"But how can these sons of bitches understand the spirit of my sword repair? Even though I had been thrown out of the battlefield by him at that time, I could still see the figure who rushed into the evil group without hesitation and finally detonated the heart of the sword and died!"

After hearing Du Jingsheng's narration, Shen Muyu was shocked and numb, and his eyes were full of admiration.

What is sword cultivation spirit?

This is the spirit of sword cultivation!

At the same time, Du Jingsheng's eyes suddenly flourished.

"Put your hand over here!"

Shen Muyu shivered all over and woke up from the shock. Then he stretched out his hand for unknown reasons.

Just reaching half way, Du Jingsheng suddenly held it in his hand.

Then a magnificent Kendo cultivation was instilled into Shen Muyu's body like a mighty river.

Shen Muyu opened his mouth slightly and wanted to shout, but he couldn't even make a sound.

Du Jingsheng whispered: "in fact, after the master gave me all his accomplishments, I had the opportunity to completely heal the wound, but I didn't do that because I'm not from the Shen family and what flows on my body is not the blood of the Shen family!"

"I'm just a guardian sitting on the position of home owner and a temporary custodian, so these Kendo cultivation accomplishments belonging to the Shen family are now returned to their original owners!"

Speaking of this, Du Jingsheng looked hard, "try your best to receive and digest the understanding. If you really can't understand it, you can't be a little distracted. Otherwise, wouldn't you live up to the pains of the childe ten thousand years ago and many adults?"

This vigorous drinking was really useful. Shen Muyu, who was originally crazy, finally gave up all his thoughts and began to absorb these Kendo accomplishments.

In an instant, he seemed to be in an ocean of kendo, and the understanding of sword meaning of countless Kendo powers clearly appeared in front of him.

At the same time, countless exquisite sword moves and battle scenes emerge in turn.

It is the understanding and combat experience of Kendo accumulated by those Shen family experts in those years.

This is even more valuable than those accomplishments.

Under this refining, Shen Muyu felt that his sword heart was rapidly clear and bright.

In the end, the heart of his sword was like the most crystal clear diamond, without any defect.

At this time, Shen Muyu, who was immersed in the sea of kendo, felt a shock, and then separated from this mysterious realm.

Then the first thing that came into view was the haggard Du Jingsheng who looked like a corpse. He was slowly falling back.

"Master!" Shen Muyu shouted and just wanted to rush forward to help him.

Just then, a figure appeared behind Du Jingsheng, and then gently hugged him.

This figure is like flowers and jade. It is a stunning beauty.

But Shen Muyu was stunned, because the man's breath was clearly the big shopkeeper of the sword building!

At the same time, the big shopkeeper sighed, "is it really worth enduring boundless pain for thousands of years for a promise?"

Du Jingsheng chuckled, and then youyou said, "it doesn't matter if it's worth it. Anyway, I died ten thousand years ago. It's a profit to live so long!"

"In fact, if you just don't take strong action and use me to kill evil things, it won't be like this!" The woman muttered.

Du Jingsheng suddenly stretched out his hand and gently stroked the woman's cheek.

"Are you sad?"

The woman was silent for a moment, and then nodded.

"You've been with me for so long, and now you're suddenly leaving. Of course I'm sad!"

"Silly girl..."

Du Jingsheng chuckled, but before he could say anything more, his body began to crack, then turned into ashes and disappeared.

The woman knelt on the ground, her hands still showed an embracing posture, but the person in her arms had disappeared.

And this disappearance is the disappearance of even the soul.

Shen Muyu flopped down on his knees and moaned, "master!"

When he knelt, all the other Shen family swords fell to their knees and shed tears.

The woman was stunned for a long time, then gently sniffed and said calmly, "asshole, are you leaving like this? What a nuisance! "

Although the tone seemed very relaxed, her eyes flickered with tears.

At this time, in the void that had just experienced a sword baptism, two figures suddenly appeared.

When these two figures first appeared, they were incomplete, but soon there were dark lights condensing on them.

In the blink of an eye, two figures appeared impressively.

It was the two evil things Diablo and fenhong who had just been killed by Du Jingsheng's sword.

The dark face was full of lingering fear and anger.

"Didn't you say you were sure to deal with the Shen family this time? Why did I almost die with you? "

Fen Hong doesn't pretend to be mysterious at this time, mainly because the black evil spirit that haunted him before has been cut off by Du Jingsheng's sword.

So now he appears directly in his noumenon image, and his face is as white as snow.

"Who knows that the Shen family still has such an expert after the disaster of that year. Even if the sword was put ten thousand years ago, it can be called a peerless expert!"

"What now? Do you just stare? You should know that it was the order of the Eastern Emperor to kill all the sects of heaven and outer heaven. As a result, you and I didn't finish it. If he knew about it, do you think there is still your life and mine? " Dark Qi quickly defeated the evil way.

"Hehe, don't worry. As long as the emperor is still there, you and I won't die. As long as you and I don't die, the Shen family is the meal on the plate!"

"In particular, I can feel that the people who just cut the peerless sword are gone. Now as long as you and I operate a little, the results waiting for these people will still not change!"

Speaking of this, Fen Hong was invisible in the dark again and began to prepare for the next "revenge".

At the same time, among the hundreds of battlefields far away, a world shaking war is about to begin.

Looking at the battlefield that has become empty, the face of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi couldn't help but become iron blue, and then roared with gnashing teeth.

"Xue an, you are really great enough to sacrifice yourself to save these hundreds of families!"

Xue an looked coldly at the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, whose momentum was soaring like a raging wave, and didn't respond at all.

The Eastern Emperor was so angry that he wanted to catch all the elite including Xue an on the battlefield, so he took great pains to set up this game.

But unexpectedly, Xue an suddenly showed a move against the sky at the critical moment and let everyone go.

How can this not make him angry.

"Xue an, now your cause and effect magic must be out of use. Without it, what are you going to fight me?"

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