The wound started from the lower jaw and tilted upward. After penetrating the whole face, it finally disappeared in the position of the left temple.

The depth of the wound can not only see the bones, but also the beating pink meninges at the temple.

The average person would have been dead after such a serious injury.

But on Du Jingsheng, in addition to making his originally beautiful cheek ferocious and terrible, he didn't kill him.

Shen Muyu even inferred from the dried flesh on both sides of the wound that the wound was not formed in a day or two. It must have been a long time.

No wonder the owner never shows his true face. That's why.

But who wounded the owner of the house?

These thoughts flashed in Shen Muyu's mind, and then he left them behind.

Because this is not the time to think about it.

Shen Muyu took a deep breath, hugged Shen Muyu's body tightly, and then wanted to spend his cultivation in the past, so as to stabilize the injury for crossing the scene.

But just then, Du Jingsheng shook his head and directly refused to pass on his merit.

"Don't bother. You can't stabilize this injury at all!"

Shen Muyu burst into tears, because he could clearly feel the owner in his arms, and life was rapidly disappearing.

This inability to do anything but watch drove him crazy.

"What should I do? What should I do now? Is there really no way? "

Seeing the tears on Shen Muyu's face, listening to his choking whisper, Du Jingsheng raised his mouth slightly and pulled out a slight smile.

"Well, don't cry. You are the master of the Shen family now!" Du Jing Sheng Rou Dao.

But the more he said this, the more sad Shen Muyu was, "no, in my mind, you are the master of the Shen family!"

"Silly boy!" Du Jingsheng chuckled and his eyes were fading. "In fact... I'm not the owner of the Shen family at all!"


Shen Muyu was stunned.

What does that mean?

Du Jingsheng suddenly coughed violently at this time. With his cough, the shriveled flesh and blood on both sides of the wound on his face suddenly flashed a layer of black gas and diffused faintly.

Shen Muyu was startled and subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch the wound.

But Du Jingsheng suddenly sat up and avoided his hand.

Then Du Jingsheng said faintly, "don't touch these black gases!"

"Master, what's the matter with this injury?" Shen Muyu asked tremblingly.

Du Jingsheng sighed, "there are a lot of things that should have been told to you long ago, but you couldn't bear these responsibilities at that time, so I didn't mention it to you, but it's no good not to say it now!"

Speaking of this, Du Jingsheng looked at Shen Muyu very seriously and said word by word: "in fact, I'm not from the Shen family at all!"

Shen Muyu opened his mouth and listened unbelievably.

In fact, he once wondered, that is, as the head of the Shen family, why does Du Jingsheng's surname not Shen but Du?

But he didn't think much at that time.

Until now, when Du Jingsheng said that he was not from the Shen family, Shen Muyu felt a bang in his head, as if something had broken.

At this time, Du Jingsheng youyou said, "I think you must have doubted. I don't know why my surname is Du instead of Shen. Now I'll tell you!"

"I'm really not from the Shen family. My real identity is just a little sword boy next to a master of the Shen family!"

Next, with Du Jingsheng's narration, Shen Muyu finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that evil things wreaked havoc in the sky. As the leader of sword cultivation, the Shen family naturally bore the brunt and was the first to be impacted.

But at that time, there were a large number of high-level talents in the Shen family. Unexpectedly, with a small number of people, they fought off the attack of evil things.

But in this process, the senior level of the Shen family also found something wrong with these evil things.

They seem to have a strong influence on people with Shen family blood. Even if they suffer a little injury, they will soon fall under the control of evil Qi.

In this case, the senior management of the Shen family suffered a heavy loss, and even the owner lost it.

To this end, the Shen family will urgently promulgated the famous foot ban.

But just staying closed can't solve the practical problems. Therefore, the senior management of the Shen family simply abandoned their excellent position and collectively went out to fight against evil things.

When talking about this, Du Jingsheng's eyes burst into tears.

"In order to prevent the weakness of the Shen family from being revealed in the sky, the war was carried out in the dark. Outsiders don't know at all, but the degree of tragedy is beyond ordinary people's imagination."

"Countless amazing talents often can't support it for a quarter of an hour, so they fall directly! Even the position of home owner is easy to change several times a day. "

"I was just a humble little sword boy at that time. Because I served the childe, I went to the battlefield together. But soon, the childe I served burst and died within half an hour after taking over the position of house master!"

Shen Muyu was thrilled because what Du Jingsheng said now was a secret news he had never heard.

"Then... What happened later?"

"Later..." Du Jingsheng smiled bitterly, "later, I was seriously injured in the battle with evil things and nearly died in a coma."

"But it was in this case that the only expert left at the top of the Shen family and the last owner tried his best to save me and gave me the long sword left by the sword ancestor!"

"He told me that today, the Tao is in chaos, evil things are rampant, and the Shen family is specially targeted. If you are careless, you may fall collectively and become a sharp sword in the hands of evil things!"

"In order to avoid this situation, I have become the best choice for the next leader without the blood of the Shen family. After all, even if evil things invade, I can stay awake at the last moment!"

"After having the sword ancestor's long sword, I also have the power to kill the Shen family. If evil things really invade the Shen family at that time, he asked me to overthrow the whole Shen family at the last moment!"

"At that time, the last owner who didn't even leave his name said very clearly that the Shen family would rather die than become a running dog of evil things!"

"After saying these words, he gave me all his remaining Kendo accomplishments, and then died with regret!"

Speaking of this, Du Jingsheng coughed again because he was too excited, but he forced himself to suppress it and gasped.

"At that time, the last owner rushed into the evil things. Because he was seriously injured, he would soon change. These evil things naturally knew this, so they didn't start, but surrounded him and tried to wait for him to fall!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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