Before the words fell, the Eastern Emperor was forcibly choked by Xue an, and then lifted from the ground.

Xue an's strength was so great that he pinched the neck of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

But the Eastern Emperor Taiyi didn't even blink his eyelids. On the contrary, his face was full of banter.

"You are afraid that what I said will become a reality, but what else can you do now except incompetence and rage? Kill me, or you won't even be able to do this when this power retreats! "

In the end, the Eastern Emperor was almost ready to make a noise.

What he likes most is this feeling.

Play with people and manipulate happiness and anger.

Even if he is at a disadvantage, he can still put great pressure on Xue an.

But at this moment, Xue an opened her mouth, showed her neat shell teeth and smiled.

"I said at the beginning that you have no future. Today's battlefield is your place to bury your bones!"

The Eastern Emperor sneered and said nothing.

He is ready to die.

But as long as he dies here, the backup of his body buried in the distant deep air will wake up immediately.

Although it is inevitable to suffer some losses, as long as you can get out of this world, it is all worth it.

When I go out, I must try my best to get rid of this guy.

The Eastern Emperor was very cruel.

But at this time, a red lotus appeared in the center of an Yan's eyebrows, and then reflected countless strings of cause and effect.

The biggest one naturally comes from Taiyi, the Eastern Emperor.

The Eastern Emperor was shocked, and then he understood what. He hissed and screamed, "how is it possible that you control this woman's body? Why can you use your causal magic power?"

Xue an smiled coldly, "I said earlier that Yan'er and I are inseparable from each other. I can use her ability. Naturally, my ability can also be used by her!"

Hearing these words, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was cold and had no previous composure.

At the same time, Xue an has raised his hand and grasped the string of cause and effect extending from the Eastern Emperor Tai.

"No existence can get rid of the bondage of cause and effect unless... This existence has completely disappeared!"

With the voice, Xue an's palm made a sudden force.

There was no sound, and the string of cause and effect thicker than the arm broke.

Then the momentum of the Eastern Emperor Tai Yi fell down very rapidly, and his body became much thinner.

It was a sign that his connection with the world was rapidly weakening.

At this time, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi finally really panicked.

He is not afraid of death, or even the extinction of his soul, because over the years, he has prepared countless separate bodies to avoid the extinction of both gods and souls.

But if the cause and effect of himself and the outside world are cut off one by one, his previous efforts will be completely in vain.

"No! Xue an, I can tell you something about the Chinese people in those years! " The Eastern Emperor shouted.

But Xue an's action did not stop at all, and several strings of cause and effect were broken in a row.

The Eastern Emperor felt that his connection with the world was weakened again, and there were faint signs of collapse in his body.

After all, after losing the bondage of cause and effect, the various elements that make up the body will disperse and disappear.

This is more miserable than the death of all gods and souls.

So he quickly shouted, "when I attacked the Chinese, I was ordered by my boss. Don't you want to know who he is?"

This sentence was really effective. Xue an stopped his action and looked at the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi was a little relieved, "give me some time first, and I'll tell you who ordered me!"

But as soon as his voice fell, xue'an's palm suddenly forced again.

This time, he directly broke at least several strings of cause and effect. As soon as the Eastern Emperor sent out a sad howl, his body began to disintegrate and break.

"Xue an, why did you do this? Don't you want to know who ordered me?"

Xue an said faintly, "I wanted to know before, but now I don't want to! Because what I have to do next is to uproot your evil people, so no matter who he is, he will die without a place to bury. "

Even though he was on the verge of collapse, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was stunned by Xue an's "big talk".

Uproot the evil family?

Does he really know what he's talking about?

At this time, Xue an cut off all the strings of cause and effect connected with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

In an instant, all the connections between the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the world were directly broken, and then his body, and even all the elements constituting the divine soul, escaped.

"Ah, xue'an, don't think it's over. I'll wait for you in front!"

The voice dissipated and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi disappeared completely.

Then the battlefield under his feet began to tremble violently.

This is because the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has been lost, and the battlefield has no fruit of existence.

Anyan stood where she was, and her momentum began to fall quickly.

The next second, an Yan's body fell back, but before her body landed, Xue Anna's body hovering in the air rushed over and hugged an Yan.

An Yan's face was pale and obviously lost a lot.

Xue an's eyes showed a strong color of pity, and then gently put her into the eyebrow to know the sea.

"Yan'er, you should have a good rest. Leave the rest to me!"

Xue an stepped on it, and the crumbling battlefield was shattered, and then Xue an rushed out of it.

At the same time, on the outside square, hundreds of families such as fox night and Yue Shifang are desperately attacking the statue of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Everyone was anxious. Even the lazy fox night was a little flustered at this time.

"Shit, what is this statue made of? Why is it so strong?"

After several attacks with nine tails, the fox night couldn't help roaring angrily.

No one paid attention to him. People were going all out to deal with the statue, but even if it was better than Yue Shifang, it had little effect.

Fox night looked up at the tall statue, and an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

Isn't that guy really dead?

As soon as the idea came out, the fox night couldn't help but shiver.

No, no way!

How could he die!

Fox night tried to comfort himself, but his eyes were already red.

That is, when he was rarely sad, the indestructible statue suddenly began to tremble.

Then, countless cracks appeared on the statue and broke in an instant.

The crowd exclaimed.

"What's going on?"

"The battlefield collapsed!"

Before the voice fell, a figure rushed out of the smoke and dust.

Yue Qinghuan cried with joy, "it's Xue an!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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