Although with Xue an's current strength, he can thoroughly cook the food with a flick of his finger.

But Xue an still likes to cook with ordinary flame, because only in this way can there be fireworks in the world.

After all, most of the time, what you eat is not only the taste, but also the smoke and anger.

If people don't have it, they will be much more boring after all.

This is also the reason why Xue an still wants to eat, even though he preaches Taoism, immortals and even saints, logically speaking, have long been out of the scope of diet and can survive only by Reiki.

Because people are people after all, even if you become a saint, you are also people.

If you don't even have the desire to eat, that person will soon alienate and become an unknowable existence.

So at the moment, with the sound of hot oil, Xue Anxian cooked the dishes skillfully and turned a spoon from time to time, which made the two little girls who were watching the excitement cheering.

Soon, the rich aroma will escape.

"Wow, it smells good, Dad. What kind of dish are you frying? Why is it so fragrant? " Think of the hard suction of the nose, greedy saliva is almost flowing out.

Xue an laughed. "Dad is frying a very novel dish now. It's called Lei Sui roasted jin'ao."

"Thunder marrow roasts golden Ao?" Think about repeating this awkward name, some unclear, so.

On the contrary, an Yan, who was fighting on one side, said strangely, "we didn't have these ingredients before!"

"Of course not. These are all collected from behind me!"

In recent years, with Xue an moving around, Xue an's small Treasury has grown with his strength.

In addition to some local specialties, most of them are all kinds of strange ingredients.

For example, this thunder marrow is a specialty of Jidu star region. It is a rare treasure from the boundless thunder sea. It is very precious.

It's hard for ordinary people to think of a drop, but Xue an is so extravagant that he uses it for cooking.

Jin'ao is not an ordinary thing. In short, Xue an takes great pains to collect all the ingredients in the world in order to let his wife and children taste fresh.

No way. Who makes Xue an a warm man who dotes on his wife and children.

Soon, a large table of dishes with color, aroma and taste was ready.

When it was placed, the aroma curled up and glowed in the air, forming a virtual image of condensation.

This is because these ingredients themselves contain powerful heaven and earth aura, which is inspired by Xue an's superb cooking, so this unique scene is formed.

The two daughters were already ready to move, but their good upbringing forced them to restrain their impulses. They just looked at the dishes on this big table and drooled.

Even an Yan couldn't help shaking her fingers after smelling the strong aroma.

Seeing this, Xue an couldn't help laughing and clapping her hands gently.

"No more nonsense, start!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two little girls had to pick up chopsticks and eat wildly.

Every time they take a bite, they will sigh with satisfaction.

Even an Yan is very satisfied to taste the dishes.

Xue an looked at it with a smile. This feeling is sweeter than eating it.

A moment later, an Yan looked up strangely, "husband, why don't you eat?"

Xue an smiled, "is it delicious?"

The mother and daughter nodded together.

Even though their mouths were almost full, the two little girls murmured vaguely, "it's so delicious."

"Eat more if it's delicious. I'm not very hungry!"

Then Xue an took out a bottle of wine and said to an Yan, "come to Yan'er and have two drinks with me."

Ann Yan usually doesn't drink at all, even red wine.

But today, facing Xue an's invitation, an Yan didn't hesitate and nodded directly.


When the bottle cap is opened, a strange fragrance comes to the nostrils. When it is poured into the cup, it is nearly amber and slightly sticky. It is a rare aged wine.

Xue an raised his glass and smiled at an Yan, "come on, let's have a drink together."

An Yan nodded and drank the wine in the glass.

The mellow and fragrant liquid slid down the throat into the stomach, which made an Yan, who had never touched the wine, feel a little smoked in an instant.

"How's it going?"

"It's spicy, but it's delicious. Husband, what kind of wine is this? "

"I found it in the dens of the strong wind stronghold. Even they don't know the name of the wine. They must have robbed it."

They chatted and drank, but after a while, they had a few more drinks.

An Yan's face became more and more ruddy. When she was drunk, she suddenly sighed.

"It's a pity that Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu are not around today. If they were, how lively it would be!"

This sentence was uttered, and even the two little girls who were wolfing down were a little silent.

You know, they have a very close relationship with Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu. They naturally miss their friends after coming out for so long this time.

Now when their mother mentioned them, the two little girls couldn't help feeling dejected.

An Yan was also surprised that he had said something wrong and couldn't help regretting.

But at this time, Xue an smiled, "it's a little lonely. Let's go and call some people in!"

After that, Xue an didn't wait for the mother and daughter to react, and turned directly out of the Fubao building.

A moment later, the fox night, which was still sleepy, and the Yangjian Xiaotian and Aoshu, who were just ready to rest, all appeared in the Fubao building.

Others said that when they saw the fox night, the two little girls couldn't help cheering.

"Wow, it's Uncle Fox night!"

"Uncle Fox night, when did you come here?"

When I saw these two lovely nieces, the fox woke up in the sleepy night, and then said with a smile.

"I came here these two days. Do you miss me?"

"Of course, Uncle Fox night, did you see Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu when you came out from home? How are they now?"

Fox night was stunned and turned to look at Xue an.

Xue an didn't move. Fox night understood in an instant, and then hit ha ha.

"Oh, you said Xiao Sha and Zhang Xiaoyu. They are fine. They asked me to say hello to you when they came!"

"Really, that's great! I miss them both so much. I really want to see them now. " The two little girls said sadly.

Jiutian Xuannv sighed in her heart, and then came forward to talk with the two little girls.

Fox night, Yang Jian and others drank with Xue an.

Although it is not as lively as Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu, it is not so cold after all.

The wine didn't end until everyone was drunk again, and after everyone fell asleep.

Originally, an Yan, who was drunk and smoked, looked at Xue an with bright eyes, "husband, is something wrong in the heavens?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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