You know, in terms of appearance, his sister is gorgeous and infatuated with Xue an.

At this special moment, if Xue an can't control one and has other ideas, won't her sister suffer a great loss?

These thoughts immediately rushed into Yue Shifang's mind, and the more he thought, the more likely he was. His face turned white.

Seeing Yue Shifang's changing face, Zhong Lishan naturally understood what it was because of and couldn't help smiling.

"Well, you don't have to worry too much. It's a good thing if things are really what you think! Otherwise, do you think it is possible to change the character of Qinghuan, who has been very assertive since she was a child? What's more... "

Zhong Lishan lowered his voice. "The origin of Qinghuan girl is mysterious. Xue an is in great luck. If she can really get together, it may be God's will."

Yue Shifang was silent.

In fact, he knows what Zhong Lishan means by saying so, which is also for the sake of qinghuanhao.

But he was still very uncomfortable. He always felt like he had sold his sister.

At the moment, Shen Muyu is also uncomfortable.

He led the sword repairmen left by the Shen family to the main city of Jidu.

Shen Hong, who had to take charge of the situation because of his sudden departure on the Baijia battlefield, led the people to meet him.

Then she learned from Shen Muyu that the owner Du Jingsheng had fallen, and couldn't help crying.

For Du Jingsheng, who has been practicing sword since she was a child, Du Jingsheng is not only the head of the Shen family, but also her enlightenment in kendo. She is an exemplary teacher.

So when she heard the news of his death, Shen Hongyi couldn't help crying.

When she cried, all the Shen family also shed tears.

Du Jingsheng has been in charge of the Shen family for so many years. Although he has made no great achievements, he has made no mistakes.

In addition, he acted fairly and treated everyone in the Shen family equally, which won him a very good reputation.

This time he suddenly fell, and many people naturally couldn't accept it.

Shen Muyu was also very sad, partly because Du Jingsheng left, and the other half because of a strong sense of frustration.

And these frustrations come from Xue an.

On the way to here, Shen Muyu also heard countless rumors.

Although many of them are more and more outrageous, many still have high credibility.

For example, how did Xue an turn the tide and save the hundreds of people attending the meeting.

And how Xue an saw through the plot of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and arranged everything in advance.

All these make Shen Muyu feel uncomfortable.

Because once upon a time, he was the peerless genius praised by countless people.

But unexpectedly, only a few days later, everything has changed greatly.

First, he was defeated by Xue an on the battlefield of 100 families.

This almost ruined his accomplishments. He lived only by a little bit of strength to refuse to lose and Xue an's mercy.

But at least Shen Muyu didn't despair.

Because he felt that even if he lost this sword, it was nothing. As long as he practiced well, he would be able to win his own honor again.

But I never thought that not long after the idea was born, I was ruthlessly beaten in the face by the facts.

He turned the tide with his own strength and defeated the Eastern Emperor alone. Shen Muyu didn't even dare to think about it, but Xue an really did it.

How can Shen Muyu play?

So at the moment, his heart is full of deep frustration and powerlessness.

That is, at this time, two bright lights came crashing down over the main city of Jidu at a very fast speed. After showing their body shape, Xue an and Yue Qinghuan were the two.

The appearance of the two of them caused a great uproar in the field.

Many people saluted one after another.

"I've seen Mr. Xue!"

"I've seen Duke Xue!"

The cry after cry was full of infinite reverence.

At this moment, Xue an's prestige in the whole sky is so powerful that no one can surpass it.

And the imposing power also calmed Shen Muyu, who was full of pain.

Because he finally realized that he was not wronged at all when he was defeated by Xue an's men, because it was not because he was too weak, but because Xue an was too strong.

Strong enough to make their existence look up.

Xue an's return finally relaxed the originally tight string in many people's hearts.

Because no one knew what Xue an was doing before.

What if he doesn't come back?

However, these concerns dissipated at the moment of seeing Xue an.

In fact, many people didn't realize it. Unconsciously, Xue an seemed to have become the backbone.

If he is absent, many people will have no sense of security.

In this gradually relaxed atmosphere, both the strategists and the Shen family followed Xue an back to the main city of Jidu.

Lei Di has already vacated the city master's house as a place for people to discuss things and rest.

When many people followed xue'an into the city master's house.

Yue Shifang stopped Yue Qinghuan.

"Wait a minute, I have something to ask you!"

"Huh? What's up? "

Yue Qinghuan followed his brother to a remote corner and asked with a puzzled face.

Yue Shifang coughed twice and suddenly didn't know how to speak.

What should I ask?

Directly ask what you just did with Xue an? Have you ever done anything more polite?

As a brother, how could he open his mouth!

Just when he secretly regretted.

Behind him came Gu Xianyi's voice, "Qinghuan, what's your relationship with Xue an now?"

"What's the matter? We're just friends!"

"Are you really just friends?"

"Or what do you think?"

"We thought that since you two were so close, the relationship would not be so simple!" Zhong Lishan poked his head out from the side and said.

Yue Qinghuan couldn't laugh or cry. "What's this! We are really just ordinary friends, and I just followed him to pick up his two daughters. "

"Yes, this guy already has children. I forgot about it." Zhong Lishan suddenly said with some embarrassment.

The crowd was speechless.

Yue Qinghuan had no choice but to sigh, "if there's nothing wrong, I'll go first!"

After that, she turned and left, leaving the ancestors of the military family to stand in place and look at each other.

A moment later, Gu Xianyi only heard her gnashing her teeth: "Zhong Lishan, it's all your fault. Who let you chew your tongue and say that you are happy with each other? Now, what do you want Qinghuan to think of us in the future?"

Zhong Lishan trembled all over, and then said with a smile: "I didn't do it for qinghuanhao. Who knew this would happen. There's nothing wrong. I'll go first. Bye!"

Then he ran away in a panic., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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