For example, at today's dinner, although Yang Jian came forward several times to talk to Xue an, he was interrupted by various things.


The atmosphere in the room is very dignified.

Yang Jian drank tea slowly, but he didn't know what the tea was like. He didn't even feel whether it was cold or hot.

Xiao Tian wandered back and forth in the house, his face was uncertain, and his eyebrows and eyes were full of worries.

Seeing this, Jiutian Xuannv finally couldn't help saying, "OK, you'll turn soon. I'll faint if you turn again. Isn't it good to sit down and calm down?"

"Calm down..." Xiaotian smiled bitterly, "Xuannv, my wife and children are in the heavens at the moment! How can you calm me down? "

Since Xue an learned from his mouth that when he left the heavens, the abandoned Princess Jiang xunnan of the golden dog family had given birth to a daughter for himself, his heart was not calm for a moment.

The great happiness of being a father directly broke Xiaotian's psychological defense line. If it weren't for the critical situation outside the sky, he really wanted to go back to the heavens to see his daughter.

But unexpectedly, before he started, he was surprised to learn that great events had happened in the heavens.

At that time, the first reaction of Xiaotian was that his daughter was in danger.

This idea should put Xiaotian on the verge of rage.

In fact, it is a miracle that he can suppress it until now without breaking out.

But Xiaotian felt that if he endured like this, he was really about to explode.

"No, I'm going to find Mr. Xue. Even if he can't go back to heaven now, I'll go back first. I can't stand it for a moment!" Xiao Tian said with a low roar, and then walked out.

But just then, a light sigh came from outside the house.

"I can understand general Xiaotian's mood. After all, it's related to his family. Any man can't bear it, but I didn't deliberately delay time!"

With the words, Xue an walked into the room.

As soon as he saw him, Xiao Tian couldn't care about the courtesy. He immediately strode forward and asked eagerly, "Mr. Xue, is something wrong with the heavens?"

Xue an nodded, "there's a little problem!"

Xiao Tian's eyes were as red as blood, "when shall we start?"

Xue an didn't hesitate. "Actually, I'm here to inform you that what happened in the sky is very strange. Even I don't have a clue for the time being, so I may take a great risk when I go back this time. You..."

Before Xue an finished, Yang Jian and Jiutian Xuannv stood up together.

Yang Jian said in a deep voice, "needless to say, we are the people of heaven. Even if we go through fire and water for our own home, let alone a mere risk."

Although Jiutian Xuannv didn't speak, she showed her attitude with practical actions.

As for Xiaotian, now he almost gave an order, and then he had to hurry back. Naturally, there was no need to say anything else.

So Xue an nodded and said solemnly, "since it is so, I will tell you about the situation of the heavens first, and then get ready, and we will leave in a few days!"


A quarter of an hour later, their faces all changed.

"Erase all traces of a person, this means..." Yang Yang's face is dignified.

Jiutian Xuannv also looked solemn. "Don't mention the saints. Even the supreme masters I know can't do this. Even the golden immortals who founded Confucianism and Taoism are estimated to be out of reach."

"So strong? How do we face it? You know, Mr. Xue has paid a painful price to deal with the Eastern Emperor this time! " Xiao Tian said in despair.

Xue an did not hide his situation from these three people, because they can be said to be the most trustworthy people.

If they can't believe it again, there will be no one in the world to trust.

So Xiaotian knew how Xue an defeated the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in the battlefield.

Because of this, he felt deep despair.

But at this time, Xue an shook his head gently, "in fact, I don't think the situation will be so bad!"

"What do you say?" The three people were shocked and asked together.

"It is true that this means is enough to go against the sky, but I think the person who does it is definitely not so powerful, and the reason is very powerful. If this existence can really arbitrarily change the cause and effect, why didn't it do so before?"

"When the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was fighting with me, he was very wary of rats. He seemed to be afraid of some kind of existence behind me, but I knew I didn't have any backstage. The only explanation was the Chinese!"

"Chinese?" The three were stunned, and soon Jiutian Xuannv said first.

"You mean the light that saved the Chinese gods?"

"That's right. No matter what the light is, at least it shows that there must be some kind of silent attention behind the Chinese people."

"This is the reason why the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is so afraid of me, and it is also the way to break the crisis in the heavens!"

"How to break the game? What's the way to break the game? " Xiaotian couldn't help asking.

Xue an shook his head. "To tell you the truth, I don't know now. I just have this feeling! Everything has to wait until we return to the heavens and investigate the details before we can make a decision! "

But anyway, the three heard a glimmer of hope from Xue an's words, so they nodded one after another, then turned back and began their preparations.

After they left, Xue an's eyes gradually became sharp.

Just now those words are half true and half false. It's true that he really feels that there must be big guys behind the Chinese people.

False is his so-called way of breaking the game.

Joke, he doesn't even know what the game is now. What about breaking the game!

The reason for saying this is just to stabilize the three people's emotions.

At this time, Xue an felt the breath in the center of his eyebrows. He was stunned first and immediately sank his mind into the center of his eyebrows.

Sure enough.

In the core position of knowing the sea in the center of the eyebrow, an Yan, who was attached and entangled by countless brilliance, suddenly had a smart breath.

Are you finally waking up?

A smile appeared on Xue an's face, which should be the best news in recent times.

In fact, if according to normal conditions, an Yan could not wake up so soon.

However, in order to make an Yan recover as soon as possible, Xue an simply integrated her most quintessential thoughts into it to help her repair her body.

But the cost of doing so is also great, especially for Xue an, who ran around without a moment's rest after a World War I.

But everything is worth it.

I saw the flashiness recede, Ann Yan's eyelashes tremble, and then slowly opened her eyes., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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