After seeing the look on Shen Muyu's face, the owner couldn't help sighing, "it seems that you also understand. Yes, the Shen family leader took the lead in fighting, but he was secretly plotted by evil things and parasitized by them!"

"In order to prevent him from causing greater harm, the senior level of the Shen family killed him at that time, but then the situation developed in an uncontrollable direction. The parasitism and extinction of several senior levels finally made the Shen family understand that these evil things had obviously cracked the blood of the Shen family!"

"Even the strong with excellent cultivation are inevitably parasitized by evil things, let alone these ordinary disciples. Therefore, they have the foot ban order!"

"But when the senior level of the Shen family knew this and wiped out the invading evil things, they were greatly weakened. All the elite were wiped out. Even the rest had little fighting power, so they stopped fighting and stayed closed!"

"After all, according to the situation at that time, if the Shen family went on an expedition, it would not help, but might give a big boost to the evil things that invaded! You know, once parasitized by evil things, the heart of the Shen family's sword will break in a very short time, but before it breaks, it will burst into amazing combat power. "

"Now, do you understand the truth?"

Shen Muyu began to tremble, half joy and half anger in his heart.

Joy is because his family is not alone, but for special reasons.

Anger is because the evil things that invade are so mean.

"But why haven't you talked about these words later?" Shen Muyu asked.

"Speaking of? To whom? Outsiders won't believe it, but their own people won't ask, and do you think I will tell others the most fatal weakness of the Shen family? "

"What weakness?"

"Those senior executives who died in those years are the absolute elite of the Shen family. Because of their death, the high-end combat power of the Shen family has never recovered, or do you think you can be the master with my strength?"

Shen Muyu was silent.

Although he wanted to refute, he knew that what the owner said was true.

Over the years, the high-end combat power of the Shen family has been lacking. Even as a rising star, his strength is higher than that of the elders, even second only to the master and the big shopkeeper.

This is unthinkable in the profound religious door.

"What now? If our Shen family's blood is so easy to be parasitized, isn't it that we Shen family will be helpless again this time? "

Speaking of this, Shen Muyu thought of another thing. His face was gloomy and said, "I also received a message that evil things will come to commit crimes soon. How should I deal with it?"

The master smiled, then stood up and walked to the suspended ten long swords.

The glow from above reflected on his face. Although it was blocked by layers of fog, it could vaguely distinguish a beautiful face.

"How can the sacrifices of so many people be in vain for so many years? In fact, since this happened, I and many predecessors of the Shen family have been studying and exploring to find out why the Shen family's blood is easy to be parasitic. Although the process is very difficult, we finally found the loophole and supplemented it through mental skills! This is the origin of the mental skill of Kendo that each of you has to practice since childhood! "

Hearing this, Shen Muyu finally bowed his head and said, "master, I had doubts in my heart before, so my words were offensive. Please forgive me!"

The Shen family leader just smiled faintly, then waved his hand, "well, in fact, I should have told you these things long ago, because you are the best candidate for the next generation of family leader, but I hide it from you until now because I don't want to divide your heart!"

"Since you said that those evil things were about to invade the Shen family, go down and prepare quickly. After all, you didn't teach them a profound lesson in those years. You can't let them go this time!"


Shen Muyu respectfully retreated.

In the blink of an eye, there was only one owner left in the hall.

He quietly looked at the swords of past masters suspended in the air.

Just then, a long sigh came from behind.

"Do you really want to do this?"


With that, the owner slowly took down his sword from his waist and put it on the altar.

"In fact, you can try other ways..."

"It's useless, and the final outcome of every Shen family leader should be to die on the battlefield, as it has been for generations, and I am no exception! This is my destiny, and I gladly accept it. "

Speaking of this, he looked up at the dome of the hall, smiled and said, "to tell you the truth, didn't you see all this with your own eyes?"

"But... Even if I see more, I still can't bear it! In particular, you are the Lord of the Shen family who has been with me for the longest time! "

As he said this, he saw the radiance emerging on the dome and gradually converging into a figure.

If Shen Muyu were present now, he would cry out in surprise, because the figure that appeared was the big shopkeeper.

"I'm leaving. Don't you want to show your true colors?" The Lord of the Shen family smiled.

The big shopkeeper with a sad face sighed, and then flashed a light. At this time, she has become a charming beauty.

The master of the Shen family chuckled, "is it pleasing to look at it like this? I don't know why you are so persistent about the image of an old man!"

"Because for me, both men and women are ugly and handsome, in fact, they are the same!"

Then the figure turned into a handsome young man, but no matter what it became, the melancholy in his eyes always existed.

The Lord of the Shen family nodded and suddenly said in a very solemn and serious tone, "thank you for so many years!"

Then he bowed his hand as a gift.

The chief shopkeeper dodged, then shook his head and said, "are you guys the same? So are previous family owners. You have to say thank you to me before going to the battlefield, but I haven't seen anyone come back!"

"So I don't want your thanks. I just want you to come back safely!"

The master of the Shen family chuckled, "OK, I promise you! But my thanks are also from the bottom of my heart. After all... For so many years, the luck of the Shen family has been suppressed by you. "

"As the sword tower left for him, this is what I should do. Don't thank me."

you 're right!

The big shopkeeper, the second person of the Shen family, is actually this sword building.

The Lord of the Shen family just wanted to say something. Just then, they turned their heads and looked out of the window, and then spoke in unison.


With the voice, there was a loud noise in the distance.

It was as if the void had turned into a giant drum and a giant was walking on it., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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