At the command, an Yan, who still had a trace of reason, immediately handed over all his command to Xue an, and then his subject consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

This is an extremely dangerous practice, because whenever Xue an has any idea that is unfavorable to an Yan, an Yan will be doomed.

But an Yan didn't hesitate at all. He opened his heart to Xue an almost instantly.

The whole process is unreserved and without any defense.

This means that an Yan's trust in Xue an has reached a complete level without any impurities.

Xue an's heart is warm.

No matter how the world changes, at least an Yan hasn't changed, or the girl who was full of unwarranted trust in herself and silently supported and encouraged her behind her back.

I must have saved countless universes in my last life, so I can meet such a perfect girl in this life.

In the face of this precious trust, of course, I can't live up to it.

As soon as he read this, Xue an took a deep breath and immediately took over the body command of an Yan.

In a flash, an Yan's eyes were full of brilliance, and his momentum began to soar.

In fact, Anyan herself can't control the power hidden in the depths of her blood.

Therefore, Xue an will take over an Yan's body in order to control this force with his own strength.

But xue'an still underestimated the terror of this force.

As soon as he got in touch, this terrible force almost broke away from Xue an's divine control.

Xue an gave a stuffy hum, and in an instant he urged his mind to the extreme, and finally managed to control this force,.

In an instant, the wind stopped and the clouds stopped, everything in the hundred battlefields stopped, and even the dust floating in the air was fixed in the last moment.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi was not spared. Although his accomplishments were amazing and he could be called the first person in the world, he was still humble like an ant in front of this vast and unspeakable power.

At the moment, he struggled hard, trying to get himself out of this state of being controlled and crushed, but everything was in vain.

He felt like a traveler trapped in endless quicksand. Any action would only accelerate his slide into the abyss of death.

Xue an looked down at the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and spoke slowly.

"Now I give you two choices. The first is to tell me everything you know, and then let me give you a happy ending. The second is to shut up, but you should know the consequences."

The Eastern Emperor looked up hard and suddenly said with a grim smile, "since the final results of the two choices are the same, why should I tell you?"

"That's it!"

Xue an snorted coldly, and then the Eastern Emperor Taiyi felt a great force coming.

In an instant, his knees were smashed and he fell on his knees.

Then xue'an quietly appeared on the head of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and looked at him from a commanding position.

"I know you must be very unconvinced at the moment and think I won you by external force, but what's the difference? Yan'er and I are inseparable from each other. Her strength can just restrain you. It's hard to say that it's not destined to hit. "

"Hehe, can a person like you still believe in fate?" The Eastern Emperor gasped and said with a cold smile.

Xue an nodded, "of course, I believe that no existence can escape the bondage of cause and effect, and your ending is doomed from the moment you decide to start with the Chinese!"

"Ha ha ha!" The Eastern Emperor hissed and laughed, as if he had heard a big joke. The laughter was full of strong sarcasm.

"Xue an, you don't think killing me is retribution. I tell you..."

"Of course not!" Xue an directly interrupted the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's words and said faintly.

"With your strength, although you can be regarded as the top in this world, I don't believe that you caused the chaos that swept the outer heaven and the heavens ten thousand years ago! There must be something more powerful behind you, right? "

"Oh, you know!" The Eastern Emperor sneered.

"I died here today because I didn't expect you to awaken this power, so I didn't die unjustly!"

"But do you think you will have such a good chance next time?"

As soon as the Eastern Emperor looked at xue'an, his eyes were like looking at a dead man, and he said in a voice as gloomy as if from the depths of hell.

"The more powerful you are at the moment, the worse your final end will be. This is your destiny. No one or power can change it!"

With these words, the Eastern Emperor closed his eyes.

"Do it. No matter what means you use, I won't tell you anything."

When faced with death, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was much stronger than other evil things, and even had a taste of returning to death.

But after hearing this, Xue an just smiled and clapped his hands.

"Well, what an expert who looks back on death. If I didn't know the truth, I would almost be cheated by you!"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi was slightly shocked, but his eyes were still closed without any response.

At this time, Xue an leaned down slowly, leaned close to the ear of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and whispered.

"Do you think you can successfully get out of this world as long as you force me to kill you?"

Hearing this, the Eastern Emperor raised his eyes, and the eye was an Yan's beautiful cheek.

At the moment, Xue an controls an Yan's body, so everything is said through her mouth.

Seeing the astonished eyes of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Xue an sneered.

"If you exist like this, how can you arrange the last retreat? So if I guess correctly, even if I completely destroy your soul, you still have a way to be reborn, right?"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi's face was slightly white, but after all, he was once a bull ear in this field, so he soon calmed down.

"You're right, but what if you know? Although the power you now control is powerful, I believe the cost of waking up and controlling it is also extremely huge. At least this woman's body can't bear this pressure for a long time, so what can you do now except kill me once to vent your anger? "

Speaking of this, the eyes of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi jumped up the color of extreme tyranny.

"As long as I get out of here, what is waiting for you will be the most tragic end! This woman will become my favorite plaything. At that time, I will kill her a little bit in front of you... ", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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