Along the way, all the people who saw Shen Muyu looked stunned, and then retreated from both sides.

Shen Muyu was silent and walked through it like water.

Until he went away, these people looked at each other and their eyes were full of confusion.

"What's going on? Why did the second childe suddenly come back? "

"Yes! Isn't he supposed to be at the hundred meeting now? "

"Hiss, the news I just received said that evil things suddenly caused chaos. Several sects, including the farmhouse, have fallen. The second childe shouldn't have come back because of this!"

"Joke, what can happen even if evil things make trouble? Do they dare to provoke the Shen family? "

"In short, it seems that the second childe is very unhappy!"

Just as everyone was talking, Shen Mu fish industry had entered the gate of the sword tower and came to the Council hall.

The tall door was tightly closed, but when Shen Muyu came near, he opened it silently.

Without any hesitation, Shen Muyu stepped into it.

The gate slammed shut behind him, and a mass of darkness came to his face.

There was no light in the whole hall. Only a dozen long swords enshrined on the high platform emitted a slight glow, reflecting a figure sitting on the front seat of the owner.

Shen Muyu stopped and bowed, "master!"

The call fell in such a large hall, which seemed particularly empty and lonely.

The figure did not move until a long time later, I heard him sigh slightly.

"You're back!"


"The meaning of the sword that just went to the strategist is also yours?"


"Why did you do that?"

"Because we Shen family did something wrong in those years, I don't want to be wrong again this time!"

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly stagnated.

In the dark, I saw the figure sitting in the right position, and his eyes suddenly burst bright.

"Are you scolding the Shen family?"

But Shen Muyu was not afraid. Lang said, "I dare not, but if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and now I just want to know the truth of that year!"

"The truth of that year..."

Somehow, after hearing this sentence, the owner whispered again, and then sighed.

"In fact, the truth is nothing more than old things! I also know what you want to ask, but I can only tell you what I know! "

Shen Muyu nodded and asked the first question.

"Why did the Shen family survive the chaos that affected the whole world?"

After that, Shen Muyu looked at the owner on the high platform with bright eyes.

After listening to Shen Muyu's words, the master of the Shen family smiled.

"I know what you're worried about. Are you afraid that there was some shady deal between the Shen family and the evil things, so that you could survive the chaos?"

Shen Muyu nodded.

This question is really what he wants to know most, because it is a matter of his own cultivation.

That's why he left the stage directly and returned to the Shen family to confront the owner.

This is no exaggeration. In fact, from the moment Xue an told him about all kinds of things in those years, this problem was like a sharp thorn, deeply buried in Shen Muyu's heart, making his sword heart restless.

If the Shen family had really made a deal with evil things and even reached some agreement, the dignity of Shen Muyu would be broken in an instant.

Because everything he is proud of is false, and there is nothing more cruel in the world.

This is equivalent to drawing a salary from the bottom of the pot, which directly destroyed the foundation of all accomplishments of Shen Muyu.

That's why he was so eager.

The Lord of the Shen family naturally understood this, so his voice became solemn.

"You can rest assured that although the Shen family is not a famous family handed down from ancient times, it also has its own pride."

"It has been more than ten thousand years since Jianzu founded the foundation industry of the Shen family. In such a long time, the Shen family has declined and prospered, but no one has ever done anything against the heart of the sword!"

"So now I can honestly tell you that the Shen family did not have any deal with evil things in the chaos outside the sky!"

Hearing this, a big stone in Shen Muyu's heart finally fell to the ground, but he couldn't help asking.

"Then why didn't the Shen family do anything at that time? Instead, they were alone and left themselves out?"

The owner smiled bitterly, "do you really think the original Shen family was left out?"

Shen Muyu was shocked and his face was shaking.

At this time, the owner continued, "I was young when it happened, but I also noticed the difference in the atmosphere of the Shen family at that time."

"First of all, the Shen family issued a strict order. From the elder down, all disciples are strictly forbidden to go out for half a step. If there are violators, they can't be expelled."

Shen Muyu listened quietly, his eyes shining.

"In fact, I had the same doubts as you. I don't understand why the Shen family made this decision at that time. After all, Tianwaitian was in great chaos. As sword repairmen, we stayed closed and issued such strict orders. It doesn't make sense anyway!"

"So did Shen Jingshu leave the Shen family at this time?" Shen Muyu said astringently.

"It seems that you know quite a lot. Yes, sister Jingshu was disappointed with the Shen family because of this and finally left angrily!"

"But I didn't understand what happened in those years until I became the owner of the house, and what grievances the senior members of the Shen family bore in those years!"

With that, the dozen long swords enshrined on the high platform suddenly suspended and sent out a sharp sword.

"Do you know what this is?"

"All previous masters wear swords!"

"Yes! But don't you think it's strange that the Shen family has been established for only ten thousand years. It's well documented that even I have only three owners. Why do I have more than a dozen swords? "

Shen Muyu was shocked, "is it..."

"Yes, the rest of the swords were left by the owner who died in the war!"

Shen Muyu's eyes widened in an instant, "but..."

"I know what you want to say. Do you want to ask why the family leader died in the war, and why ordinary disciples were banned when the family leader participated in the war, right?"

Shen Muyu nodded again.

"In fact, the reason is very simple, because these house owners do not die in the hands of evil things in the strict sense, but under their own people's sword!"

Hearing this, Shen Muyu felt even more confused.

The Lord of the Shen family youyou went on and said, "those evil things in those years actually came prepared, especially for our Shen family's blood, but everyone in the Shen family is easy to be parasitized by evil things!"

Hearing these words, Shen Muyu felt cold as if he had been struck by lightning, because he finally understood a terrible fact., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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