"I don't know." The girl shook her head, but her eyes were colorful.

"But the strength you just showed is really terrible. You can directly control those people in black and retreat from them. What kind of ability is this? Can you teach me? "

Xue an smiled. "It seems that you have been asking us questions since the beginning. Can I ask you first?"

Without hesitation, the girl nodded directly and said, "OK, ask!"

"What's your name and who's your teacher?"

"My name is Si Qingqing. As for my teacher..."

The girl pondered a little, and then slowly said an answer that surprised everyone.

"In fact, I don't have a teacher at all. All these words I said were told by my brother!"

"Oh? Who is your brother? "

"My brother's name is feibai."


Fox night and AO Shu and others looked at each other, and their faces were full of doubts.

Because they haven't heard the name at all.

On the contrary, Xue an was stunned and smiled meaningfully.

"Feibai... I didn't expect it to be him!"

"What? Do you know my brother? " Si Qingqing was surprised.

"Of course I do. Is your brother good at using sword?"

"Yes, my brother can use a sword very well." Si Qingqing nodded repeatedly, "since you know my brother, what's your name?"

"We..." Xue an sighed, "my name is Xue an."

"Xue an..." Si Qingqing repeated it hesitantly, then shook his head, "I haven't heard my brother mention this name!"

"Of course you haven't heard of it, because although I know your brother, your brother doesn't necessarily know me."

Si Qingqing became more and more confused.

What means he knows his brother, but his brother doesn't necessarily know him?

Has he heard of his brother?


Maybe so.

Si Qingqing was thinking to himself. Xue an said in a deep voice, "where is your brother now? Can you lead us to meet him?"


"Don't worry, we are not bad people. At least in a way, we have the same purpose as you and your brother." Xue an said faintly.

Looking at her calm face, but her eyes were full of sincere Xue an, Si Qingqing hesitated slightly, and then nodded.

"Well, since you just dared to resist the people in black in the Federal Evidence office and rescued me, it proves that you are not a bad person. I believe my brother will be very happy to see you."

Then she turned and looked out of the window, "can this strange object fly?"

"Of course!"

"Well, I'll control it next."

Xue an transferred part of the control of Fubao building to Si Qingqing.

She first identified the direction and the position at the moment, and then drove the Fubao building towards a certain direction of the starry sky.

While she was concentrating on driving, fox night approached Xue an and asked in a puzzled whisper.

"Lao Xue, who is this feibai? Why are you surprised when you hear the name, and then you have to see him? "

"Yes, brother an, do you really know this feibai?"

Xue an smiled, "of course, I know. I not only know him, but also he used to be a member of the fire phoenix special forces!"

"A member of the fire phoenix?" Fox night was stunned.

Of course he knew what the fire phoenix meant to Xue an.

That was his absolute team, full of loyal subordinates.

Unfortunately, after a night of great changes, in this tampered world, although the fire phoenix still exists, it has become the private security force of Hongyu villa.

Fox night had also been to this army and met Cheng Hao and others, but they all don't remember Xue an.

At this time, an Yan suddenly said, "husband, the flying white you said was the man you saved in the secret territory of Kunlun?"

Xue an nodded, "yes, it's him!"

The origin of this flying white can be traced back to the time when Xue An Gang was just reborn. At that time, the secret place of Kunlun was born. Xue an went deep alone and met many people.

One of them is feibai. At that time, he was the true legend of Yujian mountain villa in the secret territory of Kunlun. He was very powerful and good at kendo.

But what Xue an is best at is to treat all kinds of disobedience. Therefore, this peerless genius in Kunlun secret place began to doubt life.

However, Xue an didn't kill him because feibai was not bad and was extremely obsessed with kendo.

It was a pity to kill such a man directly, so Xue an left him.

Feibai is not a fool. Naturally, he sees Xue an's strength. It's ridiculous that Yujian mountain villa wants to fight Xue an beyond its capacity, so he is soon taught to be a man.

Then feibai made an amazing decision, resolutely took refuge in Xue an, joined the fire phoenix special force and became one of them.

For him, this may be a major decision enough to affect his life, but he did not hesitate. Moreover, he made it clear that to rebuild the glory of Yujian villa, he must first become a strong man.

That's why he made the decision.

Therefore, Xue Ancai was quite impressed by this man.

However, after leaving the secret territory of Kunlun, the strength of the fire phoenix special forces grew day by day. Last week, Daniel, Cheng Hao and others' talents were excavated by Xue an, which became more and more dazzling.

In contrast, feibai seems ordinary, so he hardly appeared in the later stage, and has always existed silently as a background.

But this does not mean that Xue an has forgotten him, especially when she heard that the girl named Si Qingqing said that the person who taught her to think independently was him, Xue an was more curious about him.

Did he notice something when he could have this idea? And since the fire phoenix special forces still exist, how did he get out?

With these questions in mind, Xue an is ready to go and find out.

At this time, Fubao Xiaolou had crossed many star regions and came to a rather prosperous galaxy.

Along the way, through Si Qingqing's narration, Xue an probably knows some context of the world.

It turns out that in this tampered world, since the so-called evil god war, the development of the earth has embarked on the fast lane.

With the help of the technology left by the "Protoss", human beings on earth quickly mastered the technology of interstellar navigation and began to expand wildly.

Now it is too far to say that at least half of the Milky way has been covered with human footprints on earth.

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