At the same time, with this small building as the center, a large number of people suddenly appeared on the streets within a radius of 500 meters.

All of them, without exception, were wearing uniform, holding sharp blades, looking cold and silent.

A breathtaking murderous spirit gathered together over their heads, just like a black cloud, which made people breathless.

For a moment, the originally noisy town became silent.

All the residents who saw this scene looked frightened, and then hurried into the room. They didn't even dare to breathe for fear of attracting the attention of the mob again.

However, some people are full of worries. For example, the people who just greeted Si Qingqing hide in the room, but their faces look very sad.

"It's bad. They must have come running for Qingqing. What can we do? Where's her brother?" the mother-in-law Hao whispered in panic.

"I haven't seen the feibai boy since yesterday. Who knows where he has gone!" her old man looked angry.

"If this falls into the hands of the people in the drunken dance bar, Qingqing will really live rather than die!" said Grandma Hao very sad.

"Alas, it's a pity that Qingqing is such a good girl! The people in the drunken dance bar deceive people too much!" the old man said angrily.

Mother Hao was so frightened that she quickly covered his mouth and whispered, "don't you want your life? How dare you talk about the people in the drunken bar behind your back? If they hear this, they won't take your old bone apart?"

The old man was still angry. "But I just can't swallow it. Such a good girl will fall into the clutches of the devil. If I were young, I would fight with these sons of bitches!"

Grandma Hao sighed, "come on, stop bragging. I don't know you? I blame feibai for offending the drunken bar! Young man, he was too impulsive to do things. As a result, he didn't say anything. Even his sister got in!"

The old couple hid in the room and whispered, but they didn't know that what they said was heard by the strong man walking outside.

This is a bald man with a height of 2.56 meters. He has muscles all over his body. He tightens his black dress tightly. From the cuffs and neck, you can see that evil tattoos spread all over his whole body.

In a word, this is a thug who can make people shudder just by his appearance.

When he heard the conversation between the old couple in the room, he couldn't help grinning and grinning.

"After catching the little girl later, remember to hang up the two old guys in this room and burn them!"

"Yes!" immediately a man answered.

After understating the tragic fate of the old couple, the strong man turned his eyes to the dilapidated building and slowly showed a vicious color on his face.

"The little girl looks good. Unfortunately, the boss said he would take her back and play with her in front of her brother, so be careful when you do it later. Don't kill her!"

The gang nodded silently.

"Jie Jie, it's your brother's fault. He dared to offend our drunken dance bar and kill so many of our boss's men!"

Then the strong man pointed forward.

These men rushed towards the building like hungry wolves.

The strong man stood behind and looked at, his face full of complacency.

Among other things, his men alone were enough to kill the town three times.

What's more, the only thing to deal with this time is a suckling yellow haired girl, and there is no pressure.

Although her brother was so powerful that he almost killed all the black snake people, it was because the black snake guy was too stupid.

I'm not like him, but I have a brain!

For example, in this mission, as long as you successfully catch this si Qingqing, you can make another contribution in front of the boss. At that time, the black snake boy's face must be wonderful.

After all, he lost so many men, but he made wedding clothes for himself.

Thinking of this, the strong man couldn't wait to laugh three times. Then he stood in place confidently, waiting for his men to break through the small building and catch Si Qingqing, so that he could go back to work.

But just when he was satisfied, something happened suddenly.

His men rushed to the small building, but before they could start, they heard a faint sound in the air,

As soon as the sound came out, these men trembled, and then fell to the ground as if all their muscles and bones had been pulled out.

Then he saw a trace of crimson slowly seeping from the throat of these people, and they died so crisp.

It took only a few seconds for them to rush forward and die.

The smile on the strong man's face stagnated, and then his eyelids jumped wildly, and his muscles tightened in an instant. It was obvious that he felt a great crisis.

The key is that he didn't feel any abnormality in the small building from beginning to end. Even when the slight sound came, he didn't feel any breath fluctuation.

It was like a breeze blowing, and then his men fell down like autumn leaves and turned into dead bodies.

Such unimaginable means made him shudder at the cruelty.

"What... Who?" the strong man roared, and was ready to retreat.

Although the boss's task is very important, it is no more important than his own life.

What's more, he cut off all his men face to face. The other party is obviously strong and terrible.

To be on the safe side, the strong man decided to return first.

As for the so-called reputation... He doesn't care about that at all.

But when he was ready to retreat quietly, there was a sudden tingling in his back neck.

What's going on?

Why does it suddenly itch so much?

In doubt, he turned his head and saw a scene that he would never forget.

I saw a man standing on the roof of a building not far away.

The man was lazy and stood there, looking at him with a smile.

But this is not the main thing. The most important thing is that there are nine furry tails flying behind the man.

When I looked at him, one of the tails just pulled back from behind me. Obviously, the itching I just felt came from it.

The strong man's heart was cold.

Fortunately, he just scratched. If the man wanted his life just now, he probably didn't even know it. He would be finished at that time., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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