"In fact, I can guess whether she asked her parents about it and asked you not to tell me. What do you say? I'm a silly child?" Read a face dissatisfied said.

Yue Qinghuan doesn't know how to be right.

Read but couldn't help sighing.

"She thought I didn't understand anything, but she didn't know that I actually knew more than she did. Before my father left, he put all the resources he could collect into the Fubao building. I knew my father was going to do something very risky this time. "

"At that time, my sister obviously saw it. Although she tried her best to hide it, the hesitation and panic in her eyes still betrayed her, but what she didn't know was that her father had even made up his belief that he would die."

Yue Qinghuan was shocked and looked frightened.

Because she didn't even know about it.

Niannian youyou said: "the separation left by my father at that time explained everything, because it was obviously not an ordinary separation, and my father instilled almost all the knowledge into it."

"I knew then that dad was obviously preparing for the worst. If... If he really can't come back, then this separation will teach us all the knowledge instead of him! "

Yue Qinghuan was shocked by the intelligence of the two little girls and Xue an's determination.

He even made such preparations.

At the same time, Niannian said in a low voice.

"After dad left, my sister changed a lot. Although she was as lively and cheerful as ever on the surface, she gave in to me a lot, and this stupid guy thought he covered up well, but I saw her hide in a place where no one was crying secretly more than once!"

Speaking of this, the reading tone also brought a choking, "this fool, I can only pretend that I don't know anything and act with her all the time."

Yue Qinghuan caresses Niannian's head with his hand.

Niannian said with some emotion: "in fact, a sister is also very good. At least when my father didn't come back, we couldn't afford snacks. We had to watch other children eat, and then we secretly hid in the corner to be greedy."

"At this time, my sister will go to the street alone to find those little brothers and sisters who look good, and then shamefully deceive some snacks with her lovely appearance!"

Speaking of this, Niannian suddenly smiled, "I have to say, the cheated snacks are really delicious!"

Yue Qinghuan's heart suddenly tightened into a ball.

Because she didn't know Xue an's pink and jade carving, the precious twin daughters had such a past.

It sounds very painful.

"At that time... No one took care of you?" Yue Qinghuan asked with difficulty.

"Yes, aunt xuan'er has been taking care of us! At that time, my mother was caught back by the bad guys on Grandma's side, and my father disappeared. Aunt Xuaner raised us a little bit! "

Yue Qinghuan naturally knew Tang Xuaner, but only then did she understand how much Tang Xuaner meant to Xue an.

Not to mention anything else, just raising the two daughters for four years is enough to surpass everything.

"In fact, sister xuan'er would give us pocket money at that time, but we didn't move anything except what we had to buy. We saved everything. Do you know why? "

Before Yue Qinghuan could answer, Niannian went on to say, "because we are afraid that aunt Xuaner will leave us one day if we spend too much money!"

This sentence, like a heavy hammer, hit Yue Qinghuan's heart.

She took a deep breath and gently rubbed her hair. She wanted to say something comforting, but she didn't know what to say.

"And aunt xuan'er was also very hard at that time. Many people rumored that we were her daughters, which was a great pressure on aunt xuan'er, who was unmarried at that time, but she never gave up on us. That's why we both wanted to grow up as soon as possible and repay aunt Xuaner. "

"We didn't live a good life until dad finally came back that windy and snowy night!"

Speaking of this, Niannian raised her head, and her small face was full of relaxed look. "Sister Qinghuan, in fact, I told you so much today, just to tell you how important mom and dad are to us, so no matter what my sister said just now, she can be considerate!"

Yue Qinghuan was rarely touched, but today he was shocked by thinking about the little sisters. In particular, Yue Qinghuan was moved by the feeling between their sisters that although they despised each other on the surface, they actually protected each other.

So after hearing the words, she whispered.

"I didn't say anything, just asked me about sister Yan! I told her your mother was all right, just temporarily unconscious. "

"Sure enough!" Niannian couldn't help shaking his head. "This stupid sister, why didn't she think about it when she asked these questions? If mom really had an accident, could dad still be so calm?"

"You know, dad likes his mother so much that he even feels distressed when she loses a hair. It can be imagined that if something happens to his mother, it is estimated that Dad will directly and madly destroy the whole world. After all, even if it is us, we should rank behind our mother in the eyes of our father! "

Yue Qinghuan was stunned because it was an angle she had never thought of, and she couldn't help falling into a kind of ignorance that her IQ was crushed by a child.

At the same time, thinking about braiding again, he returned to them and asked with a smile.

"How's it going? Isn't it good? "

Without waiting for Yue Qinghuan to speak, Niannian glanced at her disdain, "it's so ugly!"

"Cut, you are pure jealousy!"

"Am I jealous? I taught you how to braid flowers! "

"So what? I look better than you anyway! "

"Bah, we're almost looking in the mirror when we stand together. How can you look better than me?"

"Because I am twenty grams thinner than you, my face is smaller than yours!"

"Hahaha, it's funny. When I measured my weight, I drank more water, so I was a little heavier than you, but you didn't let go!"

"That's why I'm thinner than you, you fat sister. Don't you agree?"

"I'm not satisfied. You stupid sister, dare you call me fat? Be careful I pull your braid! "

"Aren't you fat? Every time you eat more ice cream than me, of course you will be fat, so I decided to let you eat less when you eat ice cream in the future, so as to help you lose weight! " Think seriously.

"Yes! It's waiting for me here, you liar! "

"Fat sister!"

"Stupid Smelly sister who can only cheat!"

The two little girls began to quarrel.

At this time, Xue an finished his work, turned back and came here, and then wondered, "what's going on? It was fine just now. Why did you suddenly quarrel? "

Yue Qinghuan looked helpless. "It seems that it's because someone ate two more mouthfuls of ice cream!"

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