This episode ended in this way, and many people didn't even notice it in the whole process.

Because their attention is all focused on Xue an at the moment.

Although Yue Shifang and Jiutian Xuannv know the details of Xue an, many people don't know it.

Because of this, they are full of curiosity about the mysterious boy born in the sky.

In particular, the Amazing World War I just passed made many people know Xue an again.

Although the war has just ended and many things have not been healed, many people have raised the idea of soliciting or making friends with Xue an.

Among them, there is no lack of the legitimate daughter of some major giants.

After all, Xue an's strength is not only amazing, but also his temperament and appearance.

Such an almost perfect existence, how can these women not be moved by it.

Therefore, some brave women simply make eyes at Xue an openly.

But Xue an turned a deaf ear to these hot eyes. Without even lifting his eyelids, he went straight into the conference hall of the city master's house.

Lei Di has already prepared a grand dinner. When Xue Angang enters the door, the grand dinner will be officially opened.

Although it is said that all sects and factions suffered a lot in this war, several sects such as farmers suffered the most.

But after all, it was safe to pass the disaster, and the powerful yin-yang family in the past disappeared.

The war was fruitful.

In addition, people's hearts are floating in this season, and a happy feast is needed to comfort people's hearts.

Therefore, Lei Di carefully prepared the dinner under the guidance of Yue Shifang, Confucianism and Taoism.

It's called celebration, but it's actually a memorial.

Xue an naturally knew this, so he didn't say anything. He took his seat at the main table according to the arranged position.

Fox night was anxious, but seeing Xue an's performance so calm, he had to restrain his eagerness, found a seat and sat down by himself.

As a good friend who has known Xue an for thousands of years, he knows Xue an's temper well.

The more important things are faced, the more calm Xue an is.

The so-called Taishan collapsed in front without changing his face is Xue an's character.

But fox night could not do this, so even if he sat down, he twisted around in his chair.

I really wish I had wings now and hurried back to the heavens to solve all the thorny problems.

As if he had noticed his restlessness, xue'an turned his head and glanced at him, then nodded imperceptibly.

Soon a voice sounded in the heart of fox night.

"Don't worry, I have my own discretion in this matter."


Fox night breathed a sigh. Although he didn't know that Xue an didn't even go back to the heavens now, he could make a decision in his heart, but somehow, just hearing this sentence, fox night felt much more relaxed.

The original twisted body finally settled down, then picked up chopsticks and began to eat.

Fox night is like this. Once you leave things behind, you will become heartless immediately.

Seeing this scene, Xue an raised a faint smile around her mouth and turned her head. She happened to see the concerned look on Yue Shifang's face sitting at the same table.

Xue an was stunned and immediately picked up the cup and nodded her hand.

Yue Shifang didn't say anything, so he raised his glass accordingly.

Soon, the dinner reached a climax.

Because the pressure accumulated in the mind these days is too heavy, many people begin to indulge after a few drinks.

I saw many people who didn't know each other and even had enemies. At the moment, they held each other closely and talked about what to release the pressure in their hearts.

Although the period of turmoil was very short, many people fell into complete despair at that time because the yin-yang family and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had too much power in peacetime, and thought it was impossible to turn over again.

It can be imagined how relieved these people should be after they live in death.

Xue an is also busy at the moment, because many people are taking advantage of this opportunity to toast him.

Xue an did not refuse to come, almost every cup.

This approach has won the favor of everyone.

But at this time, the appearance of some women made the atmosphere at the scene strange.

I saw these women holding wine cups in their hands, came to Xue an in turn, said something they had admired for a long time, and then red faced to propose a toast to Xue an.

Although Xue an didn't feel any admiration for these women's words, it was hard for him to refuse when others sincerely toasted him in public.

So Xue an had to nod helplessly and then drink the women's wine one after another.

Many people smiled at this scene.

In particular, the patriarchal forces behind these women want Xue an to bring them into the harem now.

But some people are unhappy.

For example, Yue Qinghuan, who is sitting in the military seat at the moment.

She was very unhappy.

She stared coldly at the more and more warblers gathered in front of Xue an, held the wine glass hard, and a word jumped out of her teeth.

"What a bunch of flirtatious bitches!"

The two girls on one side sniffed and laughed and said, "it seems that someone is very jealous. In that case, go up and toast him!"

"I'm not going. How can I be like these flirtatious bitches!" Yue Qinghuan showed her proud side.

But she didn't go, but someone else went.

Two figures, one left and one right, came towards Xue an.

On the left came Aoshu.

Her pretty face was covered with frost, and she was obviously dissatisfied with these wild bees and butterflies.

The person walking on the right was quite unexpected. It was Chen zuihui, the woman who had been imprisoned in the gale stronghold.

She timidly walked to xue'an and ignored the women. She just stood aside and poured wine and vegetables for xue'an.

For her move, Xue an was also a little stunned at the beginning, even smiled, and then nodded at Chen zuihui.

"Hard work for you!"

"No... no hard work! This is what I should do. " Chen zuihui blushed and spit out these words very hard.

If someone observed carefully, he would find that Chen zuihui was just as drunk at the moment, and her whole body was trembling slightly.

In fact, Chen zuihui was really very excited at this time, because she didn't know how she stood up and came here.

All this is just like ghosts and gods, completely from subconscious behavior.

If she had to do it again, she might have no courage at all.

Because Chen zuihui is a woman who knows herself very well.

She clearly knows the gap between herself and Xue an., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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