbed by other evil things and win the first skill, you will lose a lot.

With this idea, the man in black just wanted to do it.

But just then, a sword light suddenly flew from the distant void.

The sword light was so fast that it came to the battlefield almost in the blink of an eye, and then cut down with an extremely terrible momentum.

The man in black trembled and avoided the sword in a hurry.

But he can avoid it. His helpers don't have such good luck.

There was only a muffled sound, and the evil creatures present were almost dead everywhere.

With only one sword, more than half of the army of evil things that originally covered the sky and the sun was lost.

For a time, the strategist's pressure was greatly reduced, and he couldn't help looking at the source of the sword light.

Similarly, there was the man in black. He looked very blue and roared in an infinitely venomous tone.

"Shen family!"

Sure enough.

When the sword light dissipated, the virtual image of a young man's water mirror appeared in the void.

It is Shen Muyu, the second son of the Shen family.

He said in a deep voice, "there is chaos outside the sky, and all doors are in crisis. At this time of crisis, the Shen family is willing to do their best, so they use this sword to help."

As soon as these words came out, all the soldiers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In particular, Zhong Lishan touched his head with surprise.

"Eh, why did the Shen family suddenly change their sex this time?"

Gu Xianyi stared at him, "will you die if you say less?"

Zhong Lishan closed his mouth.

Then Yue Huazang took a step forward and said to Shen Muyu, "thank you, strategist, for your righteous help. This kindness will be rewarded!"

Shen Muyu smiled, "the old master is serious. Cutting demons and removing demons is the duty of sword repair! What's more, we should help each other, who are also the sect of heaven outside the sky! "

But as soon as his voice fell, he saw the man in black suddenly roaring hysterically.

"Don't be proud of the Shen family. Now, if an army is moving towards you this morning, it should arrive soon. You'll die then!"

After saying this, the man in black looked at the strategist with infinite resentment, and then turned and left.

He knew very well that the battle must have been a failure.

After all, after losing most of his men, it was impossible for him to break through the military front.

So he turned away without hesitation.

As for what he said before he left, it was quite profound.

You know, he's not the only one who dealt with Tianwaitian sect this time.

Many of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's men have also been dispatched.

If they really win, they are in danger.

That's why he revealed some information in this threatening tone.

To make the Shen family take precautions.

This kind of style that I am not good and no one can think of well is the most common state between evil things.

Naturally, everyone knew these thoughts, so when he turned and disappeared, Shen Muyu immediately turned off the sound transmission method of water mirror, and then walked up and down the room with a dignified face.

What happened today confused his mind.

In particular, what he heard on the hundred battlefields overturned his previous cognition.

That's why he left Yin Yang's house without hesitation and was ready to come back and ask the owner.

But unexpectedly, as soon as his front foot came home, the news about the invasion of evil things came from his back foot.

He didn't have time to see the owner, so he received several messages one after another, especially when he heard that the soldiers were besieged.

Shen Muyu finally couldn't help it. He immediately moved his hand and released his sword to save the elite strategist.

After all this, he also learned an important news from the man in black.

That's why evil things are going to attack the Shen family.

At the thought of this, his sword eyebrows raised slightly, turned around and strode towards the conference hall., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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