It was Xue an, who was full of concern, who first appeared in an Yan's eyes.

For a moment, an Yan was in a trance, but soon she woke up and asked with some doubts.


The tone was rather uncertain.

Xue an's heart suddenly tightened.

What's going on?

Did Yan'er lose his memory?

When Xue an was nervous, he saw an Yan look around, and then said with a puzzled face.

"Eh, where's the big monster? Why not? "

"What big monster?"

"It's the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Isn't it on the battlefield?" An Yan asked strangely.

"That big monster has been defeated by your husband!"

"What? How could it be so fast? Didn't I just close my eyes? " An Yan asked in surprise.

Until then, Xue an realized that the coma was like sleeping for an Yan, and he didn't even notice the passage of time.

So for her, she just closed her eyes. How did the battle end?

This sense of lack of time makes Xue an think of something inexplicably, but this feeling is fleeting. When he wants to catch it again, he can't find it anyway.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Xue an frowning slightly, an Yan couldn't help asking.

"Oh, nothing, just suddenly remembered something."

With a faint smile, Xue an immediately buried this question deep into his heart, and then stretched out his hand to hold an Yan's small Manyao.

"Come on, let's go back to the Fubao building and think that Niannian is waiting for you."


They then floated from the depths of the sea, and then came to the Fubao building.

As soon as I saw my mother's safe return, I thought about Niannian and rushed over excitedly.

"Mom, you finally wake up!"

Looking at the two lovely daughters, Ann Yan was naturally full of joy, and then squatted down to hold them in her arms.

"Well, mom woke up. Are you two good these days?"

"Good, we are good. We study hard every day according to the plan you left." Niannian took the lead in saying.

Think about nodding.

An Yan looked at the obvious cream stains on the corners of their mouths. He couldn't help laughing, but he didn't expose them. He just smiled and said.

"OK, just be obedient. Mom will cook delicious food for you later!"

"Yeah, thank you, mom!"

The two little girls cheered and cheered, and Xue an naturally smiled.

He didn't tell Anyan what happened in the heavens, so it didn't work except to increase her troubles.

It's better to hide it from them temporarily so that their mother and daughter can spend a period of time happily.

So Xue an simply rolled up his sleeves, smiled and said, "in that case, let me show you my cooking today."

In terms of cooking, an Yan is far less than Xue an. Therefore, after hearing Xue an's words, I think I'm more and more excited.

It is also a time when it is happy and warm in Fubao small building.

Shen Hongyi looked at the lost and recovered Lian Tianqing in front of her and looked stunned.

"Isn't this my sunny day?"

"Yes, this is your sunny day!" Shen Muyu whispered.

"But it was lost in the war. How did you get it?"

As soon as the words came out, Shen Hongyi suddenly thought of something and said in disbelief: "Xue an gave it to you?"

Shen Muyu nodded.

These Shen Hongyi are even more confused.

She and Xue an had a war of enmity, and Xue an and the Shen family had no good feelings. Why did she suddenly return the long sword to herself?

She hesitated to reach out to pick up the long sword, but at the moment of starting, her face suddenly changed.

Because she felt a vigorous sense of sword rising in the sunny day, and went into the palm of her hand along the sword jaw.

Shen Hongyi only felt that her sword heart was shaking wildly, and there was a faint intention of submission. It can be seen that the sword intention is powerful.

"This... What's going on?" Shen Hongyi asked in surprise.

Shen Muyu sighed, "your Lian Tianqing was badly damaged at that time, so Xue an gave it a sword meaning and repaired it as before, and the remaining sword meaning is a little help he gave you."

"A little help?" Shen Hongyi looked down at the hand holding the sword, which was faintly numb. Suddenly she didn't know what to say.

How arrogant he was at the beginning. He thought he was the peerless genius of the Shen family, second only to the second childe Shen Muyu. Unexpectedly, he failed again and again in Xue an.

Especially in that war, Xue an's awe inspiring power and unspeakable sword intention level, regardless of life and death, made Shen Hongyi feel overwhelmed. As a result, she was beaten hard and the soul of the sword was reborn.

Normally, she should hate Xue an to the bone.

At the beginning, she did think so, and even prayed that Xue an would not be defeated by Shen Muyu, so that she could have a chance to revenge.

But when she really saw Xue an's amazing strength, the hatred slowly disappeared.

Especially when Xue an destroyed the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and saved hundreds of families with his own strength, Shen Hongyi couldn't hate Xue an at all.

Now, when she was holding Lian Tianqing and feeling the powerful and surging sword, Shen Hongyi couldn't help feeling at a loss, and the figure of the young man in white appeared in front of her.

"Where is he now?" Shen Hongyi suddenly asked.

"What do you want? The past has passed, and Xue an has shown great goodwill. Don't dwell on the past. " Shen Muyu suddenly said very nervously.

Shen Hongyi glanced at Shen Muyu angrily, "what do you think? With my current accomplishments, can I still settle accounts with him? Besides, am I the kind of person with a small belly? "

Shen Muyu almost blurted out a yes, but stopped after the words came to his mouth.

Shen Hongyi saw Shen Muyu's desire to speak and stopped, and her cheeks were slightly red.

She used to be a little stingy, otherwise she wouldn't have forced herself to find Xue an's trouble because of her brother Shen Gaoge.

But now she really doesn't have that idea. She can't help sighing: "I really don't have any other ideas. I just want to thank him!"

Shen Muyu shook his head, "I don't know where he has gone, and I think you'd better not create complications. After all, in his opinion, this may be just a trivial matter. If you really thank him with great fanfare, it will make things complicated."

Shen Hongyi was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, "well, that's it!"

Then she turned and left.

Looking at her slightly lonely back, Shen Muyu sighed, and then turned away., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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