Xue an smiled bitterly, "I knew I couldn't hide it from you. Yes, something really happened in the heavens."

"What makes fox night come all the way to you? And just now he looked very unnatural when talking about Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu, so what happened to the heavens? "

Xue an was silent for a moment, finally sighed, and then told the story again.

After hearing this, an Yan's expression was as solemn as iron and speechless for a long time.

"In fact, you don't have to worry too much. Fox night told me all these things. You know that guy's temper. He always likes to exaggerate, so I think..." Xue anzheng wants to say some comforting words to make an Yan less worried.

But before he finished, an Yan directly interrupted him.


"Huh?" Xue an was stunned.

At the same time, an Yan stood up and said with a serious expression.

"The heavens are experiencing such great changes, but we are unaware of them. Obviously, the situation has reached an extremely dangerous level. Moreover, Xuaner and Mengxue have disappeared. How can we delay the opportunity in such a dangerous situation, so we'd better start and return to the heavens."

Hearing an Yan's extremely firm tone, Xue an's mouth could not help but gradually raise, and then nodded heavily.

"Good! In that case, let's start at once! "

After that, Xue an didn't even delay for a moment and directly woke up the people sleeping in the small building.

When they heard that Xue an was ready to start immediately, the people's drinking disappeared in an instant.

"Well, we've just made all the preparations. It's OK to start now." Yang Jian said immediately.

As for Xiaotian, although his people are here, one heart has already flown back to the heavens, and naturally there is no objection.

After a little preparation, Xue an started the Fubao building and woke it up from the sea of knowledge.

It's a long way to return to the heavens. If Xue an is the only one, the problem is that there are others to follow. Therefore, it's the best choice to travel through this Fubao building.

Moreover, after countless times of evolution, this Fubao building is no longer the humble treasure house at the beginning, but a treasure that can be turned into defense, travel, and even kill the enemy.

And once he got on the road, his speed was only a little worse than Xue an. You know, it was an extremely shocking speed. At least Yang Jian and others were hard to beat.

Soon, everyone was ready, and then Xue an instilled the supreme cultivation into the Fubao building.


With a slight sound, the Fubao building shook slightly, slowly suspended in the air, and then trembled violently, which turned into streamer and flew straight to the sky.

But as soon as the front foot of the Fubao building left, a woman's cry came from the back foot.

"Xue an!"

Unfortunately, when her voice came out, xue'an's Fubao building had broken into the void and jumped hundreds of millions of miles away.

Yue Qinghuan covered his mouth and looked at the passing tail flame in the sky, and then burst into tears.

"Why... Why did you just leave? Didn't you think about me?"

Yue Qinghuan whispered softly, filled with infinite sadness.

After drinking the celebration banquet today, Yue Qinghuan returned to his room, but it was difficult to calm his excitement for a moment.

Tossing and turning, all that lingered in my mind was Xue an's shadow.

Yue Qinghuan had a deep love for Xue an. In addition, in this war, Xue an defeated the strong enemy with his own strength in order to save the world.

These lofty aspirations completely convinced Yue Qinghuan, but also made her deeply trapped in it and could no longer extricate herself.

Thinking of the excitement, Yue Qinghuan felt his cheeks hot and couldn't help covering himself with a quilt.

But after a moment, she fiercely opened the quilt, and then moaned helplessly.

"It's over. I'm completely occupied. What can I do! I know he already has a family, but I just can't control myself! "

The more he thought, the more distressed he was. Yue Qinghuan simply didn't sleep. He got up and gathered his hair slightly, and then walked to the window.

At the moment, the city Lord's residence has been quiet. Except for some people who are really greedy for wine, they are still gathering and considering, others have fallen asleep.

Yue Qinghuan's room is a show building where Lei Yi, Lei Di's daughter, once lived. Therefore, the geographical location is excellent. Standing upstairs, you can have a panoramic view of the whole city hall.

Just now Yue Qinghuan was very upset, so he opened the window and sat on the windowsill barefoot.

The cold wind outside the window is sharp, which is mixed with many chaotic auras. That is because the other two star domains of Yin-Yang family have collapsed, resulting in aura chaos.

But Yue Qinghuan enjoyed this feeling very much. The cool coming on her face calmed her hot body gradually.

She put her feet out of the window and swayed slowly, but her mind was thinking about today.

That Fox night, she knew that she was Xue an's good friend, but she didn't know why he came to Xue an across such a long distance.

Did something happen in the heavens?

But the heavens are repressed by rules. If the existence beyond immortal Zun level wants to enter it, it must bear great pressure.

This is the law of heaven in that time and space, which can't be changed at all.

Therefore, if there is a big boss like the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in the heavens, Yue Qinghuan will never believe it.

If it were just some common evil things, fox night wouldn't come so far to find Xue an.

After thinking for a long time, Yue Qinghuan suddenly laughed at himself.

What are you thinking here? Why don't you just come and ask what's going on?

Yes, that's it!

I just can't sleep. It's good to have tea and chat with Xue an!

Thinking of this, Yue Qinghuan jumped directly from the windowsill and walked barefoot to Xue an's room.

At this moment, her dress is the same as when she first went to the heavens. She is barefoot, plain clothes and long hair.

And this kind of state has rarely appeared since she returned to the army.

I wonder if that guy will recognize it when he sees it?

Yue Qinghuan whispered to himself, and his heart suddenly quickened for half a beat.

But just as she had just turned a corridor and was about to come to the courtyard where Xue an lived, an inexplicable palpitation suddenly surged up.

Yue Qinghuan looked up, and at the same time, his body passed through the gate and came to the courtyard.

But it was too late. The last scene she saw happened to be the final acceleration of Fubao building, so she screamed and tried to stop Xue an.

But the miracle did not happen. At this moment, the Fubao building has long gone away, even separated from the star domain and flew into the vast space.

Yue Qinghuan was left standing alone in the courtyard with tears flowing.

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