Some of the habitable planets have been transformed into colonies, and many people who can't get along with the earth have gone to these planets to look for opportunities.

Fox night never mentioned these things before, because after the sudden change that night, he devoted almost all his energy to finding the whereabouts of the missing people. How can he have time to understand the so-called history of the world.

But Xue an listened with interest and raised some detailed questions from time to time.

For example, what are the technologies left by the protoss.

In this regard, Si Qingqing can only shake his head reluctantly, "how can I know those? It is said that these remaining technologies are in the hands of the federal securities office, but they are tightly blocked by them, and outsiders don't know at all. "

Hearing this, Xue an couldn't help asking.

"What kind of grudges do you have with the Federal Reserve? Why oppose them? "

"I can't talk about gratitude and resentment, but my brother doesn't like what these people do! The rebels have a deep blood feud with the federal government. " Si Qingqing said.

Just then, a huge planet appeared outside the window of Fubao building. The whole planet was earthy yellow, but occasionally mixed with a little green.

"This is the planet we live on. In the archives of the federal Certificate Office, this is a junk Planet Code 676 with very low development value, but we like to call it rhubarb!"

Fox night asked a stupid question, "why do you call it rhubarb?"

Si Qingqing rolled his eyes. "Don't you find that the planet is all yellow?"

After that, Si Qingqing said to Xue an, "don't make so much publicity when you go with me to see my brother later. You'd better have two or three people, otherwise it's easy to attract other people's attention."

Xue an nodded and immediately waved his hand. The Fubao building and the people disappeared in an instant.

He is the only one left in space, fox night and Si Qingqing.

Si Qingqing opened his mouth slightly and immediately shook his head, "well, I admit you are really good. Come with me. "

With that, Si Qingqing turned and flew to the planet.

Xue an and Hu Ye followed behind.

During the flight, fox night couldn't help whispering: "Lao Xue, I still don't quite understand what you're doing here. Now all the spearheads are aimed at the federal Certificate Office of Laoshi. Can't we just go to the door?"

"And then?" Xue an said without looking back.

"What then?"

"What happens when we find the Federal Evidence office? What's next? Kill everyone? "

"This..." Fox night was asked.

"Remember, the first thing we need to solve when we come back this time is how to restore the tampered world to its original appearance. Now we don't even know what exists and what means we do. In this case, what's the effect of killing?"

Fox night was speechless.

He did think so before. He thought that with the strength of himself and Xue an, since he knew that there was a problem with the so-called Federal Evidence office, he would kill the door directly.

It was not until he heard Xue an's words that he deeply realized how complicated and difficult it was.

At the same time, they flew into the planet's atmosphere and landed in a small town.

As you can see from space, what you can see on this planet is basically one color, that is yellow.

The ground is yellow sand, and the sky is faint yellow blown by the strong wind.

Even the buildings in this small town have been eroded into earthy yellow by wind and sand.

When they landed, the land was still windy, but it did not prevent the people in the town from having fun.

Several drunkards even drank too much and fell asleep in the street as if there were no one else.

When Si Qingqing led Xue an and Hu ye into the town, there were many greetings immediately.

"Qingqing is back!"

"Qingqing is really becoming more and more beautiful!"

"Xiaoqingqing, come and talk to grandpa!"

"Go, you bad old man, drool when you see other people's little girls. Get out of here quickly!"

In the laughter of greetings, Si Qingqing also smiled and responded one by one.

"Well, I'm back!"

"Thank you, second uncle. I also think the longer I grow, the more beautiful I am."

"Grandma Hao, you really should take care of Grandpa three. I saw him talking to a beautiful young girl for a long time two days ago!"

With that, Si Qingqing walked across the street with a smile, leaving a burst of chicken flying and dog jumping behind.

In particular, the roar of grandma Hao was deafening.

In this case, Si Qingqing led Xue an and Hu Ye around two corners and finally came to a dilapidated building.

But after standing in front of the door, Si Qingqing's face suddenly changed, "no!"

After that, she rushed into the room regardless of everything.

Fox night was a little stunned, "what's the matter with her?"

Xue an said faintly, "smell what's in the air!"

After that, xue'an walked towards the building.

Fox night opened his smell, and then his face became very dignified in an instant.

Because he smelled a strong smell of blood.

You know, as a fox, he has a very sensitive sense of smell, and even sometimes it has become a trouble, so he often turns off his sense of smell.

Now, the blood smell he smelled seemed to be on the battlefield with many bones, almost disgusting.

What's going on?

Is it possible that countless dead souls can be buried in this dilapidated building?

Fox night also hurried into the building, and then even the well-informed him couldn't help but be moved by it.

Although it is only one door apart, there are two worlds inside and outside.

Outside is a faint yellow that blocks out the sun, but inside is a shocking bright red.

There was blood everywhere, and even the land under my feet was soaked with blood.

"This... What's going on?" The fox asked in surprise at night.

At the same time, Si Qingqing ran upstairs like crazy. They followed him. When they came to the second floor, they saw a mess here.

There were deep sword marks everywhere on the floor. It was obvious that someone had a fierce fight here.

Si Qingqing leaned powerlessly against the door and wall. His face was as white as paper, and he whispered to himself.

"It's over!"

"What's over?" Fox night asked anxiously.

"My brother is dead!" Speaking of this, Si Qingqing began to cry.

The cry was terrible.

Fox night was upset by crying and was trying to dissuade him, but at this time, Xue an made a silent gesture to him, and then pointed out the building with her hand.

Fox night immediately felt something, and then nodded gently., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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