In the army, there is a big bark beetle with a big word "soldier".

There are many smaller flags behind. At the front is a dragon flying and Phoenix dancing Yue character, followed by surnames Gu, long and Sima.

It is the army of strategists who have traveled hundreds of millions of miles here.


The star region of the Shen family is far away. Listening to the faint cry of killing, the faces of the ancestors of these strategists have become extremely serious.

Yes, it is the ancestors of those dead soldiers in the ancestral hall who led the army to come this time.

Before, the strategists were attacked by evil things led by Diablo. Fortunately, they were helped by Shen Muyu's sword when they were in danger.

After cleaning up the remaining evil things and the battlefield, the news that the Shen family was besieged by the army of evil things came along.

After hearing the news, the strategists and their ancestors immediately made a decision.

That is to take the initiative and go to the Shen family to help.

As the ancestors of these strategists who have experienced countless trials and hardships, they know how critical the situation outside today is.

The hundred house meeting is obviously a trap to pull out all the elite in the hundred house so that evil things can take advantage of it.

Therefore, at this critical moment, the Shen family, as the head of sword cultivation, is very important.

If they fall here, the impact on the whole sky is self-evident.

Moreover, almost all of these ancestors experienced the chaos ten thousand years ago. Although the practices of the Shen family at that time caused a lot of criticism, how could these people be confused by the illusion of appearance.

Therefore, they all vaguely know what happened that year, and they can't help worrying.

Since these evil creatures dare to find the Shen family directly, it obviously shows that they have made special optimization to the Shen family.

In this case, the Shen family is in an extremely dangerous situation.

They are all leaders among people. After understanding the current situation, without much words, these military ancestors simply abandoned the ancestral hall and led the army to the star field of Shen family at great risk.

Many people could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when the fierce cries of killing came into their ears.


As long as there is a cry of death, it proves that it's not too late.

While speeding up their steps and rushing towards the battlefield, they exchanged ideas with each other.

Zhong Lishan said with a smile, "fortunately, we came here at the same time. It seems that if it's later, things will be really troublesome. You say it's not Xianyi!"

Yue Huazang, long Tianzong and others laughed at the speech.

They naturally heard that Zhong Lishan was obviously looking for words.

In fact, this is not the first time. Zhong Lishan racked his brains to chat up Gu Xianyi along the way.

But somehow, after the military crisis was solved, Gu Xianyi's attitude towards Zhong Lishan suddenly became much colder.

No matter how close Zhong Lishan was, she was very cold.

For example, now, after hearing Zhong Lishan's words, Gu Xianyi just gave a shallow sound, and then there was no other words.

Zhong Lishan was about to stop talking. Just then, they came to the battlefield outside Shen family's star domain.

As they speculated, under the attack of the specially optimized evil things, the Shen family is in an extremely difficult situation.

Although Shen Muyu's cultivation has made great progress and made several moves, he repelled several attacks of evil objects.

But this is not a long-term plan, because this time the burning rainbow made a comeback, obviously with the mentality of killing.

For example, these evil things now appear are the result of his painstaking efforts. They have not only been specially optimized, but also evolved according to the on-site situation during the battle.

With each passing day, the Shen family fell into the mire of fierce battle and couldn't extricate themselves.

Seeing this, Fen Hong was in a great mood.

The sword just killed his body. If it weren't for the protection of the Eastern Emperor, he would be dead now.

Even if he succeeded in rebirth, his cultivation inevitably lost a lot.

This made him hate the Shen family.

Seeing that the battlefield is progressing smoothly, he is even ready for full harvest.

But just then, the appearance of the army of strategists shattered his beautiful fantasy.

As soon as these soldiers appeared on the battlefield, they threw themselves into the battle without hesitation.

With the addition of this new force, the pressure on the Shen family suddenly decreased.

This is not to say that the strength of the army of the strategists is so good that even the evil things that the Shen family can't deal with can be handy.

In fact, it's all because of these evil things themselves.

Because these evil things were born to exterminate the Shen family, every organ of the whole body has been specially optimized according to the characteristics of sword cultivation.

This makes them have strong survivability in the face of sword repair.

But it also leads to their weakness in other aspects.

So as soon as the army of soldiers appeared, these evil things suffered a devastating blow.

Under different attack methods, these evil creatures began to retreat.

Seeing this behind the scenes, Fen Hong couldn't help roaring angrily.

"Diablo, what the fuck is going on? Why did the soldiers suddenly appear here? Didn't you deliberately deal with them before? "

Diablo was also a little silly, but he couldn't help roaring when he heard that the inside and outside meaning of Fen Hong was actually pushing himself to blame for his crime.

"Can you blame me? Everything was going well. I saw that the strategist galaxy was about to be flattened. Who would have thought that the second childe of the Shen family suddenly killed most of my men, resulting in success or failure? It's your fault! "

At this critical moment, the two evil things still don't forget to throw pots at each other, which also shows how disunited these evil things are.

And that is when the two of them threw pots at each other and retreated with the evil things that were retreating day by day.

Among the hundreds of battlefields, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, as their master, felt a chill in his heart.

The chill came from the heart and penetrated the bone marrow.

Of course, all this is not because of the words that just sounded in my ears, at least not completely.

What really shocked and even frightened him was the momentum that was growing up in Xue an.

Originally, Xue an had been beaten by him, seriously injured and in danger. He was hanging his last breath by sacrificing cause and effect.

But now, Xue an's injury is being repaired, and even there is a bang bang sound in his body.

It was the sound of broken bones healing and growing again.

No matter what exists, you will feel angry under the fear of the unknown.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi is no exception, especially the others are deeply afraid of Xue an, so when they see the amazing changes now taking place in Xue an, they can't help burning with anger and don't worry about any cause and effect. Raising their hands is another deadly blow., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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