Jidu main city.

When xue'an left, it calmed down temporarily.

After all, just after a big war, many people are physically and mentally exhausted and need to recuperate.

However, this calm state did not last long, but was broken by the Shen family and the army of strategists.

I saw two teams of Wu haodang coming. Their great power made many people who didn't know where to go nervous.

But soon someone recognized the two teams.

"Eh, isn't this the soldier and Shen family?"

"Yes, they are! They came too! "

Amid the chaos, Yue Shifang rose to the sky and took the lead in welcoming him.

When he saw these ancestors who led the team, he couldn't help but be amazed.


Zhong Lishan rubbed his hands excitedly, "why? Are you surprised that it would be us? "

Yue Shifang nodded. He was really surprised.

Because the ancestors of these strategists are all people who have died once. Although they can continue under the protection of the ancestral hall, it is also doomed that they will be very vulnerable.

It is no exaggeration to say that a small injury may completely drive them out of their wits.

That's why Yue Shifang was so surprised.

At this time, Yue Huazang smiled, "little Shifang, you don't have to be too surprised. We can appear here for a reason!"

Then Yue Huazang told the story about it.

Although Yue Shifang had expected that the strategists would be invaded by evil things, after all, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi planned to set up this amazing killing situation for so long, and his plan was not just to destroy himself.

What he wants is to subvert the whole Tianwaitian, so when the fierce battle is in full swing on the battlefield of 100 families, the sects scattered all over Tianwaitian will not be spared.

But he didn't expect that the situation would be so serious. In order to deal with the soldiers, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi actually sent his capable generals to Diablo. If Shen Muyu hadn't shot in time, the soldiers' family might have been robbed.

However, he still didn't quite understand how these ancestors went all the way to the Shen family to save the people, and then rushed here.

It seemed that he saw the doubt in his heart, and Gu Xianyi smiled.

"Xiaoshifang, you must not understand why we are here. Look at this!"

With that, Gu Xianyi stretched out her hand, and a miniature building floated in the palm of her hand.

Yue Shifang was shocked, even though he understood.

"Is it the ancestral hall?"

Gu Xianyi nodded, "yes, it's the ancestral hall! Thanks to this treasure handed down from ancient times, we old guys can survive after death, but it also creates our fragile essence! "

Zhong Lishan said, "so in order to get rid of the shackles of distance, Xianyi put forward the idea of condensing the ancestral hall with a secret method and then carrying it with us, so we can move freely!"

At this point, Yue Shifang suddenly realized, and then he didn't know what it was like in his heart.

I was moved and thankful.

Moved by these ancestors, they really worked hard for the strategists and died.

Even if you carry the ancestral hall with you, you should resolutely take action, which is equivalent to carrying a coffin to the battlefield, full of cold tragedy.

Fortunately, even at such a great risk, these ancestors of the strategists were all safe and sound.

This has to be said to be a fluke.

At this time, other soldiers, such as Yue Junze, came forward to salute their ancestors.

Yue Huazang was stunned when he saw the clue.

"Eh, where's Qinghuan? Why isn't she here? "

Hearing this, these ancestors, including Zhong Lishan, turned their eyes to Yue Shifang, and their faces were full of worry.

Yue Shifang smiled, waved his hand and said, "don't worry, Qinghuan is fine. She should follow Xue an to do something. She'll be back in a minute!"

Hearing the word xue'an, the momentum of these ancestors was shocked.

"Hey, on the way here, I heard that the reason why this catastrophe can be eliminated is invisible, but it all owes to Xue an, isn't it?" Zhong Lishan asked.

Yue Shifang nodded, "yes, Xue an's credit is the greatest for smashing the plot of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi this time!"

These ancestors looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

In fact, they had heard the rumors on their way here, but they couldn't believe it was true.

After all, what is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi?

It was already a top-level existence at the time of the last robbery. It has experienced the baptism of thousands of years. In fact, it is so powerful that the whole Tianwaitian can't find a second one.

At best, Xue an is just a saint. She has just been promoted.

The strength gap can hardly be counted by the Tao.

Under such a disparity of strength, it is hard for them to believe that Xue an killed the Eastern Emperor.

But when Yue Shifang confirmed it, they couldn't help believing it.

"Hiss, is Xue an so powerful?" Long Tianzong couldn't help taking a cold breath at the moment.

"The key person is still young. Even if he has practiced in the heavens for 3000 years, he is only a child compared with us. He is really a hero from a young age!" Sima Yu could not help sighing.

"It seems that we still underestimate the heroes in the world! It's ridiculous. When we were in the sage's temple, we also commented on the heroes in the world. We thought that no one in the world could defeat the Eastern Emperor Taiyi alone. Now we think about it, it's really like a frog at the bottom of a well. " Gu Xianyi also said with a bitter smile.

Everyone nodded. At this time, Yue Huazang suddenly said, "in fact, you are all wrong. It's not surprising that Xue an can defeat the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Don't forget where he came from!"

This sentence directly awakened the people, and then they all fell into meditation.

At this time, Zhong Lishan suddenly and mysteriously came forward and pulled Yue Shifang aside.

"You just said where Qinghuan went with Xue an?"

"I don't know. They left soon after they withdrew from the battlefield."

"Hey, hey." Zhong Lishan smiled strangely, "is it possible that the two people went to another place for a tryst?"

Black lines appeared on Yue Shifang's forehead.

Because such words really don't seem to be what an old man should say.

But this really reminds Yue Shifang.

Maybe it's really possible!

Although xue'an has always said good-bye to his sister before.

But who can guarantee that there will be no change in the future?

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