Footsteps came from behind, but Yue Qinghuan didn't even turn his head back. He just looked at the sky with dull eyes and whispered in his mouth.

"Why... Isn't it worth saying goodbye?"

Hearing these words, Yue Shifang trembled in his heart, and then couldn't help sighing.

"Well, everyone has left. It's no use saying anything now."

As soon as she said this, the two girls who followed her couldn't help staring at Yue Shifang, and said that they wanted something bad.

Sure enough.

Yue Qinghuan squatted down slowly, then buried his head in his arms, and cried bitterly.

Yue Shifang was at a loss. The cold sweat on his forehead came down at once, and then looked at the second girl with help.

The second girl sighed helplessly, then squatted down and comforted with soft words: "well, well, don't cry. He's only going back to heaven, not not not not coming back! "

"But... What if he doesn't come back?" Yue Qinghuan sobbed.

"How could it be? After he has finished his work in the heavens, he will naturally come back!" The second girl smiled.

At this time, Yue Qinghuan looked up at his brother Yue Shifang, "did you know he was going back to heaven?"

Yue Shifang nodded, "he did mention to me..."

The second girl abruptly interrupted her later words before she finished. She secretly kicked Yue Shifang and winked at him.

Yue Shifang knew that he was wrong again, so he immediately closed his mouth.

But it was too late. After hearing Yue Shifang's words, Yue Qinghuan couldn't help crying louder.

"Why don't you all know and tell me? Does he not like me at all? "

Yue Shifang felt that his head was swollen and he had no control.

What he fears most in his life is that women cry, especially his sister.

It feels terrible.

The second girl seemed to notice his helplessness. She couldn't help shaking her head at him, then pointed to him in the distance, motioned him to stay away from here, and said something about smashing the pot at the critical moment.

Yue Shifang ran away as if he had been pardoned.

After he left, the two girls said to Yue Qinghuan, who was crying bitterly, "well, don't cry. In fact, I don't think it's as bad as you think. On the contrary, it should still be a good thing."

"Good thing?" Yue Qinghuan raised his head, took a small nose that was already crying red, and choked: "what... What good thing?"

The second girl smiled, "what you are struggling with is why everyone knows that Xue an is about to leave, but don't you know?"

Yue Qinghuan nodded, his eyes dim and said, "yes, why doesn't he even say goodbye to me? Am I such an insignificant person in his eyes? "

"You're wrong, which just proves that you're important."

"Why?" Yue Qinghuan was more and more confused.

"It's very simple. First think about how you get along with him?"

Yue Qinghuan tilted his head for a long time and finally said, "it's very harmonious!"

"Have there ever been contradictions?"


"Still, since there is no contradiction between you two, why did he leave without saying goodbye? This can only show that there is a ghost in his heart! "

Yue Qinghuan's Lavender jewel like eyes gradually widened and whispered, "there's a ghost in my heart?"

"Yes, if he is a normal friend, he will never even say goodbye, so there is only one explanation for your situation now, that is, he dare not see you!"

"He's afraid he can't control his feelings. After all, he also has a family, so he can only choose not to see you!"

"Now... You see!"

After that, the two girls looked at Yue Qinghuan with bright eyes.

After listening to the logical reasoning, Yue Qinghuan's eyes lit up gradually.

"Yes! Since he had no ghost in his heart, why didn't he dare to see me? "

Then Yue Qinghuan shed tears again, but this time he cried with joy.

Then she looked at the two girls with great sincerity.

"Thank you, sister-in-law. I understand now!"

"Just understand!" The second girl smiled

But before she could say anything more, Yue Qinghuan got up, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and took a deep look at the distant sky.

"Well, sister-in-law, it's getting late. I'll go back to bed!"

Then she strode away.

Looking at the figure of her leaving, the two girls breathed a sigh.

Anyway, at the moment, this one has been fooled.

At the same time, Yue Shifang came forward and said in a very surprised tone.

"What you just said is true?"


"That's what you said. Xue an didn't dare to see Qinghuan because he had a ghost in his heart!"

But I didn't expect the two girls to shrug, "I don't know if it's true, but I was blessed at that time. I suddenly thought of this, so I said it smoothly!"

Yue Shifang's boss, with his mouth open, hesitated for a moment before he said, "so you're lying to her?"

"It's not a lie, just to make her less desperate! After all, the easiest thing for women is to be confused by this illusory happiness. "

"And don't you think it really reveals something strange?"

After that, the two girls also turned and left, leaving Yue Shifang stunned and standing in place. After thinking for a long time, she whispered to herself.

"Lying in the trough, shouldn't Xue an really have an idea about my sister?"

At the same time, in the Fubao building that has flown away from several star regions.

Anyan suddenly thought of something and asked, "husband, who knows what you're leaving?"

"Yue Shifang, Shen Muyu and others! What's the matter? "

An Yan sighed, "nothing, just Qinghuan girl. Didn't you say it?"

Xue an woke up like a dream and patted his forehead. "I wiped it. There were too many things at that time. I forgot! Forget it, wait until you come back next time! "

An Yan shook his head and smiled, but he didn't say anything again.

The storm has passed, and many people don't even know Xue an's departure.

But when Yue Qinghuan returned to xiulou and Yue Shifang also returned to his residence, he was on the dark sky.

Yang Qin, a descendant of the Yang Zhu school with amber eyes, couldn't help laughing.

"I have to say, your brother's sister is really a lover!"

There were ripples in the nearby void, and then a cold voice came from it.

"Don't make up your mind about her, or I won't let you go without Yue Shifang!"

Yang bird laughed, "don't worry, I have no interest in this stupid woman with love brain.", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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