"You... Who the hell are you?" the strong man roared, stepping up and retreating back.

Fox night shook his head, sighed and said, "I advise you not to step back, otherwise if you fall into his hands, you really can't survive or die!"

Where the strong man is willing to listen to Fox night's words, he only thinks that he is deceiving himself with empty words, so the speed of retreating increases instead of decreasing.

Just then, Si Qingqing came out of the house.

At the sight of her, the strong man's eyes lit up.

To be sure, this strange man with a tail has a close relationship with Si Qingqing.

It is estimated that his men died in the hands of this man just now.

And if you want to live now, the only hope is to control this siqingqing.

In this way, the man with a tail must be wary of rats and dare not do anything to himself.

And if you operate properly, you may be able to catch Si Qingqing directly.

Isn't this killing two birds with one stone?

At this point, the strong man couldn't help laughing, and then rushed towards Si Qingqing like a hungry tiger.

In the process of attacking, the strong man took a look at the fox night in the distance with the rest of his eyes, for fear that he would make any more moves.

It was found that Fox night stood in place without any intention of doing anything. Not only that, he seemed to have a cold smile on his mouth.

It's like watching a stupid monster jump into a trap.

The discovery cooled the strong man's heart and surprised him. He even turned a direction in the air and tried to escape.

But just as his posture was adjusted in place, an invisible threat came.

The strong man didn't even hum. He fell heavily to the ground and hit a big hole in the ground.

Between the smoke and dust, the strong man lay on the ground bleeding from his mouth and nose. He wanted to struggle, but he couldn't move a finger. He could only watch a figure come out of the smoke and slowly come to him.

After seeing the visitor's face, the pupil of the strong man contracted instantly, and an infinite look of panic appeared on his face.

It's not how ferocious people are.

On the contrary, it was a young man in white, with a beautiful face and gentle manners.

But it is such a graceful young man who makes a strong man feel great fear like falling into the ice.

All because of the young man's eyes.

What a pair of eyes.

Just like the gods who see through everything and look down on everything in the world, they are judging all sins.

In front of these eyes, the strong man felt his infinitely small and humble.

He had no doubt that if he had a slight change, the boy would definitely kill himself without hesitation, just like running over a bedbug.

So he didn't dare to move at all. He could only lie on the yellow sand and look at Xue an.

At this time, fox night also arrived and bared his teeth at the strong man.

"What did I just say? I told you not to run. You just didn't listen. What's going on now? You know it's powerful!"

The strong man was almost ready to cry without tears. He didn't know that things would suddenly become like this.

If you knew, kill him, he wouldn't come to this town to catch Si Qingqing.

At this time, Si Qingqing first checked the people who fell to the ground and died, and then rushed to the strong man in a murderous manner and shouted.

"Drunken dance bar, it's really you people. Say! Did you catch my brother?"

The strong man was silent.

"Well, you don't say it!"

The silence of the strong man made Si Qingqing furious. She raised her foot and stepped down heavily.

Although Si Qingqing's strength is not very good, now the strong man's blood is blocked and has no resistance at all. Therefore, this foot still hurt him.

Even so, the strong man did not say a word.

"Well, it seems that you drunken bar people are really backbone. I'll help you today!"

Si Qingqing was almost mad. Her brother's sudden disappearance, coupled with the blood everywhere in the small building, made her have a very bad premonition, so the silence of the strong man made her furious.

Dong Dong!

Another few feet fell, and the strong man's teeth broke in response to the sound. At the same time, his mouth and nose sprayed blood out.

But even so, the strong man still didn't even hum.

Si Qingqing still wanted to do it. At this time, fox night stopped her.

"Wait a minute, I think you'd better not fight again!"


"Because it seems that this guy can't speak now!"

Sure enough.

When I looked carefully, I found that the strong man was silent because he was frightened by Xue an's coercion, so he couldn't speak at all.

When he heard what fox night said, the strong man burst into tears, and his tears almost didn't fall.

From Si Qingqing's first question, he shouted madly in his heart.

I want to say!

I want to say everything!

But the key is that you can't open your mouth at all!

That's why I was beaten and silent just now.

When fox night finished, Si Qingqing looked at Xue an.

Xue an shrugged, "sorry, I just forgot this!"

With that, the threat was removed.

The strong man just regained some control over his body, and then he screamed with tears.

"I said, I said, as long as you don't kill me, I'm willing to say anything!"

That humble appearance, how embarrassed it is.

But Si Qingqing didn't care much about this. She squatted down and grabbed the clothes on the strong man's chest. Although the proportion was very uncoordinated, it didn't hinder the fierce murderous spirit of Si Qingqing.

"Tell me, did my brother get caught by your people?"

"Yes!" the strong man nodded like mashing garlic, and then didn't forget to add.

"It was caught by the black snake!"

"Then who are you?"

"I'm the security supervisor of the drunken dance bar. My name is purple scorpion!"

Then, through the story of the purple scorpion, the three understood what was going on.

This drunken bar is one of the most frightening forces within thousands of miles.

Although it is called a bar, it has actually controlled all the economic lifelines of a city.

The background of its backstage boss is even more unfathomable.

There are even rumors that he is linked to the top of the federal securities office.

Because of this, the people in the drunken dance bar are extremely arrogant and domineering, robbing men and women.

Feibai had a conflict with the drunken bar because of this before.

Therefore, the drunken dance bar included feibai in the list that must be removed. Until this sudden disaster, it finally succeeded in capturing him after paying a painful price.

"In other words, my brother is not dead yet, but you caught him in the drunken bar?"

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