Yue Shifang left, but Xue an didn't leave. Instead, she stood quietly in place, as if waiting for something.

A moment later, with a flash of light, Shen Muyu appeared in front of Xue an.

Xue'an seemed to have expected his arrival, but smiled faintly, "you're coming!"

Shen Muyu didn't respond, but took a deep look at Xue an.

"You knew I would come?"

Xue an nodded, "yes, if you don't come, you don't deserve to be called the unique genius of the Shen family in thousands of years!"

Then Xue an narrowed his eyes slightly, "you have a very complex but very pure Kendo breath. Is this the inheritance of your Shen family?"

Of course, Shen Muyu knew that Xue an couldn't hide his inheritance from him because he nodded cleanly.

"Yes, I'm the new head of the Shen family now!"

Xue an smiled, "Congratulations, but even if you have been inherited by the Shen family, it will take a long time for you to absorb and understand such a complex atmosphere, so you are still not my opponent."

Shen Muyu shook his head. "You made a mistake. I'm not here to avenge the sword at the hundred family meeting. I just want to tell you something!"

"Oh? What's up? "

"We Shen family... Are not cowards! What happened that year was the most difficult choice made when we had to. For this reason, the Shen family also paid a very heavy price. At that time, all the senior members of the Shen family even died in battle! "

Xue an's face also became solemn, "I'd like to hear it in detail!"

So Shen Muyu repeated what Du Jingsheng had said to him.

After listening, Xue an was silent for a long time.

Seriously, before that, he really criticized the practices of the Shen family. He thought that their actions really undermined the prestige of sword cultivation.

But through Shen Muyu's story, he knew that there were so many unknown secrets.

Therefore, Xue an couldn't help sighing, "it seems that everyone paid a painful price for the great disaster that year, so now I really want to know what kind of hand is behind it, and what its motivation and interests are!"

Hearing this, Shen Muyu's eyes are also colorful.

Once upon a time, he was the pride of heaven admired by thousands of people, but in just a few days, he experienced many things, such as the defeat of a sword, the fall of his family owner and so on.

At this moment, although his strength has not made much progress, his state of mind has matured too much.

At this time, Xue an lowered his head and looked at Shen Muyu with bright eyes.

"Shen Daoyou, I have one thing to ask you!"

Without hesitation, Shen Muyu nodded and agreed, "please speak!"

"I want to leave this world for a period of time. Although it's not my hometown, it's important after all. I can't afford to lose. I'm worried that Yue Shifang is alone, so I hope you can sincerely cooperate with Yue Shifang during this period to guard against the invasion of evil things again!"

Shen Muyu smiled, "even if you don't charge me, I will do it! After all, the sky outside this day is not your hometown, but mine. What's more, the hatred between me and evil things is no less than you! "

At last, Shen Muyu's eyes danced with cold flame, which was condensed from the sword idea of extreme awe.

Xue an nodded, and suddenly turned his hand, and a strange long sword appeared in his hand.

"It's sunny?" Shen Muyu was stunned.

Xue an smiled, "that's right."

This strange long sword is the weapon Shen Hongyi used to become famous, but it was captured by Xue an in the battle before the hundred family Congress.

Shen Hongyi was seriously injured and died. She was resurrected with the protection of the Shen family's ancestral land.

So later, Shen Muyu came out. The first thing he did after he left the Customs was to find Xue an and set the matter in the afternoon.

But times have changed. Now the misunderstanding between Xue an and the Shen family has long disappeared. Xue an's holding this long sword is meaningless, so he simply took it out.

"At the beginning, I fought with the girl Shen in red with a sword. Finally, she lost, and the sword fell into my hands. Now I'll give it to you. I hope you can give it back to the girl Shen for me."

With that, Xue an threw Lian Tianqing in his hand.

Shen Muyu took it in his hand and looked at it slightly, and a different color flashed in his eyes.

"This sword..."

Xue an smiled, "at the beginning, I fought too fiercely with that girl Shen. As a result, this sword was seriously damaged and the spirit Yun almost disappeared. So I spent a sword intention and repaired it, which is a little help to that girl Shen!"

Although it's simple, Shen Muyu knows the horror, especially Xue an's cultivation in kendo is beyond his reach.

It can be imagined how precious his sword meaning should be.

Shen Muyu just wanted to say some thanks for Shen Hongyi, but he saw that Xue an had turned and walked into the dark.

Hearing the footsteps drifting away, Shen Muyu suddenly became a little crazy.

Even if he is conceited like him, he has to admit that Xue an is far better than himself in terms of talent, cultivation and even personality charm.

"I really don't know what kind of clan race will give birth to such an amazing existence!"

Shen Muyu sighed, then turned around and left with emotion.

This night, someone is drunk, it is destined to be sober and calm.

For example, Yang Qi, such as Xiaotian.

Although it was said that in this war, their cultivation was just standing on one side and playing soy sauce.

But it is still difficult to contain their inner excitement.

Especially when Xue an won, the two almost cheered.

But what happened next calmed the excited two people down gradually.

First of all, they were shocked to find that there was a shadow behind the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who thought he was the ultimate boss.

The discovery terrified them.

Just a presence standing in front to attract fire is so powerful. How terrible should the shadow hidden behind?

But terror was terror, and they were not afraid at all.

After all, so many years of storms have come, and they are already ready to die.

What really moved and disturbed them was Xue an's attitude after defeating Donghuang Taiyi.

That dignified atmosphere has been lingering and depressing.

The appearance of fox night proves a terrible fact that something must have happened in the heavens.

Therefore, the two of them can't sleep at night. They wanted to ask Xue an several times, but they couldn't find a chance.

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