In fact, just before today, she had not even seen Xue an's true face, and all her understanding of him was only from the part of her violent appearance.

But this does not affect Chen zuihui's admiration for Xue an at all.

Especially when she saw that Xue an had turned the tide with her own strength, this feeling also reached the peak.

When these women in luxurious clothes compete to propose a toast to Xue an, Chen zuihui can only look at it from a distance. Her heart is full of envy, but she doesn't dare to come at all.

Because she thinks that with her own identity and status, she is not qualified to approach Xue an.

But when she keenly observed that in the face of these women's flattery, a look of impatience flashed in xue'an's eyes. Somehow, she naturally stood up and walked to xue'an.

Xue an didn't say anything, and even thanked her.

Chen zuihui was so excited that she carefully served Xue an.

Ao Shu looked at Chen zuihui suspiciously, and then angrily sat next to Xue an, blocking Xue an behind him like an old hen protecting her cubs.

Then she stared at these women angrily. Although she didn't speak, her eyes had explained everything.

Soon these women were defeated in Aoshu's aggressive eyes and retreated one after another.

"Hum, a group of stupid women still want to fight me?" Ao Shu gave a Pooh to the women's back, then turned to Xue an and said with a smile.

"Do you think I'm right, brother Ann?"

Xue an could hardly laugh or cry, but fortunately Ao Shu's appearance solved the siege for himself, so he nodded.

"Well, I said you were right."

"Hee hee." Ao Shu smiled so much that his eyes were bent into a crescent shape. Then he mysteriously approached Xue an and whispered.

"Brother an, why did that dissolute guy from Qingqiu fox country suddenly come to you? Is something happening in the heavens? "

Xue an nodded, "well, something really happened."

"Huh? What is that? " Ao Shu was stunned.

Xue an looked at Ao Shu with a blank face and suddenly didn't know how to talk to her.

Because according to Fox night, in this sudden change of the heavens, the people who were forcibly erased also included Ao Shu.

At that time, fox night went to the ancestral land of the dragon family in order to explore his own traces. It was found that not only the second Dragon Princess Ao Yi who died to save himself completely disappeared, but also the third princess Ao Shu had no traces of existence.

The only one left in the ancestral land of the dragon family was the eldest princess Aoqing, and naturally she would not remember those things.

At that time, fox night almost broke his teeth when he told Xue an these words.

In fox night's words, he has never owed anyone in his life, but the only one who is sorry is the Dragon second princess Ao Yi.

Therefore, after her death in the war, fox night changed the former and started crazy cultivation. It was only in a short period of time that she broke through one after another and finally achieved nine tail sky fox.

But even so, he failed to revive Ao Yi.

But fox night never intended to give up. He had been looking for various methods, but he didn't expect to wait for him to find some eyebrows.

When the sudden change happened, Ao Yi was erased by Sheng.

This direct contact touched the scales of the fox night, so that he could not be angry.

After pondering for a moment, Xue an had to chuckle, "nothing, you'll know then!"

Although Aoshu was full of confusion, since xue'an said so, she no longer tangled with these, but pestered xue'an to start drinking.

The banquet didn't leave until the early morning of the next day. Many people were drunk and carried away.

Although Xue an drank more wine than anyone else, he also had to be sober than anyone else.

When he was about to leave, Yue Shifang suddenly stopped him.

"Xue an, wait a minute."

Xue an stopped and looked back at Yue Shifang.

Seeing Yue Shifang's face was very serious, "is there something important in the heavens that makes you have to go back and solve it?"

Of course Xue an knows that these things can't be concealed from Yue Shifang. In particular, this fox night came all the way to find himself, which itself has explained a lot.

So Xue an nodded.


"Can you tell me what it is?" Yue Shifang asked in a deep voice.

Xue an didn't hide it, so he told the general situation directly.

After hearing this, even the well-informed Yue Shifang was shocked.

"Erase all traces of a person's existence? Even those close to him have learned that they have disappeared. Is there such an anti heaven means in the world? "

You should know that this is not simply to erase a person's body, but to forcibly erase all traces of a person's existence on the level of the heavens.

What it represents is simply unimaginable.

At least Yue Shifang can't imagine what kind of existence can do this.

"I didn't want to believe it at the beginning, but fox night can't cheat me with such a thing, so it must be true." Xue an whispered.

Yue Shifang was silent.

He thought that the heavens were at most invaded by evil things like the outer heaven.

But I didn't expect things to be so difficult.

Even he was completely confused.

After a long time, Yue Shifang couldn't help sighing, "the ancients said that the higher the cultivation, the more fear. This sentence really didn't deceive me. If all this was done by an invisible hand behind his back, it would be terrible."

"So what are you going to do?" Yue Shifang looked at Xue an with bright eyes.

"No matter how the other party exists, I will return to the heavens. After all, my relatives and friends are there and have been implicated because of this."

Yue Shifang sighed, "in fact, I wanted to persuade you not to return to the heavens for the time being, but it's probably useless to persuade you now!"

Speaking of this, Yue Shifang's face suddenly became serious.

"But you must be more careful when you go back this time. After all, this is different from the real sword and gun on the front battlefield, but a battle without seeing the smoke of gunpowder. The enemy is likely to hide in the crowd, so you must pay more attention."

"I understand." Xue an nodded.

Yue Shifang suddenly took out a seal from his arms and solemnly handed it to Xue an.

"What is this?"

"This is a piece of jade that I wore with me in those years. There is a Dharma seal of the military ancestors on it. I have been collecting it in the military arsenal and am not willing to use it. I'll give it to you now. If there is an emergency, it should save your life."

Xue an looked at the jade, smiled, and then took it in his hand.

"Thank you!"

"There's no word of thanks between you and me, but I hope you'd better not use it!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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