Xue an didn't speak.

In fact, he can't say anything at the moment, because not only his bones and meridians, but also all his organs were shattered with that fist.

It is reasonable to say that Xue an in this state has died and can no longer die.

But he stood up again.

All because he paid a great price and sacrificed all the broken causes and effects, then the rest is the hope of life.

The so-called road of heaven and man, no matter how unsolved, there is always a possibility of life.

Through this rule, Xue an found a trace of life in the situation of ten deaths and no life.

Looking at xue'an, whose flesh and blood are eroding, and his broken bones are rubbing against each other during his actions, and he makes a sour sound, the heart of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi can't help but feel cold.

As a top evil thing, he has hidden in the sky for thousands of years. Countless people have seen him.

Among them, there are countless talented people, but none is as cruel as Xue an.

This ruthlessness is not only to treat the enemy, but also to yourself.

Who can still support and refuse to give up in such a dead end?

Who can still force with a sword under such serious injury?

But the panic just flashed away, followed by anger enough to burn the sky.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi knew very well that if the threat of Xue an could not be completely erased this time, it would be extremely miserable to wait for his own end.

So he didn't dare to despise xue'an any more. With a dull hum, he directly stirred up his whole body and tried to grind xue'an into powder.

But just then, xue'an raised her blood red eyes and stabbed her with her sword again.

At the time of the first sword, the meaning of the sword was so weak that it could only stir up a breeze.

The second sword is a little better, but its momentum is weak.

When the third sword came, it was barely a bit like that.

Now it is the sixth sword stabbed by Xue an. As soon as this sword is released, it immediately breaks the towering power of the Eastern Emperor's attack, and stabs the Eastern Emperor's face with peerless elegance.

The Eastern Emperor was too single-minded. He hid far away as soon as he dodged.

Because he has never seen such a strange sword idea.

It seems to be all inclusive and empty.

The key is that from the first sword to the present, the power has increased exponentially.

At this point, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi finally understood that Xue an's sword intention is real and can destroy everything.

This is the same as what he is doing now, sacrificing everything possible just to kill himself.

Full of extreme madness.


The Eastern Emperor Taiyi finally understood why Xue an said the beginning.

This seemingly weak, even beautiful young man actually has a chilling madness.

In a trance, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi even had a trace of sympathy for the enemy in Xue an's mouth.

He faced the same scene back then!

A complete madman, an endless pursuit?

Unknowingly, even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi didn't notice. Under these moves, the situation on the battlefield actually changed greatly.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who had always had the absolute advantage, felt a little powerless although he still had an advantage at the moment.

On the contrary, Xue an broke out in a desperate situation, which made the Eastern Emperor retreat one by one.

At this time, the seventh sword finally penetrated the space and stabbed the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

The Eastern Emperor snorted angrily, "that's enough. Even if I really bear the cause and effect after I go out, I'll kill you first today!"

With that, the Eastern Emperor, without any reservation, tried his best to break the sword and rushed towards Xue an.

But to his surprise, he missed the fatal blow.

Because just then, xue'an, who was standing there shakily, suddenly disappeared.

There was no sign of this disappearance, which made the unprepared Eastern Emperor jump into the air.

Before he could react, a faint and imperceptible sword suddenly flashed over his back, bringing out a trail of blood.

But the wound was so shallow that it had healed as soon as the blood flower appeared.

But that's enough for Xue an.

As soon as the eastern emperor turned around and looked at Xue an, he saw that he had retreated to the distance, then slowly raised his rib sword, and his fingers slowly passed over it.

There was still a drop of the blood of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi on the blade of the rib sword. When Xue an's finger passed by, he took it to the fingertip.

The Eastern Emperor didn't know, so the cold voice drank and asked, "Xue an, what do you want to do?"

Of course Xue an couldn't speak. He just raised his hand and put the drop of Eastern Emperor Taiyi's blood on his eyebrows.

For a moment, this drop of blood, like a drop of water in the desert, directly penetrated into the center of the eyebrow and disappeared.

The Eastern Emperor's alarm bell rang loudly in his heart, "what do you want to do?"

But the only answer to him was Xue an's cold smile.

Then he heard a joking voice ringing in the ears of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

"You're dead! I said it this time, and no one can save you. "

That is, outside the Shenjia star domain at the same time, a man was saying similar words.

With a crazy look on her face, Fen Hong directed those newly hatched evil things to attack Shen family's star domain one after another.

"The master who made the sword before has obviously fallen. Now the Shen family is what you and I have in our bag. It's hard for anyone to come!"

Sure enough.

Under targeted optimization, these newly hatched evil things have formed a strong restraint against all sword cultivation of the Shen family.

Although the big shopkeeper, that is, the sword ancestor's long sword, is still there, the sword can't support itself. Shen Muyu is the new owner who has just been inherited, and it's impossible to form combat effectiveness.

So when Fen Hong and Diablo tried their best to subvert the Shen family, everyone in the Shen family was under great pressure.

"Master, take the big shopkeeper and leave first. Let's stick to it here!"

"Yes, as long as the long sword left by you and Jianzu is still there, the Shen family will not be dead, so you don't stay here and make unnecessary sacrifices!"

Some people began to persuade Shen Muyu to leave.

But now Shen Muyu has already killed red eyes. How can he abandon everyone and leave alone?

"Stop talking, I can't go. Even if I die, I'll destroy all these dog scum!" Shen Muyu roared fiercely.

But the war situation is not transferred by his personal will. With the consumption of people's strength, the war situation is still leaning towards evil things such as burning rainbow.

But at this time, in the distant void, an army was coming.

What Bing Feng pointed out was the direction of evil things.

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