There was a silence in the dark, and then a figure gradually appeared. With white hair, red lips and beautiful face, Yue Guannan disappeared for a long time.

But at the moment, her originally dark hair has turned white, swinging with the wind, giving people a particularly sad feeling.

Seeing this scene, a meaningful smile appeared at the corners of Yang bird's mouth.

"Seriously, I really don't understand why you should protect Yue Qinghuan. After all, the love she enjoys now should have been yours!"

Yue Guannan gazed deeply at the direction where Yue Shifang was going, and his eyes were sad.

Until she heard Yang Qin's words, she frowned slightly, and then said in a cold voice without looking back.

"I advise you to put away all the tricks of provoking discord for fear of chaos in the world. I won't eat your Yang Zhu school."

Yang Qin smiled and shrugged, "whatever you think, I'm just kind enough to remind you, and can you really put it down?"

Yue Guannan looked back and glanced at Yang bird coldly.

"It doesn't seem to matter to you whether I can let go, and I'm just a cooperative relationship based on interests with you, so I hope you'd better straighten out your attitude."

Facing Yue Guannan's threat, the Yang bird smiled.

"Why so refuse people thousands of miles away? Anyway, you and the people you love are doomed not to be together, so I haven't thought about it..."

Before the last word can't be said, it was interrupted by a silver needle that suddenly appeared in the throat of the neck.

Yue Guannan said coldly, "if you dare say one more word, your life will no longer belong to you!"

Even in the face of the threat of death, Yang bird is still unafraid.

As the lineage of Yang Zhu school, he may also be the only successor. This fearless character has long been deeply written into his blood.

Yang bird licked his lips, and a strange flame rose in the amber single eye.

"Are you angry because what I say is right at your weakness?"


With a soft sound, the silver needle stabbed down without hesitation.

Yang Qin didn't even hide. He just looked at Yue Guannan coldly and stabbed a silver needle into his throat.

The blood dripped, but the crazy color on Yang bird's face became more and more intense.


The silver needle suddenly disappeared, and then Yue Guannan turned and left without hesitation.

When she left, Yang bird gently dipped in the blood flowing between her neck, reached out to her mouth and licked it gently, and then smiled ferociously.

"Interesting, the more you are like this, the more interested I am in you!"

After that, Yang bird also disappeared into the air.

When both men disappeared, calm returned to the sky.

But after a while, another ripple appeared, and then a big cat with fat body, shiny fur and eyes like emeralds appeared in the field.

It was the civet cat that suddenly disappeared for a long time.

I saw it hovering in the air for two times, and then muttered to itself.

"The master sent uncle cat. I secretly followed the second young lady and protected her, but I didn't expect that the second young lady was mixed with the heirs of the Yang Zhu school. No, I must inform the master of this matter as soon as possible!"

With that, it jumped up, then melted into the darkness and disappeared.

A moment later, Yue Shiyi, who was sitting quietly in his room, looked up.

"You say Guannan is mixed with the descendants of the Yang Zhu school?"

"Yes, master!" The civet cat circled in the air, then fell on Yue Shifang's knee and stretched comfortably.

"But look at what the second lady means. It seems that she doesn't catch a cold with this Yang bird."

Yue Shifang pondered for a moment, then sighed, "forget it, Guannan should be measured. As long as she is safe, I don't care about the rest."

The civet cat was inspired. "Do you mean I don't have to follow the second lady anymore?"

Yue Shifang shook his head. "Of course not. Your task continues, but you don't have to report it to me again."

"Oh!" The civet cat answered with great disappointment.

Yue Shifang smiled, then stretched out his hand and gently touched its head.

"All right. I know that you have been wronged during this period of time, and I will give you a compensation at that time. "

The civet cat made a snoring sound in its throat and obviously enjoyed Yue Shifang's touch.

"Master, I'm not bored. I just think it's really boring to follow the second girl all day. If you're really worried about her, why don't you just pick her up?"

Yue Shifang sighed, "what you don't understand..."

This little storm has passed, and most people don't even know what happened.

At the same time, Xue an was on his way.

Under the blessing of his powerful cultivation, Fubao small building broke out at an unprecedented amazing speed.

In just a few days, they crossed the territory that ordinary saints spend more than half a month to cross, and came before the boundary between heaven and the heavens outside the sky.

At this moment, xue'an naturally doesn't have to rely on the power of the shadow turtle family to cross this dark sea.

I saw him driving the Fubao building in front of the dark sea for a moment. After a little rest, he resolutely put himself into the endless darkness.

The dark sea was full of waves, which seemed to devour the Fubao building completely.

But as soon as they rushed forward, they were shaken back by an invisible force, and then turned into complete nothingness.

In this way, Fubao small building is rapidly advancing in this dark sea with the potential of destroying the withered and decaying.


After another half day's running, the darkness in front of us began to thin, a little star light loomed in the distance, and a trace of familiar feeling appeared in everyone's mind.

"The heavens are coming soon. Everybody get ready." Xue an said in a deep voice.

Everyone was awestruck.

Even the roaring sky of returning home like an arrow all the way, it is inevitable to feel a bit of homesickness at the moment.

At this time, the Fubao small building was suddenly shocked, and then it suddenly opened up as if it had crossed an invisible obstacle.

Countless bright stars shine through the window, which makes everyone who has been suppressed for a long time in the dark breathe.

But at the same time, xue'an's breath suddenly stagnated, and then quickly weakened.

The breath of Jiutian Xuannv was also weak.

As for others, they were hardly affected.

"It is the suppression of the law of heaven! This world really does not allow the existence of the realm of saints! " Nine days Xuan Nu sighed.

Xue an looked calm, just looked at the bright starry sky outside the window, and then said in a deep voice.

"Go, go back to earth first!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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